EasyTable.v16.00.for Delphi 10.4 by [CS].rar (首先在互联网上. 仅在CSDN中....

EasyTable: Single-File Embedded Database, a BDE replacement for Delphi and C++Builder Distribute your application with EasyTable and forget Borland Database Engine (BDE). EasyTable is a compact yet powerful, extremely fast, reliable and easy-to-use BDE alternative single-file embedded database for Delphi and C++ Builder. With EasyTable you do not need special installation and configuration, it compiles right into your .EXE file. The great advantage of EasyTable compared to other database systems is that it allows to integrate a database file into the application executable file. EasyTable contains TEasySession component that allows to use it in multithreaded environment, including web server applications. TEasyQuery component provides powerful subset of SQL'92 (DDL and DML) commands. Make your application faster and more flexible using EasyTable BDE replacement Delphi database. Key Features: No BDE; no DLLs SQL'92 (DML & DDL) support Full source code included Unmatched ease-of-use Small footprint Storing multiple tables inside the single database file Fully compatible with standard DB-aware controls Encryption, BLOB data compression Capability of database embedding inside the executable file ODBC Dirver Multi-thread access

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