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SAP Strategic Enterprise Management
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### SAP Strategic Enterprise Management
#### 知识点一:战略管理的重要性与挑战
- **战略管理**是企业确保其长期成功的关键。它涉及定义组织的目标、使命、愿景,并制定实现这些目标的具体策略。
- **实施挑战**:尽管战略规划至关重要,但许多企业在将其转化为实际行动时遇到了困难。这通常是因为缺乏一个系统化的方法来连接高层战略决策与日常运营活动。
#### 知识点二:平衡计分卡(Balanced Scorecard)的概念与作用
- **平衡计分卡**是一种绩效管理工具,它将企业的战略目标转换为一套可衡量的指标体系,旨在帮助管理者更好地评估组织的战略执行情况。
- **四个维度**:平衡计分卡通过财务、客户、内部流程以及学习与成长这四个维度来衡量组织的绩效,确保战略目标得以全面覆盖。
#### 知识点三:基于价值的管理(Value-Based Management)
- **基于价值的管理**强调企业的决策应该始终关注增加股东价值。这种方法通过明确的财务目标和关键绩效指标来指导决策过程。
- **核心原则**:包括提高资产回报率、减少成本、改善现金流以及优化资本结构等,以实现长期的可持续增长。
#### 知识点四:SAP Strategic Enterprise Management (SEM) 的作用
- **SEM概述**:SAP Strategic Enterprise Management 是一种综合解决方案,旨在帮助企业将战略目标与日常运营紧密结合起来,实现战略管理的有效性。
- **功能特点**:
- **战略规划**:支持制定长期计划并监控进展。
- **绩效管理**:提供实时绩效跟踪和报告,确保组织目标的一致性。
- **预算编制**:辅助进行预算编制,确保资源分配符合战略方向。
- **风险管理**:识别潜在风险并采取措施减轻其影响。
#### 知识点五:案例研究——先锋石油公司(Pioneer Petroleum)
- **案例背景**:先锋石油公司在面临激烈的市场竞争和快速变化的能源需求时,采用平衡计分卡作为其战略管理工具。
- **具体实践**:通过财务表现、客户服务满意度、内部业务流程效率以及员工能力提升等维度来衡量公司的整体绩效。
- **成果分析**:该案例展示了如何通过平衡计分卡成功地将公司战略转化为具体行动,并最终实现了显著的业绩提升。
#### 知识点六:SAP 在设计有效平衡计分卡方面的贡献
- **方法论支持**:SAP 提供了一套完整的方法论来帮助组织设计和实施有效的平衡计分卡。
- **技术平台**:SAP SEM 作为一种先进的技术平台,为企业提供了强大的数据集成、分析和报告功能,从而支持更加精确的战略决策制定。
- **培训与咨询服务**:除了软件解决方案外,SAP 还提供专业的培训和咨询服务,帮助客户更好地理解和应用平衡计分卡原理。
#### 知识点七:战略转变为行动的关键步骤
- **步骤一:战略定义**:明确组织的战略目标和方向。
- **步骤二:战略分解**:将总体战略细分为具体的业务单元或部门级目标。
- **步骤三:绩效指标设定**:为每个目标设定相应的绩效指标。
- **步骤四:行动计划制定**:根据绩效指标制定具体的行动计划。
- **步骤五:持续监控与调整**:定期检查进度并根据实际情况调整策略。
通过上述知识点的介绍,我们可以看到,无论是对于理论概念的理解还是实际操作的应用,SAP Strategic Enterprise Management 都为组织提供了一个全面且高效的框架,帮助企业更好地实现战略目标。
SAP Strategic Enterprise Management
Translating Strategy into Action: The Balanced Scorecard
Written by David Norton, The Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, Inc., and by SEM Product Management, SAP AG
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Needed: A New Approach to Managing Strategy..............................................................................3
Why Is It So Difficult to Implement Strategy?.........................................................................................4
The Balanced Scorecard: A New Approach to Implementing Strategy..................................................5
Creating Strategic Focus: The Balanced Scorecard .......................................................................9
Designing a Scorecard to Tell the Story of Your Strategy....................................................................10
Case Study: The Balanced Scorecard at Pioneer Petroleum ..............................................................11
SAP’s Approach to Facilitating the Design of Effective Balanced Scorecards.....................................14
Translating Strategy to Action: Strategic Enterprise Management™ and SAP SEM™...............16
Strategic Alignment at the Top.............................................................................................................18
Making Strategy Everyone’s Job..........................................................................................................20
Communication and Education to Create Awareness..........................................................................21
Aligning Human Resources..................................................................................................................22
Aligning Financial Resources...............................................................................................................25
Strategic Knowledge Networks ............................................................................................................27
Strategic Feedback and Learning........................................................................................................29
Management Cockpit...........................................................................................................................31
Business Planning and Simulation.......................................................................................................33
Process and Technology ..................................................................................................................35
Information Systems to Support the Transformation............................................................................35
SAP Strategic Enterprise Management™............................................................................................38
Making It Happen ...............................................................................................................................41
SAP Strategic Enterprise Management
May 1999
This Paper describes SAP’s vision for the SAP SEM Balanced Scorecard solution. It
has been prepared jointly with The Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, Inc.
(www.bscol.com). The Balanced Scorecard Collaborative is the global center of
expertise of the Balanced Scorecard concept and was founded by the inventors of
this concept, Robert Kaplan and David Norton. In developing Strategic Enterprise
Management, SAP is working closely with the Balanced Scorecard Collaborative to
ensure that this next-generation solution will be based on “best practices” and will
support companies in translating strategy into action.
This and further reading on the respective topics can be found
in the media centers on our homepage.
http://www.sap.com or directly http://www.sap.com
Needed: A New Approach to Managing
The single most important skill in any business is the ability to translate
strategy into action. This is increasingly difficult in larger or more complex
organizations, where the distance between those who formulate the strategy
and those who carry it out is significant. With size and complexity comes the
necessity for communicating strategic intent and for providing a
management framework that aligns the capabilities of the business with the
requirements of the competitive marketplace. The challenges to successfully
implementing strategy have never been so formidable.
A Fortune magazine article, based on a survey of management consultants,
reported that less than 10% of strategies are successfully implemented. Tom
Peters referred to that figure as “wildly inflated,”
suggesting that
formulating strategy is not a valuable activity if it can’t be translated into
action. This is the reason behind the general decline of strategic planning
over the past two decades.
What’s needed is not more planning, but a way
to translate strategy directly into action.
Strategy has never been more important. As the economy moves rapidly
away from the “Industrial Age” to the “Information Age,” which is
characterized by global and knowledge-based competition, every
organization must rethink the fundamental assumptions on which it
competes. As the global economy becomes more tightly connected, each
business must build its own feedback systems to effectively monitor its own
activity and to achieve its own strategic objectives.
Every organization must develop a new vision on how it will compete in the
emerging networked economy. And every organization must translate this
vision into actions that will transform them into Information Age
competitors. In other words, if organizations are to survive this economic
transition, they must learn to successfully implement strategy. They must
learn to beat the 90% failure rates experienced by their peers. They must
make Strategic Enterprise Management (SEM) a core competency of their
This white paper describes an integrated management approach that enables
complex businesses to effectively harness their capabilities and to achieve
their strategic objectives. The combination of a Balanced Scorecard approach
to translating strategy into action, along with enterprise-wide connectivity
provided by SAP, constitutes a competitive breakthrough for executives
intent on achieving their strategic vision.
SAP Strategic Enterprise Management provides the concepts and tools you
need for setting your strategic direction and achieving the benefits of your
strategic vision. This paper will familiarize you with the Balanced Scorecard
approach to developing and sharing the story of your strategy, which is an
essential element to aligning enterprise resources with your strategy. It
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