没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
内容概要:本文探讨了自动评估由大型语言模型(LLMs)生成的引用有效性的问题。主要介绍了三种类型的引用错误:完全支持、推测性和矛盾性,并提出了两种自动评估方法:提示语言模型和微调小型模型。文中还构建了两个数据集用于测试,一个是模拟数据集AttrEval-Simulation,另一个是从New Bing搜索引擎提取的实际查询实例AttrEval-GenSearch。研究表明,GPT-4在实际应用中有较高的准确性,但仍存在一些挑战。 适合人群:对自然语言处理特别是生成模型及其可信度验证感兴趣的科研人员和技术开发者。 使用场景及目标:适用于需要自动化评估大型语言模型生成文本可信度的研究项目或商业产品。帮助减少人工评估的负担,提高评估效率。 其他说明:研究指出了目前存在的局限性,如小模型性能欠佳、数据质量等问题,并提出了一些改进方向。
Automatic Evaluation of Attribution by Large Language Models
Xiang Yue Boshi Wang Ziru Chen Kai Zhang Yu Su Huan Sun
The Ohio State University
A recent focus of large language model (LLM)
development, as exemplified by generative
search engines, is to incorporate external refer-
ences to generate and support its claims. How-
ever, evaluating the attribution, i.e., verifying
whether the generated statement is fully sup-
ported by the cited reference, remains an open
problem. Although human evaluation is com-
mon practice, it is costly and time-consuming.
In this paper, we investigate automatic evalu-
ation of attribution given by LLMs. We be-
gin by defining different types of attribution
errors, and then explore two approaches for
automatic evaluation: prompting LLMs and
fine-tuning smaller LMs. The fine-tuning data
is repurposed from related tasks such as ques-
tion answering, fact-checking, natural language
inference, and summarization. We manually cu-
rate a set of test examples covering 12 domains
from a generative search engine, New Bing.
Our results on this curated test set and simu-
lated examples from existing benchmarks high-
light both promising signals and challenges.
We hope our problem formulation, testbeds,
and findings will help lay the foundation for
future studies on this important problem.
1 Introduction
Generative large language models (LLMs) (Brown
et al., 2020; Ouyang et al., 2022; Chowdhery et al.,
2022; OpenAI, 2023a,b, inter alia) often struggle
with producing factually accurate statements, re-
sulting in hallucinations (Ji et al., 2023). Recent
efforts aim to alleviate this issue by augmenting
LLMs with external tools (Schick et al., 2023) such
as retrievers (Shuster et al., 2021; Borgeaud et al.,
2022) and search engines (Nakano et al., 2021;
Thoppilan et al., 2022; Shuster et al., 2022).
Incorporating external references for generation
inherently implies that the generated statement is
Our code and dataset are available at:
backed by these references. However, the valid-
ity of such attribution, i.e., whether the generated
statement is fully supported by the cited reference,
remains questionable.
According to Liu et al.
(2023), only 52% of the statements generated by
state-of-the-art generative search engines such as
New Bing and PerplexityAI are fully supported by
their respective cited references.
Inaccurate attribution compromises the trustwor-
thiness of LLMs, introducing significant safety
risks and potential harm. For instance, in health-
care, an LLM might attribute incorrect medical ad-
vice to a credible source, potentially leading users
to make harmful health decisions. Similarly, in
finance, faulty investment advice attributed to a re-
liable source may cause substantial financial losses.
To identify attribution errors, existing attributed
LLMs (Nakano et al., 2021; Thoppilan et al., 2022)
rely heavily on human evaluation, which is both
expensive and time-consuming. For instance, the
average cost of annotating a single (query, answer,
reference) example is about $1 in Liu et al. (2023).
In the actual use of attributed LLMs, it is the user
who needs to be wary of the attribution and manu-
ally verify it, which puts a tremendous burden on
their side. Therefore, effective and reliable meth-
ods to automatically evaluate attribution and iden-
tify potential attribution errors are highly desired.
Towards this goal, we take the first step by intro-
ducing AttrScore (Figure 1), a framework designed
for automatic evaluation of attribution and identi-
fication of specific types of attribution errors. We
propose a new problem formulation that catego-
rizes attribution into three types: 1) attributable:
the reference fully supports the generated state-
ment; 2) extrapolatory: the reference lacks suffi-
cient information to support the generated state-
Attribution primarily refers to “the act of attributing some-
thing” in this paper, which is similar to “verifiability” as de-
fined in Liu et al. (2023).
www.bing.com/new, www.perplexity.ai
arXiv:2305.06311v2 [cs.CL] 7 Oct 2023
Q: What is the temperature range on
the moon?
A: The average temperature on the
moon can range from -298 degrees F
(-183 degrees C) at night to 224 degrees
F (106 degrees C) during the day [1].
The temperature on the Moon
The average temperature on the Moon (at
the equator and mid latitudes) varies from
-298 degrees Fahrenheit (-183 degrees
Celsius), at night, to 224 degrees
Fahrenheit (106 degrees Celsius) during
the day. Because the Moon has no...
[1] coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu
Q: What is the highest price of a gallon
of regular gas in the US in 2022?
A: According to a news article by NPR,
as of June 2022, the highest average
price of a gallon of regular gas in the
US was $6.34 in California [1].
In 10 states, a gallon of gas now
costs more than $5
...U.S. gas prices hit a new record on
Monday, with a gallon of regular gas costing
an average of $4.865 (not adjusting for
inflation), according to the most recent data
from American Automobile Association...
[1] npr.org/states-highest-gas-prices
Q: What was the unemployment
rate in Germany in 2020?
A: According to [1], the unemployment
rate in Germany for 2020 was 4.31%,
which was a 1.17% increase from 2019.
It's important to note that the COVID...
Germany Unemployment Rate
Unemployment refers to the share of the
labor force that is without work but
available for and seeking...Germany
unemployment rate for 2020 was 3.81%,
a 0.67% increase from 2019.
[1] macrotrends.net/unemployment-rate
As an Attribution Validator, your task is to
verify whether a given a reference can support
the answer to a provided question. A contradictory
error means the answer contradicts the fact in the
attribution, while an extrapolatory error means that
there is not enough information in the attribution..
Extrapolatory Contradictory
(1) Prompt LLMs with a clear
evaluation instruction
(2) Fine-tune LMs on a set of
diverse repurposed datasets
QA Fact-Checking
NLI Summarization
Figure 1: We make the first step towards automatically evaluating attribution and identifying specific types of
errors with AttrScore. We explore two approaches in AttrScore: (1) prompting LLMs, and (2) fine-tuning LMs on
simulated and repurposed datasets from related tasks.
ment, and 3) contradictory: the generated state-
ment directly contradicts the cited reference. Un-
like existing work (Bohnet et al., 2022) that uses
binary categorization (i.e., attributable or not) and
Liu et al. (2023) that defines the degree of refer-
ence support for the generated statement as “full”,
“partial”, or “no support”, our fine-grained error
categorization aids humans in better understanding
the type of an attribution error made by an LLM.
This not only enhances safe system usage but also
provides valuable insights for future development
of mechanisms tailored to correct specific errors.
We explore two approaches in AttrScore: 1)
prompting LLMs and 2) fine-tuning LMs on simu-
lated and repurposed data from related tasks such
as question answering (QA), fact-checking, natural
language inference (NLI), and summarization. For
evaluation, unlike existing work (Liu et al., 2023;
Gao et al., 2023) that only uses queries from exist-
ing benchmarks, we curate a set of test examples
covering 12 different domains from a generative
search engine, New Bing. This is the first eval-
uation set for measuring the attribution of LLMs
with queries created based on real-life interactions,
hence avoiding the data contamination issue.
Our results indicate that both approaches show
reasonable performance on our curated and simu-
lated test sets; yet there is still substantial room for
further improvement. Major sources of evaluation
failures include insensitivity to fine-grained infor-
mation comparisons, such as overlooking contex-
tual cues in the reference, disregard for numerical
values, and failure in performing symbolic opera-
tions. In light of these findings, we discuss poten-
tial directions for improving AttrScore, including
training models to be more strongly conditioned on
the reference, and augmenting them with external
tools for numerical and logical operations.
With the new formulation of attribution errors,
the development of AttrScore, the introduction of
new test sets, and the insights into challenges and
potential directions for future work, we hope our
work can help lay the foundation for the important
task of automatically evaluating LLM attributions.
2 Problem Formulation
The primary task in this paper is to evaluate attribu-
tion, which involves verifying whether a reference
provides sufficient support for a generated answer
to a user’s query. Our task setting prioritizes one
reference per statement, a unit task that more com-
plex scenarios can be decomposed to. We study
such a setting as it forms the basis for dealing with
multiple references or distinct segments (Liu et al.,
2023; Gao et al., 2023).
Prior work, such as Rashkin et al. (2021); Gao
et al. (2022); Bohnet et al. (2022), mainly focuses
on binary verification, i.e., determining if a refer-
ence supports the generated answer or not. We
propose advancing this task by introducing a more
fine-grained categorization. Specifically, we clas-
sify attributions into three distinct categories:
Attributable: The reference fully supports the
generated answer.
Extrapolatory: The reference lacks sufficient
information to validate the generated answer.
Contradictory: The generated answer contra-
dicts the information presented in the reference.
To illustrate, consider a contradictory example
(Figure 1). The query is “What was the unemploy-
ment rate in Germany in 2020?”, and the generated
answer is “4.31%”. However, the reference states
that the rate was “3.81%”, contradicting the gen-
erated answer. An extrapolatory instance, on the
other hand, would be a query about the “gas price
in California”. While the reference is relevant, it
does not contain specific information to verify the
correctness of the generated answer.
Following these examples, we see the impor-
tance of granularity in error classification. A fine-
grained classification allows us to pinpoint the na-
ture of the errors, be it contradiction or extrapo-
lation. Users can better understand the type of
errors an LLM might make, enabling them to use
the model more safely. Additionally, such an er-
ror identification system can guide future training
processes of attributed LLMs, leading to specific
mechanisms’ development to correct such errors.
Our categorization also offers a departure from
the existing approach (Liu et al., 2023), which em-
phasizes on degree of support (“full”, “partial”,
or “none”) rather than attribution error types. Our
approach highlights specific issues in attribution
We acknowledge that while these categories are generally
mutually exclusive, complex scenarios might blur the bound-
aries between them. However, such cases are very rare. For
the purpose of this study, we maintain their exclusivity to
enable clear and focused error analysis.
evaluation for more effective error management
and system improvement.
Formally, the task of attribution evaluation in-
volves a natural language query
, a generated an-
, and a reference
from an attributed LLM.
The goal is to develop a function, denoted as
, that
(q, a, x)
and outputs a class label indicating
whether “according to
, the answer
to the query
q is attributable, extrapolatory or contradictory.”
3 Automatic Evaluation of Attribution
Following our problem definition, we introduce
two approaches for automatic evaluation of attri-
bution: prompting LLMs and fine-tuning LMs on
simulated and repurposed data from related tasks.
3.1 Prompting LLMs
Recent research (Fu et al., 2023) has demonstrated
the possibility of prompting LLMs to evaluate the
quality of generated text using their emergent ca-
pabilities (Wei et al., 2022b), such as zero-shot in-
struction (Wei et al., 2022a) and in-context learning
(Brown et al., 2020). Following this approach, we
prompt LLMs, such as ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2023a),
using a clear instruction that includes definitions of
the two types of errors (as shown in Figure 1) and
an input triple of the query, answer, and reference
for evaluation. The complete prompt used in our
study can be found in Appendix Table 6.
3.2 Fine-tuning LMs on Repurposed Data
The primary challenge in fine-tuning LMs for auto-
matic attribution evaluation is the lack of training
data. One potential approach is to hire annotators to
collect real samples, but the cost can be prohibitive.
Here, we first repurpose datasets from three re-
lated tasks (fact-checking, NLI, and summariza-
tion). We then propose to further simulate more
realistic samples from existing QA benchmarks.
Repurpose data from fact-checking, NLI, and
summarization tasks. Given the connections be-
tween our attribution evaluation task and the tasks
of fact-checking, NLI, and summarization, we pro-
pose to utilize datasets from these fields to enrich
our training examples. Fact-checking data and NLI
data, with their emphasis on assessing the consis-
tency and logical relationship between claims (hy-
pothesis) and evidence (premise), mirrors our task’s
It is important to note that this evaluation focuses on the
“verifiability” of the answer based on the reference. It does not
measure the “relevance”, i.e., whether the answer correctly
responds to the query (Liu et al., 2023).
Query: Which apostle had a
thorn in his side?
Long Ans: Paul was an apostle
who had a thorn in his side [1].
Thorn in the flesh
Thorn in the flesh is a phrase of
New Testament origin used to
describe a chronic infirmity,
annoyance, or trouble in one's
life, drawn from Paul the
Apostle's use of the phrase in
his Second Epistle to the
Corinthians 12 : 7 -- 9
[1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Thorn in the flesh
Thorn in the flesh is a phrase of
New Testament origin used to
describe a chronic infirmity,
annoyance, or trouble in one's
life, drawn from Paul the
Apostle's use of the phrase in
his Second Epistle to the
Corinthians 12 : 7 -- 9
[1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Thorn in the flesh
Thorn in the flesh is a phrase of
New Testament origin used to
describe a chronic infirmity,
annoyance, or trouble in one's
life, drawn from John the
Apostle's use of the phrase in
his Second Epistle to the
Corinthians 12 : 7 -- 9
[1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Thorn (letter)
Thorn or þorn (Þ, þ) is a letter
in the Old English, Old Norse,
Old Swedish and modern
Icelandic alphabets, as well as
modern transliterations of the
Gothic alphabet, Middle Scots,
and some dialects of Middle
English. It was also used ...
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/
(A): Attributable (B): Contradictory (C): Contradictory (D): Extrapolatory
Query: Which apostle had a
thorn in his side?
Long Ans: Phillip had a thorn
in his side [1].
Query: Which apostle had a
thorn in his side?
Long Ans: Paul was an apostle
who had a thorn in his side [1].
Query: Which apostle had a
thorn in his side?
Long Ans: The apostle who had
a thorn in his side is Paul [1].
Short Ans: Paul [1] Short Ans: Phillip [1] Short Ans: Paul [1] Short Ans: Paul [1]
Figure 2: Examples simulated from open-domain QA. We 1) use the original (question, answer, context) pair as an
attributable instance (A), 2) substitute the answer or the answer span in the context to simulate a contradictory error
example (B, C), and 3) replace the context with alternatives to simulate an extrapolatory error example (D). In order
for models trained the simulated data to generalize well to the long answer setting in real-life search engines like
New Bing, we convert the short answer to a long one (using ChatGPT).
objective of checking the supporting relationship
between reference documents and generated state-
ments. Summarization datasets, especially those
involving the detection of hallucinations (including
both intrinsic and extrinsic (Maynez et al., 2020),
could provide a useful starting point for identify-
ing attribution inconsistencies. Nevertheless, these
datasets would require suitable adaptation. We
keep their original data sequences and modify their
data label space to suit the specific needs of the
attribution evaluation definition. Additional infor-
mation on this can be found in Appendix A.
Simulate data from open-domain QA. QA bench-
marks provide an ideal platform for data simula-
tion, as they comprise questions, their correspond-
ing ground truth answers, and reference contexts.
These elements can be directly employed as at-
tributable examples (Figure 2, A). In open-domain
QA datasets, answers are typically brief text spans.
To cater to the long answer setting in most at-
tributed LLMs, we convert these short answers
into longer sentences using ChatGPT. For simulat-
ing contradictory errors, we propose two methods:
(1) The first involves modifying the correct answer
with an alternative candidate from an off-the-shelf
QA model, an answer substitution model, or a ran-
dom span generator (Figure 2, B). (2) The second
retains the original answer but replaces the answer
span in the reference context with a comparable
candidate (Figure 2, C). To emulate extrapolatory
errors, we employ a BM25 retriever on the ques-
tion, retrieving relevant external documents from
resources such as Wikipedia, which do not contain
the ground truth answers (Figure 2, D). More de-
tails regarding the simulation of these errors from
QA datasets can be found in Appendix A.
4 Experimental Setup
4.1 Datasets
This section presents the datasets utilized for train-
ing and testing methods for automatic attribu-
tion evaluation. In particular, we develop two
evaluation sets, AttrEval-Simulation and AttrEval-
GenSearch, derived from existing QA datasets
and a generative search engine, respectively. The
dataset statistics are presented in Table 1.
Training data. To repurpose and simulate train-
ing examples, we follow the method in Section
3.2 based on four similar tasks’ datasets. For
QA, we consider NaturalQuestions (Kwiatkowski
et al., 2019). For fact-checking, we include FEVER
(Thorne et al., 2018), Adversarial FEVER (Thorne
et al., 2019), FEVEROUS (Aly et al., 2021), VI-
TAMINC (Schuster et al., 2021), MultiFC (Augen-
stein et al., 2019), PubHealth (Kotonya and Toni,
2020), and SciFact (Wadden et al., 2020). For NLI,
we include SNLI (Bowman et al., 2015), MultiNLI
(Williams et al., 2018), ANLI (Nie et al., 2020)
and SciTail (Khot et al., 2018). For summarization,
we include XSum-Halluc. (Maynez et al., 2020),
XENT (Cao et al., 2022), and FactCC (Kryscinski
Related Tasks
Data Sources #Samples
QA NaturalQuestions 20K
Adversarial FEVER,
PubHealth, MultiFC
ANLI, SciTail
PopQA, EntityQuestions,
HotpotQA, TriviaQA,
WebQuestions, TREC
Annotated samples from a
generative search engine
Table 1: Statistics of the training and test datasets for
attribution evaluation. We include the distributions of
the labels and data sources in Appendix B.
et al., 2020). We use all examples in the summariza-
tion task datasets, and sample 20K examples from
QA, fact-checking, and NLI task datasets. We com-
bine all the simulated datasets to create the training
set for our main experiment.
AttrEval-Simulation. For testing, we first simu-
late examples from six out-of-domain QA datasets:
HotpotQA (Yang et al., 2018), EntityQuestions
(Sciavolino et al., 2021), PopQA (Mallen et al.,
2022), TREC (Baudis and Sedivý, 2015), Trivi-
aQA (Joshi et al., 2017), and WebQuestions (Be-
rant et al., 2013). Note that we intend to use dif-
ferent QA datasets for training and testing, as to
test the model’s generalization ability, and evalu-
ate its performance across a diverse set of domains
and question formats. Our manual examination
indicates that 84% of 50 randomly sampled exam-
ples accurately align with their category, and the
labeling errors are primarily due to incorrect an-
notations in the original QA datasets or heuristics
used to formulate comparable answer candidates
for contradictory errors and to retrieve negative
passages for extrapolatory errors.
AttrEval-GenSearch. To examine the real-life ap-
plication of automatic attribution evaluation, ap-
proximately 250 examples from the New Bing
search engine are annotated carefully by the au-
thors. This process comprises two subtasks: creat-
ing queries and verifying attributions. To avoid the
issue of training data contamination, new queries
are manually created across 12 domains (Figure
To facilitate and motivate query annotation,
The “AI/NLP Research” domain is inspired by recent
discussions on social media about testing LLMs’ knowledge
on researchers, e.g., “Is XX a co-author of the paper XX?”
Daily Life
Pet & Animal
Med & Health
Econ. & Fin.
AI/NLP Research
Figure 3: Domain distribution of our annotated AttrEval-
GenSearch test set (covering 12 domains in total).
keywords from a specific domain are randomly
generated using ChatGPT, and relevant facts within
that domain are compiled from the Web.
In the verification process, queries are sent to the
New Bing search engine under a balanced mode fol-
lowing Liu et al. (2023), which balances accuracy
and creativity. The validity of the output generated
by New Bing is evaluated, where we consider only
the first sentence that answers the question along
with its reference. As we state in Section 2, our
evaluation emphasizes the error type in a single
reference per statement. In the case of a sentence
having multiple references or distinct segments (for
example, “XXX [1][2]” or “XXX [1] and YYY
[2]”), each reference or segment is treated as a
separate sample, and the attributions are verified
individually. Finally, the samples are categorized
by the annotators as attributable, contradictory, or
extrapolatory. Detailed annotation guidelines can
be found in Appendix D.
4.2 Implementation Details
In the configuration of “prompting LLMs”, we
test Alpaca (Taori et al., 2023), Vicuna (Chiang
et al., 2023), ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2023a) and GPT-
4 (OpenAI, 2023b), where we use OpenAI’s offi-
cial APIs (
gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4-0314
, and
weights from Alpaca and Vicuna from the official
. For Alpaca and Vicuna inference, doc-
uments are tokenized and truncated at a maximum
of 2048 tokens. We generate text with a temper-
ature of
. The prompts for the task of evaluat-
ing attribution are provided in Appendix Table 6,
We make an effort to collect new facts post-2021 to test
about “knowledge confliction” (Zhou et al., 2023; Xie et al.,
2023) between parametric and external knowledge.
Given GPT-4’s high cost and slow inference speed, we
evaluate it on 500 random samples from AttrEval-Simulation.
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