ImgFS Tools Version 2
(Current version: 2.0 RC 2)
What it is
These little programs help you with cooking your own ROM. They allow you to unpack an OS.nb file into individual files as you'd find them on your device, and to re-pack them into a new OS.nb which you can flash to your device. Of course, betweem unpacking and re-packing, you'll want to add/modify/remove some of them. :-)
The tools are enhanced versions of mamaich's imgfs_tools - a huge Thank You goes to mamaich for creating them, and also for releasing the source code!
The most significant enhancement is that the IMGFS inside the generated OS.nb is no longer of fixed size, but is as small as possible. This means: the more of the unpacked files you remove before re-packing, the smaller it'll get and consequently the bigger your Storage memory will become. Also, the tools are no longer device-specific and should also work other devices than the Hermes.
WARNING: These tools have been tested on a Hermes only. Be careful when you try on other devices! I accept no responsibility for bricked devices!
How it works
On a high level, this is the chain of actions needed to unpack OS.nb:
RUU-signed.nbh ---(*NBHExtract)---> OS.nb ---(NBSplit)---> OS.nb.payload -->
--(ImgfsFromNb)---> imgfs.bin ---(ImgfsToDump)---> 'dump' directory
Here you'll edit the 'dump' directory. I recommend using bepe's excellent *Package Tool for this.
The reverse process is:
'dump' directory ---(ImgfsFromDump)---> imgfs-new.bin ---(ImgfsToNb)--->
OS-new.nb.payload ---(NBMerge)---> OS-new.nb ---(*NBHGen)--->
(The tools marked with '*' are not part of the ImgfsTools, but are also available for free from There is also one additional tool, NBInfo, in this package.)
How it works in detail
Note: the given file names are examples. You are free to use any name you like.
Usage: NBSplit -hermes|acer|sp|mpx200|emu <OS.nb>
An OS.nb file contains some device-specific additional data. This tool separates the device-specific from the device-UNspecific data. The device-specific part goes to <OS.nb.extra>, the device-unspecific to <OS.nb.payload> (sorry, couldn't think of a better suffix :-))
The implementation for acer, sp, mpx200, and emu was not tested due to lack of such devices.
Usage: ImgfsFromNb <OS.nb.payload> <imgfs.bin>
<OS.nb.payload> still contains a lot more than just the IMGFS section we are after. This tool extracts the IMGFS part and writes it to <imgfs.bin>.
This used to be prepare_imgfs.exe, and the output file name used to be hard-coded to imgfs_raw_data-bin.
Usage: ImgfsToDump <imgfs.bin>
Extracts all files and modules from the given imgfs file into a 'dump' subdirectory under the current directory. If RecMod.exe is in the same directory as this tool, then all modules are also reconstructed as working DLL or EXE and placed in the module's directory. Additionally, a file 'dump_MemoryMap.txt' is created containing the address ranges for the modules.
This used to be viewimgfs.exe.
Usage: ImgfsFromDump <imgfs.bin> <imgfs-new.bin>
Creates <imgfs-new.bin> from the 'dump' subdirectory. The file <imgfs.bin>, which must exist before calling this tool, is used *only* to read the IMGFS header to be used in the output. It will not get overwritten.
The resulting IMGFS file will be as small as possible. The IMGFS will have no free (i.e., wasted) sectors apart from the necessary padding to a block boundary (128 kByte).
The maximum allowed size for an IMGFS partition was increased to 96 MByte, and the tool now also does extensive error checking.
This used to be BuildImgfs.exe.
Usage: ImgfsToNb <imgfs-new.bin> <os.nb.payload> <os-new.nb.payload>
Combines <imgfs-new.bin> and <os.nb.payload> (both must exist before calling this tool) into <os-new.nb.payload>.
This tool copies all data except the IMGFS partition from <os.nb.payload> to <os-new.nb.payload>, then adds the IMGFS partition from <imgfs-new.bin>, and finally patches the partition table and MSFLSH header to match the new IMGFS size. <os.nb.payload> should be the file on which you ran ImgfsToDump earlier in the process. It will not get overwritten.
This used to be make_imgfs.exe.
Usage: NBMerge -hermes|acer|sp|mpx200|emu <os-new.nb>
Adds back the device-specific extra data, creating a properly formatted <os-new.nb> file. The names of the input files are derived from the output file name. For Hermes (i.e., with the -hermes parameter), only <os-new.nb.payload> must exist before you call NBMerge. For all other devices, both <os-new.nb.payload> and <os-new.nb.extra> must exist (copy os.nb.extra, created earlier, if needed)
As the last step of creating <os-new.nb>, the resulting file is checked for bad NAND block markers (only with the -hermes parameter). If any are found, a warning is printed and an errorlevel > 0 is returned. DO NOT IGNORE THIS WARNING!
Usage: NBInfo <os.nb.payload>
Outputs information taken from the given file. In particular, the partition table and the MSFLSH header is dumped, and the file is searched for IMGFS signatures.
This is a bit of a development tool for myself, so it may not be too useful for you.
Note that you should run it on a .payload file, not on the original .nb!
AddFile, DelFile
These tools are no longer supported.
General notes
- all tools now return an errorlevel. This is 0 in case the tool succeeded, and some value > 0 in case of any error. This makes it very easy to use them in batch processing.
- To get a short help, just call any tool without parameters.
- Using these tools on files generated by aChef or aWaiter, or using aChef or aWaiter on files generated by these tools is untested. However, it is also not necessary, as the ImgfsTools can do everything that is needed.
- none of the tools overwrite any of their input files.
- except for the 'dump' directory, no file names or paths are hard-coded into any of the tools. Use whatever file names you like.
- except for NBSplit and NBMerge, all tools are device independent, i.e. they should work not only for Hermes, but for other devices as well.
- source code for these tools is available on request.
If you encounter problems, please email me at Note that I can *only* help with these tools. For general questions about cooking ROMs, please consult the forum and Wiki at
Version History
2007-03-18 2.0 RC 1
Initial Release. Starting with version 2 to not collide with mamaich's version numbers.
2007-03-18 2.0 RC 2
All tools now linked statically to the MS runtime library, no longer needs DLL. No other changes.
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