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<title>jQuery Starterkit</title>
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<h1>jQuery Starterkit</h1>
<h2>This page contains code to test the examples. Most of it is only relevant for a example.</h2>
<a id="first" href="#">Some link</a>
<div class="stuff">
<a name="top" href="#bottom">Go to bottom</a>
<div class="buttons">
<button>First button</button>
<button>Second button</button>
<ol id="orderedlist">
<li>First element</li>
<li>Second element</li>
<li>Third element</li>
<ol id="orderedlist2">
<li>First element, second list</li>
<li>Second element, second list</li>
<li>Third element, second list</li>
<li>Li with child ul
<li>Child One</li>
<li>child two</li>
<div id="rating">Container</div>
<a id="reset" href="#">Reset!</a>
<form id="form">
Form 1
<input value="XXX" />
<input />
Form 2
<input value="YYY" />
<input />
Form 3
<input type="checkbox" />
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" />
<h3>Bird FAQ - click the questions to show the answers</h3>
<dl id="faq">
<dt>What shouldn't I do to the bird?</dt>
<dd>Never use oils or lotions which contain oils on your bird. They gunk up the feathers,
and ruin their insulating properties. This means a chilled bird. Never wait out a cat bite--those
require immediate veterinary attention--a bird can die within two days because a cat's mouth is so
filthy and full of bacteria. Don't bother with over-the-counter medication. It really doesn't work,
and in some cases, may upset the delicate bacterial balance in the bird's body, or even worsen the
situation. Never try to treat a fracture at home.</dd>
<dt>My bird is healthy. I don't need to go to a vet, do I?</dt>
<dd>Schedule a "well-bird" checkup. Prevention is the best medicine. Even though the bird might appear outwardly healthy, it may have a low-grade infection or something not so readily apparent. Your bird's health and your peace of mind will be worth it.</dd>
<dt>My bird's leg is being rubbed raw by the leg band. Can I take it off?</dt>
<dd>No. Don't attempt this, especially if the leg is broken or swollen. The vet will be able
to remove the band, and deal with whatever injury maybe lurking under the banded area.</dd>
<dt>How do I pull a broken blood feather?</dt>
<dd>This is probably the most common mishap. The remedy is simple--yank! It's most easily done
with two people. One to restrain the bird and the other to pull the feather. Use pliers, or a
hemostat. Tweezers won't work on primaries. Make certain that the wing bones are firmly supported
or you can break the wing. Clamp onto the feather and give a sharp tug in the direction of the
feather. The feather will come out. Next, apply gentle, direct pressure to the follicle where the
feather was to stop the bleeding. Dab some styptic powder on it, as it will help stop the bleeding
as well. Let the bird rest. Ask your vet or breeder to demonstrate exactly how to pull a blood
feather if you're apprehensive about doing it.</dd>
<p>This is probably the most common mishap. The remedy is simple--yank! It's most easily done
with two people. One to restrain the bird and the <a href="#"> This is a link. Hover me to
highlight the parent paragraph.</a> other to pull the feather. Use pliers, or a hemostat. Tweezers won't
work on primaries. Make certain that the wing bones are firmly supported or you can break the wing.
Clamp onto the feather and give a sharp tug in the direction of the feather. The feather will come
out. Next, apply gentle, direct pressure to the follicle where the feather was to stop the bleeding.
Dab some styptic powder on it, as it will help stop the bleeding as well. Let the bird rest. Ask
your vet or breeder to demonstrate exactly how to pull a blood feather if you're apprehensive about
doing it.</p>
<p>This is probably the most common mishap. The remedy is simple--yank! It's most easily done
with two people. One to restrain the bird and the <a href="#"> This is a link. Hover me to
highlight the parent paragraph.</a> other to pull the feather. Use pliers, or a hemostat. Tweezers won't
work on primaries. Make certain that the wing bones are firmly supported or you can break the wing.
Clamp onto the feather and give a sharp tug in the direction of the feather. The feather will come
out. Next, apply gentle, direct pressure to the follicle where the feather was to stop the bleeding.
Dab some styptic powder on it, as it will help stop the bleeding as well. Let the bird rest. Ask
your vet or breeder to demonstrate exactly how to pull a blood feather if you're apprehensive about
doing it.</p>
<h1>jQuery Tablekit</h1>
<!-- tablecode taken from tablesorter examples -->
<table id="large" cellspacing="0">
<th>ISO Date</th>
<th>UK Date</th>
jQuery是一款广泛应用于Web开发的JavaScript库,它极大地简化了JavaScript的DOM操作、事件处理、动画设计和Ajax交互。这个压缩包文件"jquery源代码 包括示例 包括示例"显然包含了jQuery的核心源代码以及相关的示例,这对于学习和理解jQuery的工作原理及其用法是非常有价值的。 jQuery的核心源代码是JavaScript的一个模块,它封装了一系列的函数和方法,旨在提高开发效率和代码可读性。其中的关键功能包括: 1. **选择器(Selectors)**:jQuery提供了类似于CSS的选择器语法,如`$("#id")`、`$(".class")`和`$("tag")`,使得能够方便地获取DOM元素。 2. **DOM操作(DOM Manipulation)**:jQuery允许开发者轻松地创建、删除或修改DOM元素,如`append()`、`prepend()`、`html()`等。 3. **事件处理(Event Handling)**:通过`.on()`、`.off()`和`.trigger()`等方法,jQuery简化了事件绑定、解绑和触发的过程。 4. **动画(Animations)**:`fadeIn()`, `slideToggle()`, `animate()`等方法让开发者能轻易实现丰富的页面动画效果。 5. **Ajax(Ajax Interactions)**:jQuery的`$.ajax()`, `$.get()`, `$.post()`等函数使得异步数据交互变得简单,可以与服务器进行JSON、XML等格式的数据交换。 6. **链式调用(Chaining)**:jQuery的方法返回的是jQuery对象本身,这使得可以连续调用多个方法而无需多次引用DOM元素。 接下来,压缩包中的示例文件可能涵盖以上各个方面的实际应用,例如: - **选择器示例**:可能会演示如何使用不同的选择器来选取特定的DOM元素,并展示其结果。 - **DOM操作示例**:包含创建新元素、插入元素到DOM树中或修改现有元素的实例。 - **事件处理示例**:展示如何绑定事件监听器,响应用户操作,以及如何在事件之间进行通信。 - **动画示例**:可能有各种动态效果的代码,如淡入淡出、滑动效果等。 - **Ajax示例**:可能涉及如何向服务器发送请求,接收并处理返回的数据。 - **插件和扩展示例**:jQuery社区开发了许多插件,示例可能包含如何使用或开发这些插件以增强功能。 通过学习这些源代码和示例,开发者不仅可以深入理解jQuery的内部工作原理,还能掌握如何在实际项目中有效利用jQuery。同时,对于初学者来说,这是一个很好的起点,能够帮助他们快速上手并熟练掌握jQuery库的使用。
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