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内容概要:本文介绍了名为WeaverBird的智能对话系统,专门针对金融领域,利用大型语言模型(如GPT架构)、本地知识库和搜索引擎来提供高质量的金融服务和建议。系统可以理解复杂的金融查询并提供有根据的回答,同时整合了网络搜索的能力,使响应更具可信度。实验证明,WeaverBird系统在解决多种金融相关问题时优于现有解决方案。 适用人群:适用于从事金融行业的专业人士,研究机构的研究员,以及对金融领域感兴趣的个人。 使用场景及目标:①为企业和金融机构提供专业的财务咨询和支持;②帮助普通大众更好地理解和管理个人财务;③支持研究人员开展金融领域的深度研究。 其他说明:项目代码已公开,可通过访问提供的链接进行体验和进一步研究。此外,系统还包含丰富的中文金融文档语料库,为处理中文查询提供了独特优势。
WeaverBird: Empowering Financial Decision-Making with
Large Language Model, Knowledge Base, and Search Engine
Siqiao Xue
, Fan Zhou
, Yi Xu
, Ming Jin
, Qingsong Wen
, Hongyan Hao
, Qingyang Dai
Caigao Jiang
, Hongyu Zhao
, Shuo Xie
, Jianshan He
, James Zhang
, Hongyuan Mei
♦Ant Group, ♣Monash University, ♥Alibaba DAMO Academy,
We present WeaverBird, an intelligent dialogue system tailored for
the nance sector. Our system harnesses a large language model
of GPT architecture that has been tuned using extensive corpora
of nancial texts. As a result, our system possesses the capability
to understand complex nancial queries, such as “How should I
manage my investments during ination?”, and provide informed
responses. Furthermore, our system integrates a local knowledge
base and search engine to retrieve relevant information. The nal
system responses are conditioned on the web search and include
proper references to the sources, thus enjoying enhanced credibility.
Comparative evaluations on a wide range of nancial question-
answering highlight our system’s superior performance over other
models. Experience WeaverBird for yourself through our live demo
at https://weaverbird.ttic.edu and view our concise 2-minute video
at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yofgeqnlrMc. Our code has also
been made publicly available at https://github.com/ant-research/n_
• Social and professional topics
Computing and business;
• Computing methodologies
Natural language processing.
large language models, nance, dialogue system
ACM Reference Format:
Siqiao Xue
, Fan Zhou
, Yi Xu
, Ming Jin
, Qingsong Wen
, Hongyan
, Qingyang Dai
and Caigao Jiang
, Hongyu Zhao
, Shuo Xie
, Jian-
shan He
, James Zhang
, Hongyuan Mei
. 2023. WeaverBird: Empowering
Financial Decision-Making with Large Language Model, Knowledge Base,
and Search Engine. In Proceedings of Make sure to enter the correct conference
title from your rights conrmation emai (Conference acronym ’XX). ACM,
New York, NY, USA, 10 pages. https://doi.org/XXXXXXX.XXXXXXX
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Conference acronym ’XX, June 03–05, 2023, Woodstock, NY
© 2023 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-XXXX-X/18/06. . .$15.00
Everyone faces nancial decisions from time to time. From ques-
tions like “What does the earnings report indicate for stock X?” to
“How should I navigate my investments during ination?”, many
individuals prefer consulting nancial professionals. Yet, not every-
one has the means to access such expert services.
In this paper, we introduce WeaverBird
, an intelligent dialogue
system tailored for the nancial sector. Our primary objective is to
bridge the disparity in accessing nancial advisory services and to
democratize nancial expertise. Acting as an intelligent nancial
assistant, WeaverBird is adept at understanding complex economic
and nancial queries, oering nancial perspectives, and enabling
users to make informed nancial decisions. Through the launch of
our system, we aspire to ensure that people across varied nancial
backgrounds gain access to trustworthy nancial advice.
Another key motivation for developing a nance dialogue sys-
tem is to support future research in this area. A comparison of
our WeaverBird system to other competitive approaches is sum-
marized in Table 1. Throughout the development process of our
system, we have amassed extensive collections of nance-centric
text documents, which have been leveraged in ne-tuning language
foundation models. This resource will be available to the research
community for future exploration and analysis. Notably, our collec-
tion features a substantial corpus of Chinese nancial documents,
addressing the gap in the predominantly English-based nance cor-
pora and oering a valuable addition. This equips our WeaverBird
system with a distinctive edge in processing Chinese queries and
delving into discussions concerning Chinese rms and equities. Fur-
thermore, we have constructed a collection of challenging nancial
question-answer pairs, which can serve as a benchmark for evalu-
ating the performance of future models and systems. Each question
stems from a selected document, such as an industry research re-
port. Consequently, answering these questions correctly requires
the discovery of the specic document or equivalent information
from the local knowledge base or across the internet. Our Weaver-
Bird system harnesses the latest research advancements in large
language models, enhanced by our novel training and inference
methods, which we will elaborate on in section 2. This system sets
a robust baseline for evaluating future models and systems in the
nance domain.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
This name embodies our vision for WeaverBird, symbolizing our commitment to
delivering comprehensive and intelligent support in the nance domain. It represents
the intricate and skillful weaving of nancial knowledge and information, empowering
users with a robust and reliable resource.
arXiv:2308.05361v3 [cs.CL] 2 Dec 2023
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