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采用e200z6核的PowerPC芯片汇编指令,比较简略,可用于指令的速查。 此指令集仅适用于e200z6核,其它核的PowerPC指令略有差异。

Freescale Semiconductor
© Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2006. All rights reserved.
This errata describes corrections to the e200z6 PowerPC™ Core Reference Manual, Revision 0. For
convenience, the section number and page number of the errata item in the reference manual are provided.
Items in bold are new since the last revision of this document.
To locate any published updates for this document, visit our website listed on the back cover of this
Section, Page No. Changes
2.3.1, 2-8 Add the following to the description of MSR[EE]:
“If MSR[EE] = 0 and a transfer error occurs, a DSI or ISI is taken rather than a
machine check or checkstop, as defined by the PowerPC architecture. For more
information see the note in Section 5.6.2, “Machine Check Interrupt (IVOR1),”.
This does not affect the e200z6 with VLE.”
1. Which is provided in an erratum below.
Document Number: e200z6RMAD
Rev. 0.2, 10/2006
Errata to the
e200z6 PowerPC™ Core
Reference Manual, Rev. 0

Errata to the e200z6 PowerPC™ Core Reference Manual, Rev. 0
2 Freescale Semiconductor, 2-26 Machine Check Syndrome Register (MCSR) bits 59 and 60 are incorrectly shown
to be reserved. Replace Figure 2-21 and Table 2-14 with the following:
32 33 34 35 36 37 58 59 60 61 62 63
Reset All zeros
Figure 2-21. Machine Check Syndrome Register (MCSR)
Table 2-14. MCSR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description Recoverable
32 MCP Machine check input signal Maybe
33 — Reserved, should be cleared. —
34 CP_PERR Cache push parity error Unlikely
35 CPERR Cache parity error Precise
36 EXCP_ERR ISI, ITLB, or bus error on first instruction fetch for an exception handler Precise
37–58 — Reserved, should be cleared. —
59 BUS_IRERR Read bus error on Instruction fetch Unlikely
60 BUS_DRERR Read bus error on data load Unlikely
61 BUS_WRERR Write bus error on buffered store or cache line push Unlikely
62–63 — Reserved, should be cleared. —

Errata to the e200z6 PowerPC™ Core Reference Manual, Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor 3
2.13.1, 2-55 Add WAM bit 42 to the L1 Cache Control and Status Register 0 (L1CSR0).
Replace Figure 2-40 and Table 2-26 with the following:
Way Partitioning APU Bits
32 35 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
Reset All zeros
Line Locking APU Bits
48 52 53 54 55 56 60 61 62 63
Reset All zeros
SPR SPR 1010
Figure 2-40. L1 Cache Control and Status Register 0 (L1CSR0)
Table 2-26. L1CSR0 Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
32–35 WID Way instruction disable. WID and WDD are used for locking ways of the cache and determining the cache
replacement policy.
0 The corresponding way is available for replacement by instruction miss line fills.
1 The corresponding way is not available for replacement by instruction miss line fills.
Bit 0 corresponds to way 0, bit 1 corresponds to way 1, bit 2 corresponds to way 2, and
bit 3 corresponds to way 3.
36–39 WDD Way data disable. WID and WDD are used for locking ways of the cache and determining the cache
replacement policy.
0 The corresponding way is available for replacement by data miss line fills.
1 The corresponding way is not available for replacement by data miss line fills.
Bit 4 corresponds to way 0, bit 5 corresponds to way 1, bit 6 corresponds to way 2, bit 7 corresponds to
way 3.
40 AWID Additional ways instruction disable
0 Additional ways beyond 0–3 are available for replacement by instruction miss line fills.
1 Additional ways beyond 0–3 are not available for replacement by instruction miss line fills.
For the 32-Kbyte 8-way cache, ways 4–7 are considered additional ways.
41 AWDD Additional ways data disable
0 Additional ways beyond 0–3 are available for replacement by data miss line fills.
1 Additional ways beyond 0–3 are not available for replacement by data miss line fills.
For the 32-Kbyte 8-way cache, ways 4–7 are considered additional ways.
42 WAM Cache way partitioning APU. Way access mode.
0 All ways are available for access.
1 Only ways partitioned for the specific type of access are used for a fetch or read operation.

Errata to the e200z6 PowerPC™ Core Reference Manual, Rev. 0
4 Freescale Semiconductor
43 CWM Cache write mode. When set to write-through mode, the W page attribute from an optional MMU is ignored
and all writes are treated as write through required. When set, write accesses are performed in copy-back
mode unless the W page attribute from an optional MMU is set.
0 Cache operates in write-through mode.
1 Cache operates in copy-back mode.
44 DPB Disable push buffer
0 Push buffer enabled
1 Push buffer disabled
45 DSB Disable store buffer
0 Store buffer enabled
1 Store buffer disabled
46 DSTRM Disable streaming
0 Streaming is enabled.
1 Streaming is disabled.
47 CPE Cache parity enable
0 Parity checking is disabled.
1 Parity checking is enabled.
48–52 — Reserved, should be cleared.
53 CUL Cache unable to lock. Indicates a lock set instruction was not effective in locking a cache line. This bit is set
by hardware on an “unable to lock” condition (other than lock overflows), and remain set until cleared by
software writing 0 to this bit location.
54 CLO Cache lock overflow. Indicates a lock overflow (overlocking) condition occurred. Set by hardware on an
overlocking condition, and remains set until cleared by software writing 0 to this bit location.
55 CLFC Cache lock bits flash clear. When written to a 1, a cache lock bits flash clear operation is initiated by
hardware. Once complete, this bit is reset to 0. Writing a 1 while a flash clear operation is in progress results
in an undefined operation. Writing a 0 to this bit while a flash clear operation is in progress has no effect.
Cache lock bits flash clear operations require approximately 134 cycles to complete. Clearing occurs
regardless of the enable (CE) value.
56–60 — Reserved, should be cleared.
61 CABT Cache operation aborted. Indicates a cache invalidate or a cache lock bits flash clear operation was aborted
prior to completion. Set by hardware on an aborted condition, and remains set until cleared by software
writing 0 to this bit location.
62 CINV Cache invalidate
0 No cache invalidate
1 Cache invalidation operation
When written to a 1, a cache invalidation operation is initiated by hardware. Then invalidation is complete,
CINV is reset to 0. Writing a 1 while invalidation is in progress causes an undefined operation. Writing a 0
to this bit while an invalidation operation is in progress is ignored. Cache invalidation operations require
approximately 134 cycles to complete. Invalidation occurs regardless of the enable (CE) value.
63 CE Cache enable. When disabled, cache lookups are not performed for normal load or store accesses.
Other L1CSR0 cache control operations are still available. Also, store buffer operation is not affected by CE.
0 Cache is disabled
1 Cache is enabled
Table 2-26. L1CSR0 Field Descriptions (continued)
Bits Name Description

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- _KINGKANG_2019-01-04评价了有没有积分呢,。。
- 小懒_2012-07-10对于开发很有帮助,可以快速的找到指令详解。。。
- paigukai2011-09-08蛮不错的 看不懂汇编的时候可以快速查看
- jobbyjobby2011-09-14好像没有中断相关指令。
- hirofeng892015-06-10资源不错,清晰

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