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内容概要:本文提出了API-Bank这一全新的评估基准,专为工具增强型大型语言模型(LLMs)设计,用以系统评价这些模型利用外部工具的能力。研究通过模拟真实世界情境,构建了53个常用API以及一套完整的交互流程,包括从决定是否调用API到执行具体操作的所有步骤。API-Bank包含264段带注释对话,共涉及568次API调用,旨在测试并提高大型语言模型通过多轮次对话解决复杂问题的能力。此外,研究还进行了详细的实验分析与错误分类,结果显示GPT-4相比早期版本GPT-3和GPT-3.5拥有更强的规划性能,但仍存在一定改进空间,如逻辑判断、用户意图理解和跨API协同等方面。尽管如此,本研究成果揭示了将外部工具集成进语言模型以满足人类日常需求的巨大潜力。 适用人群:对自然语言处理领域内的大模型训练、API接口设计及其实现感兴趣的科研人员和技术开发者。 使用场景及目标:适用于研究机构和企业在进行语言模型能力测试时采用,旨在衡量LLMs通过调用第三方工具完成任务的效果。同时,它还可以指导未来的研究方向,帮助提升模型的实际应用价值,比如在智能助手、虚拟客服等领域发挥关键作用。 其他说明:本文不仅详细介绍了API-Bank的设计理念和方法论,还包括具体的案例分析和技术细节讨论。
API-Bank: A Benchmark for Tool-Augmented LLMs
Minghao Li
, Feifan Song
, Bowen Yu
, Haiyang Yu
, Zhoujun Li
, Fei Huang
, Yongbin Li
Alibaba DAMO Academy
MOE Key Laboratory of Computational Linguistics, Peking University
Shenzhen Intelligent Strong Technology Co., Ltd.
{lmh397008, yubowen.ybw, yifei.yhy, f.huang, shuide.lyb}@alibaba-inc.com
Recent research has shown that Large Lan-
guage Models (LLMs) can utilize external
tools to improve their contextual processing
abilities, moving away from the pure language
modeling paradigm and paving the way for
Artificial General Intelligence. Despite this,
there has been a lack of systematic evalua-
tion to demonstrate the efficacy of LLMs using
tools to respond to human instructions. This
paper presents API-Bank, the first benchmark
tailored for Tool-Augmented LLMs. API-
Bank includes 53 commonly used API tools,
a complete Tool-Augmented LLM workflow,
and 264 annotated dialogues that encompass
a total of 568 API calls. These resources have
been designed to thoroughly evaluate LLMs’
ability to plan step-by-step API calls, retrieve
relevant APIs, and correctly execute API calls
to meet human needs. The experimental re-
sults show that GPT-3.5 emerges the ability to
use the tools relative to GPT3, while GPT-4
has stronger planning performance. Neverthe-
less, there remains considerable scope for fur-
ther improvement when compared to human
performance. Additionally, detailed error anal-
ysis and case studies demonstrate the feasibil-
ity of Tool-Augmented LLMs for daily use, as
well as the primary challenges that future re-
search needs to address.
1 Introduction
Over the past several years, significant progress has
been made in the development of large language
models (LLMs), including GPT-3 (Brown et al.,
2020), Codex (Chen et al., 2021), ChatGPT, and
impressive GPT-4 (Bubeck et al., 2023). These
models exhibit increasingly human-like capabil-
ities, such as powerful conversation, in-context
learning, and code generation across a wide range
of open-domain tasks. Some researchers even be-
Corresponding author.
lieve that LLMs could provide a gateway to Artifi-
cial General Intelligence (Bubeck et al., 2023).
Despite their usefulness, however, LLMs are
still limited as they can only learn from their train-
ing data (Brown et al., 2020). This information
can become outdated and may not be suitable
for all applications (Trivedi et al., 2022; Mialon
et al., 2023). Consequently, there has been a surge
in research aimed at augmenting LLMs with the
ability to use external tools to access up-to-date
information (Izacard et al., 2022), perform com-
putations (Schick et al., 2023), and interact with
third-party services (Liang et al., 2023) in response
to user requests. Tool use has traditionally been
viewed as uniquely human behavior, and the emer-
gence of tool use has been considered a significant
milestone in primate evolution, even serving to
demarcate the appearance of the genus Homo (Am-
brose, 2001). Analogous to the timeline of human
evolution, we believe that at this current juncture,
we must address two key questions: (1) How effec-
tive are current LLMs in using tools? (2) What are
the remaining obstacles for LLMs to use tools?
In this paper, we introduce API-Bank, the
first systematic benchmark for evaluating Tool-
Augmented LLMs’ ability to use tools. We imagine
a vision where, with access to a global repository of
tools, LLMs can aid humans in
ning a require-
ment by outlining all the steps necessary to achieve
it. Subsequently, it will
the tool pool for
the needed tools and, through possibly multiple
rounds of API
s, fulfill the human requirement,
thus becoming truly helpful and all-knowing. To
achieve this goal, we first simulate the real-world
scenario by creating 53 commonly used tools, such
as SearchEngine, PlayMusic, BookHotel, Image-
Caption, and organize them in an API Pool for
LLMs to call. We then propose a complete work-
flow for LLMs to use these tools, which includes
determining whether to call an API, which API to
call, generating an API call, and self-assessing the
arXiv:2304.08244v1 [cs.CL] 14 Apr 2023
API Call? Yes
API Pool
External Service
Give Up
Figure 1: The proposed Tool-Augmented LLMs paradigm.
correctness of the API call. We further manually
review 264 dialogues that contain 568 API calls,
along with an automated scoring script to fairly
evaluate each LLM’s performance in using tools.
Similar to our vision, we divide all dialogues into
three levels. Level-1 evaluates the LLM’s ability
to call the API. Given an API’s description, the
model needs to determine whether to call the API,
call it correctly, and respond appropriately to its
return. Level-2 further assesses the LLM’s ability
the API. LLMs must search for possi-
ble APIs that may solve the user’s requirement and
learn how to use the API. Level-3 examines the
LLM’s ability to
API beyond retrieve and call.
In this level, the user’s requirement may be unclear
and require multiple API steps to solve. For exam-
ple, "I want to travel from Shanghai to Beijing for
a week starting tomorrow. Help me plan the travel
route and book flights, tickets, and hotels." LLMs
must infer a reasonable travel plan and call flight,
hotel, and ticket booking APIs based on the plan,
taking into account compatibility issues with time.
On our constructed API-Bank benchmark, we
conduct experimental analysis for the first time on
the effectiveness of popular LLMs in utilizing API
tools. Our findings suggest that calling API is an
emergent ability that shares similarities with math
word problems (Wei et al., 2022). Specifically,
we observe that GPT-3-Davinci struggles to call
APIs in the simplest level-1 correctly. However,
with GPT-3.5-Turbo, the correctness of API calls
dramatically improves, with around 50% success
rate. Moving to level-2, which involves API re-
trieval, GPT-3.5-Turbo achieves a 40% success rate.
However, when it comes to level-3, which requires
API planning, GPT-3.5-Turbo encounters numer-
ous errors, necessitating an average of 9.9 rounds
of dialogue to complete user requests. This is ap-
proximately 38% more than what is required by
GPT-4. Meanwhile, it should be noted that GPT-4
remains imperfections, as it utilizes approximately
35% more conversation rounds in API planning
when compared to humans. We also provide a de-
tailed error analysis to summarize the obstacles
faced by LLMs when using tools. These include
refusing to make API calls despite explicit instruc-
tions in the prompt and generating non-existent
API calls. Overall, our study sheds light on the po-
tential of LLMs to utilize API tools and highlights
the challenges that need to be addressed in future
level-1 level-2 level-3
Num of Dialogues 214 50 8
Num of API calls 399 135 34
Table 1: The statistics of API-Bank.
2 Tool-Augmented LLMs Paradigm
The existing works on Tool-Augmented LLMs usu-
ally teach the language model to use tools in two
different ways: In-context learning and Fine-tuning.
The former is to show the model the instructions
and the examples of all the candidate tools, which
can extend the general model directly but is limited
by the context length. In comparison, the latter is
fine-tuning the language model by annotated data,
which has no length problem but will damage the
robustness of the model. In this work, we mainly
focus on in-context learning and solve its shortage
of limited context length.
To address this issue, we design a new paradigm
that may be the only solution to use a large num-
ber of tools under the context length limit. Fig-
ure 1 shows the flowchart of the proposed paradigm.
This is an example process for a chatbot, and the
paradigm can be generalized to any generative
model application.
In the proposed paradigm, there is an API Pool
containing various APIs focusing on different as-
pects of life, as well as a keyword-based API search
engine to help the language model find API. Be-
fore starting, the model will be given a prompt to
explain the whole process and its task, as well as
how to use the API search engine.
In the longest path of the whole flowchart, the
model needs to make several judgments (the dia-
monds in the Figure 1) as follows:
API Call
After each user statement, the model
needs to determine if an API call is required to
access the external service, which requires the abil-
ity to know the boundaries of its knowledge or the
need for outside action. This judgment leads to two
different options: regular reply or starting the API
call process. During the regular reply, the model
could chat with people or try to figure out the needs
of the user and plan the process of completing them.
If the model already understands the user’s needs
and decides to start the API call process, it will
continue with subsequent steps.
Find the Right API
To address the input limi-
tations of the model, the model is given only the
instructions of the API search engine at the begin-
ning without any specific API introduction. An
API search is required before every specific API
call. When performing an API search, the model
should summarize the demand of the user to a few
keywords. The API search engine will look up the
API pool, find the best match and return the related
documentation to help the model understand how
to use it. The retrieved API may not be what the
model needs, so the model has to decide whether
to modify the keywords and search them again, or
give up the API call and reply.
Reply after API Call
After completing the API
call and obtaining the returned results, the model
needs to take action based on the results. If the
returned results are expected, the model can reply
to the user based on the results. If there is an ex-
ception in the API call or the model is not satisfied
with the results, the model can choose to refine and
call again based on the returned information, or
give up the API call and reply.
The pseudo-code description of the complete
API call procedure is as follows:
Algorithm 1 API call process
1: Input: us ← U serSt atement
2: if API Call is needed then
3: while API not found do
4: keywords ← summarize(us)
5: api ← search(k eywords)
6: if Give Up then
7: break
8: end if
9: end while
10: if API found then
11: api_doc ← api.documentation
12: while Response not satisfied do
13: api_call ← gen_api_call(api_doc, us)
14: api_re ← execute_api_call(api_call)
15: if Give Up then
16: break
17: end if
18: end while
19: end if
20: end if
21: if response then
22: re ← generate_response(api_re)
23: else
24: re ← generate_response()
25: end if
26: Output: ResponseT oUser
3 Benchmark Construction
3.1 System Design
The evaluation system mainly contains 53 APIs,
supporting databases, and a ToolManager. The
complete list of APIs is attached in Appendix A.
The built system includes the most common needs
of life and work. The other types of AI models are
also abstracted in the form of APIs that can be used
by the LLMs, which will extend the capabilities of
specific aspects of the model. In addition, some
operating system interfaces are included to allow
models to control external applications.
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