#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# In[1]:
import copy
# 导入copy模块,用于复制对象
import numpy
# 导入numpy库,用于数值计算
import random
# 导入random模块,用于生成随机数
import datetime#更多模型咸鱼搜索机器学习之心,支持模型定制
# 导入datetime模块,用于处理日期和时间
import math
# 导入math模块,提供数学计算函数
import pandas as pd
# 导入pandas库,用于数据处理和分析
import numpy as np
# 导入numpy库,用于数值计算
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# 导入matplotlib库,用于数据可视化
from vmdpy import VMD
# 从vmdpy模块中导入VMD类,用于执行VMD分解
import tensorflow as tf
# 导入tensorflow库,用于构建和训练神经网络模型
import warnings
# 导入warnings模块,用于控制警告的显示
from scipy.fftpack import hilbert, fft, ifft
# 从scipy.fftpack模块中导入hilbert、fft、ifft函数,用于信号处理中的傅里叶变换
from math import log
# 导入math模块中的log函数,用于计算对数
from typing import List
# 导入typing模块中的List类型,用于注释函数参数的类型
# 忽略警告信息,不显示警告
# In[2]:
# 从CSV文件中读取数据,仅使用第一列和第二列
data = pd.read_csv('A.csv', usecols=[0, 1])
# 创建一个Series对象,使用'A'列的值作为数据,'time'列的值作为索引
series_close = pd.Series(data['A'].values, index=data['time'])
# In[3]:
tau = 0.
# 设置tau的初始值为0。
DC = 0
# 设置DC的初始值为0。
init = 1
# 设置init的初始值为1。
tol = 1e-7
# 设置tol的值为1e-7,表示容差的阈值。
# In[4]:
class ProblemModel:
def __init__(self, bounds=None):
self.bounds = bounds
def check_boundaries(self, value, index):
lower_bound, upper_bound = self.bounds[index]
if value < lower_bound:
return lower_bound
elif value > upper_bound:
return upper_bound
return value
def evaluate(self, solution):
if len(solution) == 2:
K = int(solution[0])
alpha = solution[1]
if K < self.bounds[0][0]:
K = self.bounds[0][0]
if K > self.bounds[0][1]:
K = self.bounds[0][1]
if alpha < self.bounds[1][0]:
alpha = self.bounds[1][0]
if alpha > self.bounds[1][1]:
alpha =self.bounds[1][1]
u, u_hat, omega = VMD(data['A'], alpha, tau, K, DC, init, tol)
EP = []#更多模型咸鱼搜索机器学习之心,支持模型定制
for i in range(K):
H = np.abs(hilbert(u[i,:]))
e1 = []
for j in range(len(H)):
p = H[j]/np.sum(H)
e = -p*log(p,2)
E = np.sum(e1)
s = np.sum(EP)/K
return s
return 1
# In[5]:
class NectarSource:
problem_src = None
def __init__(self, position):
self.position = position
self.value = self.problem_src.getValue(position)
if self.value >= 0:
self.fitness = 1/(1+self.value)
self.fitness = 1+math.fabs(self.value)
self.trail = 0
# In[6]:
class SOSAlgor:
def __init__(self, problem, population_size, max_iteration):
self.problem = problem
self.population_size = population_size
self.max_iteration = max_iteration
self.population = self.initialize_population()
self.best_solution = self.population[0]
self.result_record = []
def evaluate_population(self):
return [self.problem.evaluate(solution) for solution in self.population]
def initialize_population(self):
population = []#更多模型咸鱼搜索机器学习之心,支持模型定制
for i in range(self.population_size):
solution = []
for j in range(len(self.problem.bounds)):
lower_bound, upper_bound = self.problem.bounds[j]
# Sine-Tent-Cosine混沌映射系统
x = 0.2
for _ in range(100):
x = (np.sin(np.pi * x) + np.tan(np.pi * x)) / (np.cos(np.pi * x) + 1)
value = lower_bound + x * (upper_bound - lower_bound)
# 折射反向机制
if value < lower_bound or value > upper_bound:
value = np.random.uniform(lower_bound, upper_bound)
return population#更多模型咸鱼搜索机器学习之心,支持模型定制
def levy_flight(self, current_position):
# Levy flight strategy
beta = 1.5
sigma = (math.gamma(1 + beta) * math.sin(math.pi * beta / 2) / (
math.gamma((1 + beta) / 2) * beta * 2 ** ((beta - 1) / 2))) ** (1 / beta)
u = np.random.normal(0, sigma, size=len(current_position))
v = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=len(current_position))
step = u / abs(v) ** (1 / beta)
new_position = current_position + 0.01 * step
return [self.problem.check_boundaries(value, j) for j, value in enumerate(new_position)]
def run(self):
for iteration in range(self.max_iteration):
print(f'Iteration: {iteration}')
fitness_values = self.evaluate_population()
# Find the best solution in the current population
best_index = fitness_values.index(min(fitness_values))
best_solution = self.population[best_index]
# Update the global best solution
if self.problem.evaluate(best_solution) < self.problem.evaluate(self.best_solution):
self.best_solution = best_solution
# Update the result record
# Symbiotic phase
for i in range(self.population_size):
partner_index = random.randint(0, self.population_size - 1)
while partner_index == i:
partner_index = random.randint(0, self.population_size - 1)
# Levy flight step
new_solution = self.levy_flight(self.population[i])
# Sine Cosine Optimization
a = 2 - iteration * (2 / self.max_iteration)
for j in range(len(self.population[i])):
rand = random.random()
if rand >= 0.5:
if abs(new_solution[j] - self.population[i][j]) > 0:
new_solution[j] = self.problem.check_boundaries(new_solution[j], j)
# Replace the current solution if the new solution is better
if self.problem.evaluate(new_solution) < fitness_values[i]:
self.population[i] = new_solution
return self.best_solution, self.problem.evaluate(self.best_solution)
def showResult(self):
plt.title('Result Curve')
plt.ylabel('Objective Value')
# In[7]:
# 设置蜜蜂数量和最大迭代次数
beesNum = 5
maxIteration = 10
# 创建问题模型,设置变量的上下界
problem = ProblemModel(bounds=([3, 12], [100,
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