Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) Standard Binary Distribution for Windows
Date: December 15, 2022
CEF Version: 108.4.13+ga98cd4c+chromium-108.0.5359.125
Chromium Version: 108.0.5359.125
Chromium URL:
This distribution contains all components necessary to build and distribute an
application using CEF on the Windows platform. Please see the LICENSING
section of this document for licensing terms and conditions.
cmake Contains CMake configuration files shared by all targets.
Debug Contains libcef.dll, libcef.lib and other components required to
build and run the debug version of CEF-based applications. By
default these files should be placed in the same directory as the
executable and will be copied there as part of the build process.
include Contains all required CEF header files.
libcef_dll Contains the source code for the libcef_dll_wrapper static library
that all applications using the CEF C++ API must link against.
Release Contains libcef.dll, libcef.lib and other components required to
build and run the release version of CEF-based applications. By
default these files should be placed in the same directory as the
executable and will be copied there as part of the build process.
Resources Contains resources required by libcef.dll. By default these files
should be placed in the same directory as libcef.dll and will be
copied there as part of the build process.
tests/ Directory of tests that demonstrate CEF usage.
cefclient Contains the cefclient sample application configured to build
using the files in this distribution. This application demonstrates
a wide range of CEF functionalities.
cefsimple Contains the cefsimple sample application configured to build
using the files in this distribution. This application demonstrates
the minimal functionality required to create a browser window.
ceftests Contains unit tests that exercise the CEF APIs.
gtest Contains the Google C++ Testing Framework used by the ceftests
shared Contains source code shared by the cefclient and ceftests targets.
Building using CMake:
CMake can be used to generate project files in many different formats. See
usage instructions at the top of the CMakeLists.txt file.
Please visit the CEF Website for additional usage information.
This binary distribution contains the below components.
Required components:
The following components are required. CEF will not function without them.
* CEF core library.
* libcef.dll
* Crash reporting library.
* chrome_elf.dll
* Unicode support data.
* icudtl.dat
* V8 snapshot data.
* snapshot_blob.bin
* v8_context_snapshot.bin
Optional components:
The following components are optional. If they are missing CEF will continue to
run but any related functionality may become broken or disabled.
* Localized resources.
Locale file loading can be disabled completely using
CefSettings.pack_loading_disabled. The locales directory path can be
customized using CefSettings.locales_dir_path.
* locales/
Directory containing localized resources used by CEF, Chromium and Blink. A
.pak file is loaded from this directory based on the CefSettings.locale
value. Only configured locales need to be distributed. If no locale is
configured the default locale of "en-US" will be used. Without these files
arbitrary Web components may display incorrectly.
* Other resources.
Pack file loading can be disabled completely using
CefSettings.pack_loading_disabled. The resources directory path can be
customized using CefSettings.resources_dir_path.
* chrome_100_percent.pak
* chrome_200_percent.pak
* resources.pak
These files contain non-localized resources used by CEF, Chromium and Blink.
Without these files arbitrary Web components may display incorrectly.
* Direct3D support.
* d3dcompiler_47.dll
Support for GPU accelerated rendering of HTML5 content like 2D canvas, 3D CSS
and WebGL. Without this file the aforementioned capabilities may fail when GPU
acceleration is enabled (default in most cases). Use of this bundled version
is recommended instead of relying on the possibly old and untested system
installed version.
* ANGLE support.
* libEGL.dll
* libGLESv2.dll
Support for rendering of HTML5 content like 2D canvas, 3D CSS and WebGL.
Without these files the aforementioned capabilities may fail.
* SwANGLE support.
* vk_swiftshader.dll
* vk_swiftshader_icd.json
* vulkan-1.dll
Support for software rendering of HTML5 content like 2D canvas, 3D CSS and
WebGL using SwiftShader's Vulkan library as ANGLE's Vulkan backend. Without
these files the aforementioned capabilities may fail when GPU acceleration is
disabled or unavailable.
The CEF project is BSD licensed. Please read the LICENSE.txt file included with
this binary distribution for licensing terms and conditions. Other software
included in this distribution is provided under other licenses. Please visit
"about:credits" in a CEF-based application for complete Chromium and third-party
licensing information.
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
本软件为最新版的百度指数批量采集软件,可以快速批量采集关键词的百度指数,支持百度指数2023版。可以帮助用户快速洞察行业发展趋势,高效率了解网络用户的兴趣需求,监测舆情动向、定位受众特征。 1. 批量导入无限量关键词 2. 软件快速批量自动采集搜索指数、资讯指数、人群画像(关联词热度)、需求图谱(地域搜索、性别、年龄搜索热度、兴趣搜索热度) 3. 方便支持excel导出搜索指数、资讯指数、人群画像、需求图谱数据。 后续软件更新,请及时关注。 软件适用于网站优化、企业公司市场调查、高校院所科研分析,传媒工作室舆情分析、无货源电商从业者蓝海词挖掘等多类使用场景。
择云百度指数批量采集工具v2.0.0.0免费版 (143个子文件)
v8_context_snapshot.bin 586KB
snapshot_blob.bin 293KB
EDF943D1BE962422B84B344B0F223563.grid.cfg 352B
8F5F3B0B8EF02F2876BCC128C40558A1.grid.cfg 312B
F93842345BC1D84EFBF3D6B20BBA7335.grid.cfg 256B
FB4A9079DD50A5528F28CA777C31FC3F.grid.cfg 152B
0D15A7DCFD7E19021B7915B6B546C19A.grid.cfg 96B
F6953208DFEECF7C7CB431799D7E9622.grid.cfg 76B
icudtl.dat 9.98MB
libcef.dll 157.42MB
BouncyCastle.Cryptography.dll 14.01MB
libGLESv2.dll 6.37MB
vk_swiftshader.dll 4.13MB
d3dcompiler_47.dll 3.92MB
fbembed.dll 3.67MB
NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.dll 1.78MB
NPOI.dll 1.53MB
icudt30.dll 1.5MB
CefSharp.Core.Runtime.dll 1.32MB
FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.dll 1.18MB
chrome_elf.dll 1.11MB
CefSharp.dll 1.04MB
VF.S.dll 974KB
CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.Core.dll 920KB
vulkan-1.dll 770KB
icuuc30.dll 660KB
icuin30.dll 408KB
libEGL.dll 371KB
log4net.dll 244KB
ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll 196KB
HtmlAgilityPack.dll 131KB
NPOI.OpenXml4Net.dll 84KB
Newtonsoft.Json.dll 72KB
CefSharp.WinForms.dll 52KB
CefSharp.Core.dll 38KB
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll 25KB
STTech.CodePlus.dll 23KB
ApeFree.CodePlus.Algorithm.dll 19KB
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll 16KB
Interop.MSScriptControl.dll 15KB
Com.Zeyunsoft.Baidu1.exe 4.97MB
百度指数批量采集工具.exe 1.48MB
CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe 7KB
cfg.ini 61B
vk_swiftshader_icd.json 106B
LOG 327B
debug.log 194B
000003.log 0B
MANIFEST-000001 41B
resources.pak 7.17MB
ml.pak 1.02MB
ta.pak 1.01MB
kn.pak 1008KB
te.pak 962KB
hi.pak 931KB
bn.pak 900KB
chrome_200_percent.pak 900KB
gu.pak 880KB
mr.pak 859KB
th.pak 810KB
el.pak 766KB
ru.pak 702KB
uk.pak 702KB
bg.pak 700KB
ar.pak 671KB
sr.pak 660KB
fa.pak 620KB
ur.pak 614KB
am.pak 612KB
chrome_100_percent.pak 602KB
he.pak 546KB
ja.pak 515KB
vi.pak 491KB
lt.pak 461KB
fr.pak 460KB
lv.pak 459KB
hu.pak 458KB
sk.pak 446KB
pl.pak 443KB
fil.pak 440KB
cs.pak 439KB
ca.pak 435KB
de.pak 433KB
ro.pak 432KB
ko.pak 431KB
sl.pak 428KB
es-419.pak 425KB
hr.pak 424KB
es.pak 424KB
it.pak 423KB
pt-PT.pak 421KB
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