The ONE v1.2 - Readme
The ONE is a Opportunistic Network Environment simulator which provides a
powerful tool for generating mobility traces, running DTN messaging
simulations with different routing protocols, and visualizing both
simulations interactively in real-time and results after their completion.
Quick start
You can compile ONE from the source code using the included compile.bat
script. That should work both in Windows and Unix/Linux environment with
Java 6 JDK or later.
If you want to use Eclipse for compiling the ONE, since version 1.1.0 you need
to include some jar libraries in the project's build path. The libraries are
located in the lib folder. To include them in Eclipse, assuming that you have
an Eclipse Java project whose root folder is the folder where you extracted
the ONE, do the following:
select from menus: Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path
Go to "Libraries" tab
Click "Add JARs..."
Select "DTNConsoleConnection.jar" under the "lib" folder
Add the "ECLA.jar" the same way
Press "OK".
Now Eclipse should be able to compile the ONE without warnings.
ONE can be started using the included one.bat (for Windows) or (for
Linux/Unix) script. Following examples assume you're using the Linux/Unix
script (just replace .sh by .bat for Windows).
Synopsis: [-b] [conf-file] [run-index (count)]
-b Run simulation in batch mode. Doesn't start GUI but prints
information about the progress to terminal.
conf-file: The configuration file where simulation parameters
are read from.
run-index: If running in GUI mode (without -b option), you can give which
run index to use in the given run. In batch mode, the last parameter is
the run index count, i.e., how many runs with different run index are done.
All simulation parameters are given using configuration files. These files
are normal text files that contain key-value pairs. Syntax for most of the
variables is:
Namespace.key = value
I.e., the key is (usually) prefixed by a namespace, followed by a dot, and
then key name. Key and value are separated by equals-sign. Namespaces
start with capital letter and both namespace and keys are written in
CamelCase (and are case sensitive). Namespace defines (loosely) the part
of the simulation environment where the setting has effect on. Many, but
not all, namespaces are equal to the class name where they are read.
Especially movement models, report modules and routing modules follow this
Numeric values use '.' as the decimal separator and can be suffixed with
kilo (k) mega (M) or giga (G) suffix. Boolean settings accept "true",
"false", "0", and "1" as values.
Many settings define paths to external data files. The paths can be relative
or absolute but the directory separator must be '/' in both Unix and Windows
Some variables contain comma-separated values, and for them the syntax is:
Namespace.key = value1, value2, value3, etc.
For run-indexed values the syntax is:
Namespace.key = [run1value; run2value; run3value; etc]
I.e., all values are given in brackets and values for different run are
separated by semicolon. Each value can also be a comma-separated value.
For more information about run indexing, go to section "Run indexing".
Setting files can contain comments too. A comment line must start with "#"
character. Rest of the line is skipped when the settings are read. This can
be also useful for disabling settings easily.
Some values (scenario and report names at the moment) support "value
filling". With this feature, you can construct e.g., scenario name
dynamically from the setting values. This is especially useful when using
run indexing. Just put setting key names in the value part prefixed and
suffixed by two percent (%) signs. These placeholders are replaces by the
current setting value from the configuration file. See the included
snw_comparison_settings.txt for an example.
File "default_settings.txt" is always read and the (optional)
configuration file given as parameter can define more settings or override
some (or even all) settings in the default settings file. The idea is that
you can define in the default file all the settings that are common for
all the simulations and run different, specific, simulations using
different configuration files. If your simulations don't have any common
parameters (which is highly unlikely) just provide an empty default
settings file. If you want to use more than one default configuration set, just
create separate folders for all configuration sets and provide one default
settings file for each folder.
Run indexing
Run indexing is a feature that allows you to run large amounts of
different configurations using only single configuration file. The idea is
that you provide an array of settings (using the syntax described above)
for the variables that should be changed between runs. For example, if you
want to run the simulation using five different random number generator
seeds for movement models, you can define in the settings file the
MovementModel.rngSeed = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
Now, if you run the simulation using command: -b my_config.txt 5
you would run first using seed 1 (run index 0), then another run using
seed 2 etc. Note that you have to run it using batch mode (-b option) if
you want to use different values. Without the batch mode flag the last
parameter is the run index to use when running in GUI mode.
Run indexes wrap around: used value is the value at index (runIndex %
arrayLength). Because of wrapping, you can easily run large amount of
permutations easily. For example, if you define two key-value pairs:
key1 = [1; 2]
key2 = [a; b; c]
and run simulation using run-index count 6, you would get all permutations
of the two values (1,a; 2,b; 1,c; 2,a; 1,b; 2,c). This naturally works
with any amount of arrays. Just make sure that the smallest common
nominator of all array sizes is 1 (e.g., use arrays whose sizes are primes)
-- unless you don't want all permutations but some values should be
Movement models
Movement models govern the way nodes move in the simulation. They provide
coordinates, speeds and pause times for the nodes. The basic installation
contains 5 movement models: random waypoint, map based movement, shortest
path map based movement, map route movement and external movement. All
models, except external movement, have configurable speed and pause time
distributions. A minimum and maximum values can be given and the movement
model draws uniformly distributed random values that are within the given
range. Same applies for pause times. In external movement model the speeds
and pause times are interpreted from the given data.
When a node uses the random waypoint movement model (RandomWaypoint), it is
given a random coordinate in the simulation area. Node moves directly to the
given destination at constant speed, pauses for a while, and then gets a new
destination. This continues throughout the simulations and nodes move along
these zig-zag paths.
Map-based movement models constrain the node movement to predefined paths.
Different types of paths can be defined and one can define valid paths for
all node groups. This way e.g., cars can be prevented from driving indoors or
on pedestrian paths.
The basic map-based movement model (MapBasedMovement) initially distributes
the nodes between any two adjacent (i.e., connected by a path) map nodes and
then nodes start moving from adjacent map node to another. When node reaches
the next map node, it randomly selects the next adjacent map node but chooses
the map node where it came from only if that is the only option (i.e., avoids
going back to where it came from). Once node has moved trough 10-100 map
nodes, it pauses for a while and then starts moving again.
The more sophist
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