#include "Headers/Graph.h"
#include <climits>
// 初始化邻接矩阵为∞
for (int i = 0; i < PLACES; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < PLACES; j++)
AdjacencyMatrix[i][j] = INT_MAX;
// 对角线初始化为0
for (int i = 0; i < PLACES; i++)
AdjacencyMatrix[i][i] = 0;
vertex[i].place = "";
vertex[i].info = "";
// 输入地点信息
void Graph::setInfo(int num, string name, string info)
vertex[num].place = name;
vertex[num].info = info;
// 查询地点信息
string Graph::getInfo(int num)
string result = "";
result = result + "景点编号:" + to_string(num) + "\n";
result = result + "景点名称:" + vertex[num].place + "\n";
result = result + "景点介绍:" + vertex[num].info + "\n";
return result;
// 查询道路信息
string Graph::getPathInfo(int x, int y)
string result = "";
result = result + "道路起点:" + to_string(x) + " " + vertex[x].place + "\n";
result = result + "道路终点:" + to_string(y) + " " + vertex[y].place + "\n";
result = result + "道路长度:" + to_string(AdjacencyMatrix[x][y]) + "\n";
return result;
// 删除景点及其道路
void Graph::delInfo(int num)
for (int i = 0; i < PLACES; i++)
AdjacencyMatrix[i][num] = INT_MAX;
for (int j = 0; j < PLACES; j++)
AdjacencyMatrix[num][j] = INT_MAX;
AdjacencyMatrix[num][num] = 0;
vertex[num].place = "";
vertex[num].info = "";
// 输入新的路径
void Graph::setPath(int x, int y, int dis)
AdjacencyMatrix[x][y] = dis;
AdjacencyMatrix[y][x] = dis;
// 删除路径
void Graph::delPath(int x, int y)
AdjacencyMatrix[x][y] = INT_MAX;
AdjacencyMatrix[y][x] = INT_MAX;
// 寻找路径,应该用了深度搜索之类的,引用sum
void Graph::getPath(int x, int y, string &result, int &sum, int (&v)[PLACES])
int rest[PLACES] = {0};
rest[x] = 1;
// 初始化路径权值
for (int i = 0; i < PLACES; i++)
dis[i].weight = AdjacencyMatrix[x][i];
for (int count = 1; count != PLACES; count++)
// 寻找权值最小顶点
int min = INT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < PLACES; i++)
if (rest[i] == 0)
min = i;
for (i += 1; i < PLACES; i++)
if (rest[i] == 0 and dis[min].weight > dis[i].weight)
min = i;
if (min == INT_MAX)
rest[min] = 1;
// 更新路径权值
for (int i = 0; i < PLACES; i++)
if (rest[i] == 1)
if (AdjacencyMatrix[min][i] <= dis[i].weight - dis[min].weight)
if (AdjacencyMatrix[min][i] != dis[i].weight - dis[min].weight)
dis[i].weight = dis[min].weight + AdjacencyMatrix[min][i];
rest[min] = 1;
// 递归输出最短路径
int c = 0;
DFS(x, y, result, sum, v, c);
// 深度优先搜索输出路径
void Graph::DFS(int x, int y, string &result, int &sum, int (&v)[PLACES], int &c)
if (dis[y].previous.empty())
result = result + "\n" + to_string(x) + " " + vertex[x].place + " -> " + to_string(y) + " " + vertex[y].place;
sum += AdjacencyMatrix[x][y];
v[c++] = x;
v[c++] = y;
// 将节点所有分支搜索完
while (!dis[y].previous.empty())
DFS(x, dis[y].previous.top(), result, sum, v, c);
result = result + " -> " + to_string(y) + " " + vertex[y].place;
sum += AdjacencyMatrix[dis[y].previous.top()][y];
v[c++] = y;
// 将前驱信息还原
while (!dis[y].backup.empty())
// 输出所有简单路径
void Graph::getAllPath(int x, int y, bool refresh, string &result)
// 用数组保存简单路径
static int path[PLACES], count = 0, mark[PLACES] = {0}, start = x;
// 在反复调用递归函数时刷新静态变量
if (refresh)
for (int i = 0; i < PLACES; i++)
path[i] = INT_MAX;
mark[i] = 0;
count = 0;
start = x;
for (int i = 0; i < PLACES; i++)
if (AdjacencyMatrix[x][i] != INT_MAX and mark[i] == 0)
// 标记该节点以搜索过
mark[i] = 1;
if (x == i)
path[count++] = i;
// 输出路径
if (i == y)
// start 静态变量保存路径起始点
result = result + to_string(start) + " " + vertex[start].place;
int sum = 0;
int pos = start;
for (int p = 0; path[p] != INT_MAX; p++)
result = result + " -> " + to_string(path[p]) + " " + vertex[path[p]].place;
sum += AdjacencyMatrix[pos][path[p]];
pos = path[p];
result = result + "\n路径长度:" + to_string(sum) + "\n";
mark[i] = 0;
path[--count] = INT_MAX;
getAllPath(i, y, false, result);
// 删除标记
mark[i] = 0;
path[--count] = INT_MAX;
// 多景点查询
void Graph::multiPath(int x, int y, int z, string &result)
// 保存每条路径
MultiRoad mr[ROADS];
for (int i = 0; i < ROADS; i++)
mr[i].flag = false;
mr[i].sum = 0;
mr[i].result = "";
int c1 = 0;
MultiRoad min;
min.flag = true;
min.sum = INT_MAX;
min.result = "";
multiGetAllPath(x, y, z, true, c1, mr);
for (int i = 0; i < c1; i++)
if (mr[i].flag == true && mr[i].sum < min.sum)
min = mr[i];
int c2 = c1;
multiGetAllPath(x, y, z, true, c2, mr);
for (int i = c1; i < c2; i++)
if (mr[i].flag == true && mr[i].sum < min.sum)
min = mr[i];
if (min.result == "")
string r1 = "";
string r2 = "";
int s1 = 0;
int s2 = 0;
int tmp[PLACES];
getPath(x, y, r1, s1, tmp);
getPath(y, z, r2, s2, tmp);
min.sum = s1 + s2;
min.result = r1 + r2;
getPath(x, z, r1, s1, tmp);
getPath(z, y, r2, s2, tmp);
if ((s1 + s2) < min.sum)
min.sum = s1 + s2;
min.result = r1 + r2;
else if ((s1 + s2) == min.sum)
min.result = min.result + "\n" + r1 + r2;
result = min.result + "\n路径长度:" + to_string(min.sum);
result = "\n" + min.result + "\n路径长度:" + to_string(min.sum);
// 多景点遍历路径
void Graph::multiGetAllPath(int x, int y, int z, bool refresh, int &c, MultiRoad (&mr)[ROADS])
// 用数组保存简单路径
static int path[PLACES], count = 0, mark[PLACES] = {0}, start = x;
// 在反复调用递归函数时刷新静态变量
if (refresh)
for (int i = 0; i < PLACES; i++)
path[i] = INT_MAX;
mark[i] = 0;
count = 0;
start = x;
for (int i = 0; i < PLACES; i++)
if (AdjacencyMatrix[x][i] != INT_MAX and mark[i] == 0)
// 标记该节点以搜索过
mark[i] = 1;
if (x == i)