computer access. Most Internet protocols currently in use employ plaintext passwords for authentication,
and it has b een recommended that they be replaced with more secure alternatives if it can b e done transpar-
ently [8]; a secure direct authentication proto col ts p erfectly into suchanarchitecture without introducing
signicant user-visible overhead. Even in situations where some form of security infrastructure already exists,
a strong password system adds a strong independent factor to the authentication mechanism that adds to
the overall strength of the system. This includes
systems that employ a password plus either a
hand-carried or biometric device. Reference [9] contains an excellent treatment of these issues, and [1] also
lists additional applications for secure direct authentication protocols.
Section 2 briey reviews existing authentication protocols and explains b oth their strengths and their
Section 3 discusses the new authentication proto col in mathematical terms, suggests possible implemen-
tations, and explains the rationale behind its design.
Section 4 analyzes the security of the new proto col, proves its security against eavesdroppers by reducing
it to existing hard mathematical problems, and discusses necessary conditions and restrictions.
Section 5 addresses performance and implementation issues.
2 Terminology and background
Throughout this pap er, the terms
will be used to denote the
parties in a
direct authentication proto col. Unless stated otherwise, the client is assumed to b e a human user who, like
typical computer users, can only remember relatively short passwords [7,13]. Although a user may employ
a piece of software to negotiate the authentication proto col in practice, this does not aect our denition
of the client, since wehave already stipulated that said client software cannot remember long-term keys on
behalf of the user.
The terms
correspond to conventional private and public keys, diering in only
two asp ects: Unliketypical private keys, the password has limited entropy, constrained by the memory of
the user. A verier has similar mathematical prop erties to a public key, since it is easily computed from
the password, yet deriving the password from the verier is computationally infeasible. Instead of being a
publicly-known quantity, however, the verier is kept secret by the server. An authentication mechanism
that requires the server to store a copy of the user's password or private key is known as a
mechanism, while one that only requires a verier to be stored will b e called a
Verier-based protocols have a signicant advantage over ones that are plaintext-equivalent. A system
that uses plaintext-equivalent authentication becomes instantly compromised once the password database
is revealed, since every user's password is stored there. A database of veriers, on the other hand, can be
protected just as easily and eectively as a database of plaintext-equivalent passwords, except that failure
of said protection is not as catastrophic if only veriers are compromised.
While any reasonably secure authentication protocol is expected not to leak any information ab out the
password to eavesdropp ers, proto cols classied as
zero-know ledge
do not even leak any information about the
password to the legitimate host (except the fact that the party at the other end really do es know it). This
subset of verier-based protocols is strong indeed, since the host never stores plaintext-equivalent information
and is never given any such information during the course of authentication. This reduces the damage that
Tro jan horses
can inict, and it enables the authentication system to retain some degree of securityeven
in the case of complete host compromise.
2.1 Older authentication techniques
In the simplest of all password authentication protocols, Carol (the user or client) sends Steve (the host or
server) her username and her plaintext password, and Steveveries the password, either by comparing it
One huge b enet here is that passwords shared b etween dierent systems are not compromised if an attacker installs a
Tro jan horse on one of the systems. The Secure Remote Password proto col is one of the rst authentication mechanisms that
solves this problem.