if We Were To desCribe The C# language and iTs assoCiaTed enVironmenT, the .NET Framework, as the most significant technology for developers around right now, we would not be exaggerating. .NET is designed to provide an environment within which you can develop almost any application to run on Windows, while C# is a programming language that has been designed specifically to work with the .NET Framework. By using C#, you can, for example, write a dynamic web page, a Windows Presentation Foundation application, an XML Web service, a component of a distributed application, a database access component, a classic Windows desktop application, or even a new smart client application that allows for online/offline capabilities. This book covers the .NET Framework 4. If you are coding using any of the prior versions, there may be sections of the book that will not work for you. We try to notify you of items that are new and specific to the .NET Framework 4. Don’t be fooled by the .NET label in the Framework’s name and think that this is a purely Internet-focused framework. The NET bit in the name is there to emphasize Microsoft’s belief that distributed applications, in which the processing is distributed between client and server, are the way forward. It is also important to understand that C# is not just a language for writing Internet or network-aware applications. It provides a means for you to code up almost any type of software or component that you need to write for the Windows platform. Between them, C# and .NET have revolutionized the way that developers write their programs and have made programming on Windows much easier than it has ever been before. So what’s the big deal about .NET and C#?
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