# Releasing a new version to the Maven
The release script can be run locally to publish a new Maxell version to Maven, as long as you have everything set up.
## Prerequisites
Have the following installed and setup on your local machine:
- java 8
- ruby (The same Ruby version as this poject)
- bundler
- [Maven](https://github.com/rajivkanaujia/alphaworks/wiki/Installing-Maven)
- `brew install maven`
- [MKDocs](https://www.mkdocs.org)
- [gpg](#setup-gpg)
### Setup GPG
To install GPG, run the following in terminal
`brew install gpg`
Then generate gpg key:
gpg --full-generate-key
- if you set a passphrase for your gpg key then you will need to remember it and put it into the `~/.m2/settings.xml` below.
- when the prompt appears choose the following:
- key type: accept Default
- key size: accept Default
- key expiry: 2 years
## Setup Credentials
- [OSSRH Credentials](#setup-ossrh-credentials)
- [Github Token](#setup-github-token)
### Setup OSSRH Credentials
Set the ossrh credentials for the opensource maven repo in the `settings.xml` file. Ask Goanna for credentials if you don't have it.
Example: `~/.m2/settings.xml`
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
### Setup Github Token
Create Github token and put it into the `~/.netrc` file.
Ensure you have write access to this file:
chmod 0600 ~/.netrc
Example: `~/.netrc file`
machine api.github.com
login github-username
password github-token
### Setup GPG
If you have a passphrase on your gpg keys, put the following into your ~/.profile so that the gpg-agent knows the right tty to use.
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
Run the following command to list your gpg keys
gpg --list-keys
run the following to send your public gpg key to the server.
This will take a little time to replicate, so maybe go grab a snack.
gpg --send-key <public-gpg-key>
## Releasing a version
To release a new version simply cd into the build folder and run the release script. This script will automatically bump up the version, tag and release to maven.
cd ./build
bundle exec ./release <the-new-version-number>
Note: this script is not idempotent so if any errors occure, you will need to run each step manually. The release script takes the step as an option.
bundle exec ./release <the-new-version-number> <build | tag | release | changelog | docs | nexus>
Check the Maven Repo to see if it all worked!