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Computer Vision Principles, Algorithms, Applications, Learning E.R Davies 计算机视觉 第五版,2018,彩色最新,国内有第四版的影印版,绝对的pdf版本,不是电子书转制,方便大家,只要一个csdn积分,自己掏钱买的,附录一个 amazon 网址,可以预览部分,差评 csdn不让预览,https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B077LQ3LQC/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_taft_p1_i0 和这个网址一模一样
Computer Vision
Computer Vision
Principles, Algorithms,
Applications, Learning
Fifth Edition
E.R. Davies
Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier
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This book is dedicated to my family.
To my late mother, Mary Davies, to record her never-failing love
and devotion.
To my late father, Arthur Granville Davies, who passed on to me
his appreciation of the beauties of mathematics and science.
To my wife, Joan, for love, patience, support, and inspiration.
To my children, Elizabeth, Sarah, and Marion, the music in my life.
To my grandchildren, Jasper, Jerome, Eva, and Tara, for constantly
reminding me of the carefree joys of youth!
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