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内容概要:本文探讨了机场轮椅协助服务的有效性和成本优化问题。研究团队采用仿真驱动的方法,提出了一个优化调度算法来确定最佳的轮椅和陪护员配比,旨在最小化总体成本,同时确保乘客能够及时登机。文章首先对问题进行了定义和假设,接着详细描述了仿真和优化过程,包括机场布局建模、请求列表生成、调度计划制定以及成本计算方法。最终,通过对不同场景(如单航站楼、双航站楼和四航站楼)的测试,验证了算法的有效性并得出了相关结论。 适合人群:从事交通运输管理、运营管理、系统工程等领域研究和技术人员,特别是关注机场旅客服务质量提升的研究者和实践者。 使用场景及目标:适用于大型机场的运营管理部门,在提高旅客服务水平的同时降低运营成本,特别针对轮椅协助服务进行优化。 其他说明:文章还讨论了老龄化人口增加对服务需求的影响,建议未来的服务调整不仅要考虑总旅客量的变化,还要考虑单位旅客量内的辅助需求比例变化。这有助于航空公司更好地应对未来的市场需求变化。
A Simulation-Driven Approach For A Cost Efficient Airport
Wheelchair Assistance Service
Team # 868
February 6, 2006
1 Introduction
Although roughly 0.6% of the US population is wheelchair-bound, the strain of travel is such that, according
to some estimations, more than twice that amount relies on wheelchairs in airports [5]. Even those who
have their own chairs still rely on airlines fo r assistance when making connections.
Fo r airlines to provide this service effectively, they must find a way to skirt the boundary between doing
too much and doing too little. Many factors are under the company’s control: the maintenance schedule
for the wheelchairs, the amount of seasonal hiring to meet the holiday rush, etc. Ultimately, though, two
issues have the greatest impact on the cost and effectiveness of their service: how many wheelchairs they
should have, and how they should be deployed. These are the focus of this study.
If an airline has too few wheelchairs or employees to move them, they will not be able to reach all
passengers with enough time to make it to their flights on time. If they delay the flight for these passengers,
costs are incurred in terms of lost time. If a flight must leave without a passenger who needed to be escorted,
the passenger must be reimbursed, and, if such an occurence is routine, the reputation of the company
On the other hand, if an airline has grossly over-estimated the demand fo r assistance, they will lose
money spent on the wages of idle escorts and on superfluous wheelchairs. The cost of a wheelchair is
greater than just the initial purchase price: they must be maintained, and because space is at a premium
at an airport, the cost of storing them is also non-trivial.
In developing a method of deployment, tending to the extremes is equally ill-advised. If the escorts
had to determine their own movements about the airport, the lack of coordination would result in areas
of the airport going unattended. The fluctuation of requests could be so great, though, that a plan which
gives each escort a territory could both over- and under-work escorts in different areas.
Air travel is non-uniform to such a degree that t he proper number of escorts and wheelchairs is not
only a question of the airport but of the volume of passengers, which can vary greatly.
In this study, we present an algo rithm for the scheduling of the movement of escorts which is both
simple in implementation and effective in maximizing the use of available time in each escort’s schedule.
Then, given the implementation of this algorithm, we simulate the scheduling of requests in a given airport
to find the number of wheelchair/escort pairs that minimizes cost.
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2 Methods And Assumptions
To determine an optimal scheduling and deployment plan, we propose a stochastic simulation-driven opti-
mization procedure. We partition the problem into t hree categories: pre-simulation processing, simulation
rules and dynamics, and optimization. The pre-simulation phase generates the necessary inputs for the
simulation phase, such as the airport layout and a master passenger request list containing the wheel chair
assistance requests for a time period of one day. The simulation phase consists of a continuous, event-based
model of passenger arrival/departure and wheelchair/escort movement. Finally, we minimize costs over
the number of escorts.
2.1 Pre-Simulation
2.1.1 Airport Layout
Airports vary enough in geometry and layout to motivate optimization on a per-airport basis. The effect of
airport geometry is not immediately apparent, so the simulation is customized for the layout of a specific
airport. We r epresent an airport as a bidirectional graph, in which nodes indicate gat es, entrance/exit
points, or other places of similar interest. Edges between nodes indicate travel paths, usually through the
main hallway of a concourse. For example, Figure 1 shows the graphical representation of terminals 2 and
3 of Chicago O’Hare International Airport, constructed with the aid of a satellite image [4].
Airports are designed such tha t passengers must travel through long corridors to reach their departure
gate. As such, a typical concourse has gates located on either side of the main corridor. We assume that
the time required to travel from any gate to any gate is nontrivial; that is, even if two gates are a djacent
and on opposite sides of the main corridor, the travel time between the two gates is taken into account.
The graphical representation of t he airport is encoded in an n × n adjacency matrix, A, with entry
denoting the travel time between location i and location j. We determine travel times by figuring the
actual distance divided by a walking speed of 3 miles/hour. The shortest possible t ravel times (calculated
using Dijkstra’s Algorithm [9]) from every location to every other location is referenced in matrix D, with
entry D
denoting the shortest travel time between nodes i and j.
We assume that the escorts know the shortest path between any two gates, because they are familiar
with the airport environment. In our simulations we do not consider the distance between the gate and
the airplane.
2.1.2 Wheelchairs And Escorts
A wheelchair and its corresponding escort are treated a s a single traveling entity. In reality, the airline
may have additional wheelchairs on hand fo r the event of a malfunction, and the cost of the additional
wheelchairs is incorpo r ated into the maintenance and storage costs of the wheelchairs in operation. The
wheelchair/escort pair will henceforth be referred to as the “escort”. The escort’s job is to travel to the
arrival gate of the passenger and transfer the passenger to the departure gate. As described above, escorts
require a constant amount o f time to move from location to location. We alter the number of escorts
needed to develop an optimal deployment plan.
An important assumption is that the number o f escorts remains constant throughout the simulation
period. In reality, escorts will rotate in shifts, but with a simulation period of one day, we assume that
escorts presently starting their shifts immediately replace the escorts ending their shifts. Similarly, during
the simulation period, we do not allow the real-time hiring or firing of workers, nor the real-time buying
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or breaking of wheelchairs. Instead, we represent the costs associated with these actions with a sunken
cost term in the total cost function.
2.1.3 Passenger R equest List
Given a terminal, we then proceed to create a flight schedule for one day at the airport. To do this, we
look at the total number o f passengers who pass through the airport in a day. We estimate the average
load of a plane to be 1 25 passengers, which we use to estimate the number of flights arriving or departing
at the terminal in one day. Observation of departing flight information at a busy airport [8] confirms the
information in another source [7]: there is regular activity between 6 AM and 10 PM and relatively few
flights at night. We therefore space our departures evenly between these times, and then perturb these
va lues by a random shift o f less than an hour, so that we are certain not to t est our algorithm against just
one schedule. Subsequently, these flights are assigned to specific gates. (See Fig ure 2)
Next, we create the requests for the day. We generate the number of requests based on the total
passenger volume we are trying to mimic and the percentage of the population that requires wheelchair
assistance while traveling. For different runs, this va lue was either 0.6% or 1.2% [5]. Each request is
assigned an a r riving flight and a departing flight with the a ssumption that no layover o f less than half
an hour should be attempted. We assume t hat a certain percentage of passengers have phoned the
airline ahead of time, so their request time (time of request) is set to 0. Fo r those that remain, we
generate a random request time, varying from more than five hours to a half hour. This list is then sort ed
chronologically by request time, so that when the algorithm descends the list, it mimics the dispatcher’s
receiving the requests at varying times throughout the day, including the wheelchair needs that occur with
little notification (See Figure 3).
Different daily scenarios may be modeled by merely altering the generation of the request list. The
request list in effect models the passenger traffic load throughout the simulation, as it will contain a greater
concentration of requests during peak hours of operation. Furthermore, request frequency throughout the
day can be increased to reflect operation during holiday travel seasons at hub a irports, or yearly peak
travel periods at airports located in popular vacation destinations.
2.2 Scheduling Plan
We assume t hat each airport has escorts who can communicate with a dispatcher via a walkie-talkie, and
that the dispatcher has a schedule for each escort. For schedule for jobs in the future is mutable. When
an escort has completed one task, he calls his dispatcher to find out his next. We assume the dispatcher
knows how long it takes an escort to get between two points x and y, which we call δ
A dispatcher receives requests at varying times throughout the day. Some requests may have been
scheduled before the day begins, others may come only just before they must be executed. Each request
contains four pieces of infor matio n: the time and location of the passenger’s arrival, t
and a, and the time
and location of his departure, t
and d. For the passenger to reach his destination in a timely fashion,
whichever escort assists him must arrive at a location by some final time,
= t
− δ
The algorithm’s verion of “first come, first served” is that one task cannot replace another on a schedule
if its final time is later. This keeps every schedule compact: if a switch is made, the only result is the new
task starting sooner after the previous one (switching will be discussed shortly).
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To determine on whose schedule the task should be put, the dispatcher first finds out if anyone can
complete the task in the least optimal fashion. From those who can do that, he finds those who can
complete the task in a more convenient fashion, until he determines the most optimal way in which
someone can complete the task.
The least optimal way in which a request can be fulfilled is for the escort to bring t he passenger to
his destination late, yet within the window, δ
, in which flight is delayed. To determine if escort e can do
this, t he dispatcher looks at what location, l
, he will be at the completion of his last job before the final
time of the request, and at what time that job will be completed, t
. We must have
+ δ
< t
+ δ
If escort e meets this requirement, then he is in the group O
The next most optimal way in which a request can be fulfilled is if a n escort can bring the passenger
to his destination on time, but must remove something from his schedule later. The condition for this one
is the same as above, but without the delay term:
+ δ
< t
If escort e meets this requirement, then he is in the group O
Because we want to do as little reshuffling of schedules as possible, the next most optimal situation is
for an escort to be able to take on a request, yet still needing to push back the time of completion of his
later tasks. The dispatcher checks to see if, assuming the request was added, the sequence of travel times
and service times tha t would result has no late departures. If an escort meets this requirement, then he is
in the group O
Finally, the most ideal situation is when the dispatcher can assign a request to an escort without
rescheduling his later tasks. If his next task is to start at time t
at location s, then escort e must be able
to complete the request with enough time to go from d to s by t
+ δ
< t
If an escort meets this requirement, then he is in the group O
Once t he dispatcher has determined the escorts that fall under each category, he determines the most
optimal gro up that is not empty, and chooses one of them to schedule the request. This decision is made
by giving the request to the escort whose previous task brings him closest to the arrival location of the
passenger making the new request. If a new request bumps out one or more queued requests, they must
be rescheduled before a dvancing to the next request on the list. If a r equest cannot be scheduled, it means
that every escort will either be busy with another request, or will be too far away to arrive in time. In
such a case, the passenger must be reimbursed for missing his flight, or scheduled for a later flight. We
assume that such transactions are beyond the scope of the dispatcher’s duties, so the situation falls out of
the algorithm. Continuing in this fashion, the dispatcher will read and a ssign requests until all requests
are properly fulfilled.
In scheduling requests, the alg orithm a t t empts to minimize the total time during which the escorts are
stationary. As a simple example, the dispatcher assigns a request received at the beginning of the day to
an escort. Before the the escort can execute t hat task, a new unpredicted request from a passenger with
earlier departure time is received. To minimize idle time, the dispatch will assign the escort to meet t he
second passenger and proceed to the departure gate, as long as this task does not invalidate the completion
of the first task.
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