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内容概要:本文介绍了 SELF-INSTRUCT 方法——一种用于改善预训练语言模型跟随指令能力的框架。作者提出了一种通过自动生成的指令数据对原始模型进行微调的新方法。首先从少量种子任务开始,利用现有语言模型(如GPT3)生成新的指令、输入与输出样例,然后剪枝并用这些样本来增强原有模型的表现。实验证明,采用 SELF-INSTRUCT 微调后的GPT3,在 SUPER-NATURALINSTRUCTIONS 数据集上取得了超过 33% 的相对提升,并在多项测试中展示了广泛的任务适应性和优秀的性能。 适合人群:对自然语言处理感兴趣的研究人员、机器学习爱好者以及需要提升AI系统指令理解和响应质量的技术人员。 使用场景及目标:适用于希望减少人工标注数据依赖、提升大规模语言模型泛化能力和多任务解决能力的项目;尤其适合于那些涉及复杂语言任务的应用场合。 阅读建议:虽然论文的技术细节较多,但重点应放在理解框架的整体流程及其带来的显著效益上。对于具体的实验设置和技术参数,可根据自身项目的实际情况做适当调整。
SELF-INSTRUCT: Aligning Language Model
with Self Generated Instructions
Yizhong Wang
Yeganeh Kordi
Swaroop Mishra
Alisa Liu
Noah A. Smith
Daniel Khashabi
Hannaneh Hajishirzi
University of Washington
Tehran Polytechnic
Arizona State University
Johns Hopkins University
Allen Institute for AI
Large “instruction-tuned” language models
(finetuned to respond to instructions) have
demonstrated a remarkable ability to gener-
alize zero-shot to new tasks. Nevertheless,
they depend heavily on human-written instruc-
tion data that is limited in quantity, diver-
sity, and creativity, therefore hindering the
generality of the tuned model. We intro-
duce SELF-INSTRUCT, a framework for im-
proving the instruction-following capabilities
of pretrained language models by bootstrap-
ping off its own generations. Our pipeline
generates instruction, input, and output sam-
ples from a language model, then prunes
them before using them to finetune the orig-
inal model. Applying our method to vanilla
GPT3, we demonstrate a 33% absolute im-
provement over the original model on SUPER-
NATURALINSTRUCTIONS, on par with the per-
formance of InstructGPT
, which is trained
with private user data and human annotations.
For further evaluation, we curate a set of
expert-written instructions for novel tasks, and
show through human evaluation that tuning
GPT3 with SELF-INSTRUCT outperforms using
existing public instruction datasets by a large
margin, leaving only a 5% absolute gap behind
. SELF-INSTRUCT provides an
almost annotation-free method for aligning pre-
trained language models with instructions, and
we release our large synthetic dataset to facili-
tate future studies on instruction tuning
1 Introduction
The recent NLP literature has witnessed a tremen-
dous amount of activity in building models that
Unless otherwise specified, our comparisons are with the
engine. We focus on this engine since it
is the closest to our experimental setup: supervised fine-tuning
with human demonstrations. The newer engines are more
powerful, though they use more data (e.g., code completion or
latest user queries) or algorithms (e.g., PPO) that are difficult
to compare with.
Code and data will be available at
can follow natural language instructions (Mishra
et al., 2022; Wei et al., 2022; Sanh et al., 2022;
Wang et al., 2022; Ouyang et al., 2022; Chung et al.,
2022, i.a.). These developments are powered by
two key components: large pre-trained language
models (LM) and human-written instruction data.
PROMPTSOURCE (Bach et al., 2022) and SUPER-
NATURALINSTRUCTIONS (Wang et al., 2022) are
two notable recent datasets that use extensive man-
ual annotation for collecting instructions to con-
struct T
(Bach et al., 2022; Sanh et al., 2022) and
-INSTRUCT (Wang et al., 2022). However, this
process is costly and often suffers limited diver-
sity given that most human generations tend to be
popular NLP tasks, falling short of covering a true
variety of tasks and different ways to describe them.
Given these limitations, continuing to improve the
quality of instruction-tuned models necessitates the
development of alternative approaches for supervis-
ing instruction-tuned models.
In this work, we introduce SELF-INSTRUCT, a
semi-automated process for instruction-tuning a
pretrained LM using instructional signals from the
model itself. The overall process is an iterative
bootstrapping algorithm (see Figure 1), which starts
off with a limited (e.g., 175 in our study) seed set
of manually-written instructions that are used to
guide the overall generation. In the first phase, the
model is prompted to generate instructions for new
tasks. This step leverages the existing collection of
instructions to create more broad-coverage instruc-
tions that define (often new) tasks. Given the newly-
generated set of instructions, the framework also
creates input-output instances for them, which can
be later used for supervising the instruction tuning.
Finally, various measures are used to prune low-
quality and repeated instructions, before adding
them to the task pool. This process can be repeated
for many interactions until reaching a large number
of tasks.
To evaluate SELF-INSTRUCT empirically, we run
arXiv:2212.10560v1 [cs.CL] 20 Dec 2022
175 seed tasks with
1 instruction and
1 instance per task
Task Pool Step 1: Instruction Generation
Step 4: Filtering
Step 2: Classification
Task Identification
Step 3: Instance Generation
Instruction : Give me a quote from a
famous person on this topic.
Instruction : Give me a quote from a famous person on this topic.
Input: Topic: The importance of being honest.
Output: "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom." - Thomas
Instruction : Find out if the given text is in favor of or against abortion.
Class Label: Pro-abortion
Input: Text: I believe that women should have the right to choose whether
or not they want to have an abortion.
Figure 1: A high-level overview of SELF-INSTRUCT. The process starts with a small seed set of tasks (one instruc-
tion and one input-output instance for each task) as the task pool. Random tasks are sampled from the task pool,
and used to prompt an off-the-shelf LM to generate both new instructions and corresponding instances, followed
by filtering low-quality or similar generations, and then added back to the initial repository of tasks. The resulting
data can be used for the instruction tuning of the language model itself later to follow instructions better. Tasks
shown in the figure are generated by GPT3. See Table 10 for more creative examples.
this framework on GPT3 (Brown et al., 2020),
which is a vanilla LM (§4). The iterative SELF-
INSTRUCT process on this model leads to about
52k instructions, paired with about 82K instance
inputs and target outputs. We observe that the result-
ing data provides a diverse range of creative tasks
and over 50% of them have less than 0.3 ROUGE-
L overlaps with the seed instructions (§4.2). On
this resulting data, we build GPT3
fine-tuning GPT3 (i.e., the same model used for
generating the instructional data). We evaluate
in comparison to various other mod-
els on both typical NLP tasks included in SUPER-
NATURALINSTRUCTIONS (Wang et al., 2022), and
a set of new instructions that are created for novel
usage of instruction-following models (§5). The
SUPERNI results indicate that GPT3
performs GPT3 (the original model) by a large
margin (+33.1%) and nearly matches the perfor-
mance of
. Moreover, our human
evaluation on the newly-created instruction set
shows that GPT3
demonstrates a broad
range of instruction following ability, outperform-
ing models trained on other publicly available in-
struction datasets and leaving only a 5% gap behind
In summary, our contributions are: (1) SELF-
INSTRUCT, a method for inducing instruction-
following capability with minimal human-labeled
data; (2) We demonstrate its effectiveness via exten-
sive instruction-tuning experiments; (3) We release
a large synthetic dataset of 52K instructions and a
set of manually-written novel tasks for building and
evaluating future instruction-following models.
2 Related Work
Instruction-following language models.
A se-
ries of works have found evidence that vanilla lan-
guage models can be effective at following general
language instructions if tuned with annotated “in-
structional” data – datasets containing language
instructional commands and their desired outcome
based on human judgement (Weller et al., 2020;
Mishra et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2022; Wei et al.,
2022; Sanh et al., 2022; Ouyang et al., 2022; Par-
mar et al., 2022; Scialom et al., 2022; Chung et al.,
2022; Luo et al., 2022; Puri et al., 2022; Yin et al.,
2022; Chakrabarty et al., 2022; Lin et al., 2022;
Gupta et al., 2022; Muennighoff et al., 2022). Addi-
tionally, they show a direct correlation between the
size and diversity of the “instructional” data and the
generalizability of resulting models to unseen tasks.
Since these developments depend on human anno-
tated “instructional” data, this poses a bottleneck
for progress toward more generalizable models (for
example see Fig. 5a in Wang et al., 2022). Our
work aims to tackle this bottleneck by reducing the
dependence on human annotators.
Additionally, despite the remarkable perfor-
mance of models like
(Ouyang et al.,
2022), their construction process remains quite
opaque. In particular, the role of data has remained
understudied due to limited transparency and data
released by major corporate entities behind these
key models. Addressing such challenges necessi-
tates the creation of a large-scale, public dataset
covering a broad range of tasks.
Instruction-following models have also been of
interest in the multi-modal learning literature (Fried
et al., 2018; Shridhar et al., 2020; Min et al., 2022;
Weir et al., 2022). SELF-INSTRUCT, as a general
approach to expanding data, can potentially also be
helpful in those settings; however, this is out of the
scope of this work.
Language models for data generation and aug-
A variety of works have relied on
generative LMs for data generation (Schick and
Schütze, 2021; Wang et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2022;
Meng et al., 2022) or augmentation (Feng et al.,
2021; Yang et al., 2020; Mekala et al., 2022). For
example, Schick and Schütze (2021) propose to
replace human annotations of a given task with
prompting large LMs and use the resulting data for
fine-tuning (often smaller) models in the context
of SuperGLUE tasks (Wang et al., 2019). While
our work can be viewed as a form of “augmenta-
tion,” our work differs from this line in that it is not
specific to a particular task (say, QA or NLI). In
contrast, a distinct motivation for SELF-INSTRUCT
is to bootstrap new task definitions that may not
have been defined before by any NLP practitioner
(though potentially still important for downstream
A typical self-training framework
(He et al., 2019; Xie et al., 2020; Du et al., 2021;
Amini et al., 2022; Huang et al., 2022) uses trained
models to assign labels to unlabeled data and then
leverages the newly labeled data to improve the
model. In a similar line, Zhou et al. (2022a) use
multiple prompts to specify a single task and pro-
pose to regularize via prompt consistency, encour-
aging consistent predictions over the prompts. This
allows either finetuning the model with extra un-
labeled training data, or direct application at infer-
ence time. While SELF-INSTRUCT has some simi-
larities with the self-training literature, most self-
training methods assume a specific target task as
well as unlabeled examples under it; in contrast,
SELF-INSTRUCT produces a variety of tasks from
Knowledge distillation.
Knowledge distilla-
tion (Hinton et al., 2015; Sanh et al., 2019; West
et al., 2021; Magister et al., 2022) often involves
the transfer of knowledge from larger models to
smaller ones. SELF-INSTRUCT can also be viewed
as a form of “knowledge distillation", however, it
differs from this line in the following ways: (1)
the source and target of distillation are the same,
i.e., a model’s knowledge is distilled to itself; (2)
the content of distillation is in the form of an
instruction task (i.e., instructions that define a task,
and a set of examples that instantiate it).
Bootstrapping with limited resources.
A series
of recent works use language models to boot-
strap some inferences using specialized methods.
NPPrompt (Zhao et al., 2022) provides a method
to generate predictions for semantic labels without
any fine-tuning. It uses a model’s own embeddings
to automatically find words relevant to the label of
the data sample and hence reduces the dependency
on manual mapping from model prediction to la-
bel (verbalizers). STAR (Zelikman et al., 2022)
iteratively leverages a small number of rationale
examples and a large dataset without rationales, to
bootstrap a model’s ability to perform reasoning.
Self-Correction (Welleck et al., 2022) decouples an
imperfect base generator (model) from a separate
corrector that learns to iteratively correct imperfect
generations and demonstrates improvement over the
base generator. Our work instead focuses on boot-
strapping new tasks in the instruction paradigm.
Instruction generation.
A series of recent
works (Zhou et al., 2022b; Ye et al., 2022; Singh
et al., 2022; Honovich et al., 2022) generate instruc-
tions of a task given a few examples. While SELF-
INSTRUCT also involves instruction generation, a
major difference in our case is it is task-agnostic;
we generate new tasks (instructions along with in-
stances) from scratch.
3 Method
Annotating large-scale instruction data can be chal-
lenging for humans because it requires 1) creativity
to come up with novel tasks and 2) expertise for
writing the labeled instances for each task. In this
section, we detail our process for SELF-INSTRUCT,
which refers to the pipeline of generating tasks with
vanilla pretrained language model
itself and
then conducting instruction tuning with this gener-
ated data in order to align the language model to
follow instructions better. This pipeline is depicted
in Figure 1.
3.1 Defining Instruction Data
The instruction data we want to generate contains
a set of instructions
, each of which defines a
in natural language. Each task has one or
more input-output instances
, 𝑌
. A model
is expected to produce the output
, given the task
and the instance input
, 𝑥) =
𝑦, for (𝑥, 𝑦) ∈ (𝑋
, 𝑌
. Note that the instruction
and instance input does not have a strict boundary
in many cases. For example, “write an essay about
school safety” can be a valid instruction that we
expect models to respond to directly, while it can
also be formulated as “write an essay about the fol-
lowing topic” as the instruction, and “school safety”
as an instance input. To encourage the diversity of
the data format, we allow such instructions that do
not require additional input (i.e., 𝑥 is empty).
3.2 Automatic Instruction Data Generation
Our pipeline for generating the instruction data con-
sists of four steps: 1) instruction generation, 2) iden-
tifying whether the instruction represents a classifi-
cation task or not, 3) instance generation with the
input-first or the output-first approach, and 4) filter-
ing low-quality data.
Instruction Generation.
based on a finding that large pretrained language
models can be prompted to generate new and
novel instructions when presented with some
existing instructions in the context. This provides
us with a way to grow the instruction data from a
small set of seed human-written instructions. We
propose to generate a diverse set of instructions in
a bootstrapping fashion. We initiate the task pool
with 175 tasks (1 instruction and 1 instance for
each task) written by our authors. For every step,
we sample 8 task instructions from this pool as
in-context examples. Of the 8 instructions, 6 are
from the human-written tasks, and 2 are from the
model-generated tasks in previous steps to promote
diversity. The prompting template is shown in
Table 6.
Classification Task Identification.
Because we
need two different approaches for classification and
non-classification tasks, we next identify whether
the generated instruction represents a classification
task or not.
We prompt vanilla GPT3 few-shot to
determine this, using 12 classification instructions
and 19 non-classification instructions from the seed
tasks. The prompting template is shown in Table 7.
Instance Generation.
Given the instructions and
their task type, we generate instances for each in-
struction independently. This is challenging be-
cause it requires the model to understand what the
target task is, based on the instruction, figure out
what additional input fields are needed and gen-
erate them, and finally complete the task by pro-
ducing the output. We found that pretrained lan-
guage models can achieve this to a large extent when
prompted with instruction-input-output in-context
examples from other tasks. A natural way to do this
is the
Input-first Approach
, where we can ask a
language model to come up with the input fields
first based on the instruction, and then produce the
corresponding output. This generation order is sim-
ilar to how models are used to respond to instruction
and input, but here with in-context examples from
other tasks. The prompting template is shown in
Table 8.
However, we found that this approach can gen-
erate inputs biased toward one label, especially for
classification tasks (e.g., for grammar error detec-
tion, it usually generates grammatical input). There-
fore, we additionally propose an
Output-first Ap-
for classification tasks, where we first gener-
ate the possible class labels, and then condition the
input generation on each class label. The prompting
template is shown in Table 9.
We apply the output-
first approach to the classification tasks identified
in the former step, and the input-first approach to
the remaining non-classification tasks.
Filtering and Postprocessing.
To encourage di-
versity, a new instruction is added to the task pool
only when its ROUGE-L overlap with any exist-
ing instruction is less than 0.7. We also exclude
instructions that contain some specific keywords
(e.g., images, pictures, graphs) that usually can not
be processed by language models. When generat-
ing new instances for each instruction, we filter out
instances that are exactly the same or those with
the same input but different outputs.
More concretely, we regard tasks that have a limited and
small output label space as classification tasks.
In this work, we use a fixed set of seed tasks for prompt-
ing the instance generation, and thus only generate a small
number of instances per task in one round. Future work can
use randomly sampled tasks to prompt the model to generate
a larger number of instances in multiple rounds.
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