Firebird 2.5.9 (Windows Build)
o Introduction
o Intended Users
o Known Issues
o Features in this release (all platforms)
o Installation
o Reporting Bugs
Welcome to Firebird 2.5.
Intended Users
Firebird 2.5 has undergone extensive testing and is
intended for widespread production use. However, users
are recommended to follow standard practices before
deploying this release on a production server. ie:
o Please make sure you read the installation
readme and the release notes.
o If you have data you value remember to back it up
prior to installing this release.
o It is recommended that you remove any previous
version prior to installation. Uninstallation
preserves configuration files and log files.
o It is recommended that you carry out your own
tests in a development environment prior to
production deployment.
Known Issues
Windows Vista - The binary installer fails to start
Firebird as a service at installation time, however,
the service does start correctly after a reboot. As a
workaround, you can shift-right click on the Firebird
control panel applet, choose 'Run as...' and start the
service from there.
Features in this release
Please see the Release Notes for details of new
Installation issues are covered in detail in the
Installation Guide available in the doc directory after
install. A brief summary of installation issues can
also be found in the installation_readme.txt, also
available from the doc directory after installation.
Reporting Bugs
Before you report a bug:
o Check you know how Firebird works.
Maybe it is not a bug at all.
o Perhaps someone has already reported this? Browse
existing bug reports here:
o If in doubt why not discuss the problem on the
Firebird-devel list? You can subscribe here:
and the list is viewable via a newsgroup interface
From the Firebird team.

- 粉丝: 69
- 资源: 72
- 【生产线平衡】基于matlab混合遗传粒子群算法求解生产线平衡优化问题(含平衡率 平滑系数)【含Matlab源码 9242期】.mp4
- 【优化拆卸】基于matlab多目标人工蜂群算法求解拆卸优化问题【含Matlab源码 10365期】.mp4
- 【优化调度】基于matlab模拟退火算法SA求解平行机的调度优化问题【含Matlab源码 13042期】.mp4
- 【优化调度】基于matlab人工鱼群算法求解场桥和AGV联合调度【含Matlab源码 10366期】.mp4
- 【优化成本】基于matlab求解在一组不同的平行机上处理一组独立订单的成本最小化问题【含Matlab源码 13046期】.mp4
- 【优化调度】基于matlab遗传算法GA求解护士排班调度优化问题【含Matlab源码 13044期】.mp4
- 【优化覆盖】基于matlab布谷鸟算法CS求解无线传感器节点3D覆盖优化问题【含Matlab源码 10364期】.mp4
- 【优化规划】基于matlab改进的粒子群算法求解6节点电网规划优化问题【含Matlab源码 11193期】.mp4
- 【优化控制】基于matlab遗传算法求解动态矩阵控制优化问题【含Matlab源码 11003期】.mp4
- 【优化选址】基于matlab瞪羚算法GOA求解物流配送中心选址优化问题【含Matlab源码 12077期】.mp4
- 【优化选址】基于matlab模拟退火粒子群算法求解分布式电源定容选址优化规划【含Matlab源码 11181期】.mp4
- 【语音编码】基于matlab语音信号PCM编解码(含前后波形对比 SNR)【含Matlab源码 11159期】.mp4
- 【端点检测】基于matlab短时能量和过零率语音信号端点检测【含Matlab源码 9765期】.mp4
- 【回声处理】基于matlab RLS算法语音噪声回声消除处理【含Matlab源码 9248期】.mp4
- 【语音处理】基于matlab GUI IIR+FIR滤波器声音信号时域频域分析【含Matlab源码 9953期】含报告.mp4
- 【语音处理】基于matlab GUI OLA算法音频信号变速不变调系统【含Matlab源码 9906期】.mp4