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安全和风险管理领导者正在为当今人工智能和未来量子计算的影响做准备。合成数据、后量子密码学和此技术成熟度曲线上的其他创新可以帮助降低数据安全和隐私风险并实现业务目标。 过去几年,随着人工智能的使用以及隐私和人工智能相关立法的不断加强,数据风险发生了显著变化。政策和控制不一致且不足,进一步加剧了这些风险,数据安全产品未能全面解决这些问题,而是提供: 孤立的能力 专有数据分类和标记 仅针对特定存储库或处理步骤采取行动 与其他产品集成不全面
Gartner, Inc. | G00813639
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Hype Cycle for Data Security, 2024
29 July 2024 - ID G00813639 - 128 min read
By Analyst(s): Andrew Bales
Initiatives: Security of Applications and Data; Meet Daily Cybersecurity Needs
Security and risk management leaders are preparing for the
impacts of AI today and quantum computing in the future.
Synthetic data, postquantum cryptography and other innovations
on this Hype Cycle can help to mitigate data security and privacy
risks and accomplish business objectives.
This Hype Cycle covers many aspects of data security that security and risk management
(SRM) leaders must review in relation to their risk appetite and where data is stored,
processed and accessed. They include:
Data security governance, data risk and privacy: These categories help to establish
the strategic foundation for data security efforts, including assessing risk and
privacy impacts, which allow for appropriate correlation of technical controls to
downstream controls. See the entries for data security governance, data risk
assessment, financial data risk assessment (FinDRA), privacy impact assessments,
data breach response, privacy by design and sovereign data strategies.
Data discovery, categorization and classification of structured and unstructured
data: These technologies support a foundational set of controls that every data
security program should be built on. For more information, refer to the entries for
data discovery, data classification and metadata management solutions.
Data processing and analytics across endpoint, application or storage layers: Data
is dynamic, and data security vendors recognize that to keep up with the needs of
modern business, the controls must exist where the data is. For dynamic data
security controls that exist where the data exists, see the entries for endpoint access
isolation, DevOps test data management, and digital communications governance
and archiving.
This research note is restricted to the personal use of liuyang17@qianxin.com.
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Figure 1: Hype Cycle for Data Security, 2024
Anonymization, pseudonymization, privacy-enhanced technologies and other data
security techniques: The threat of quantum computing increases the significance of
crypto-agility, quantum key distribution and postquantum cryptography. SRM
leaders interested in cryptographic and privacy controls to maintain the
confidentiality of data should see the entries for confidential computing,
homomorphic encryption, differential privacy, synthetic data, zero-knowledge proofs,
multicloud key management as a service (KMaaS), format-preserving encryption,
privacy management tools and enterprise key management.
Multicloud platforms with multifunctional data security features: Consolidated
platforms continue to grow in hype since SRM leaders desire controls with
consistent policy application. Those interested in such controls should refer to the
entries for cloud-native data loss prevention (DLP), data access governance, data
security as a service, data security platforms, data security posture management,
multicloud database activity monitoring (DAM) and security service edge.
This research note is restricted to the personal use of liuyang17@qianxin.com.
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The Hype Cycle
Hype around data security governance has significantly increased as it has traversed the
Peak of Inflated Expectations on the downward slope to the Trough of Disillusionment.
The principles of data security governance have become the primary method for
developing and applying consistent policies across data stores, in the cloud and on-
premises. These principles extend beyond just data security efforts, aligning also with
data quality, privacy and AI ethics.
The Priority Matrix
SRM leaders must look for technologies that integrate multiple security controls. The
simplified orchestration facilitated by these integrated controls, especially those with high
or transformational levels of benefit to the business, will help to reduce operational
complexity and minimize the total cost of ownership.
The combination of business and security risk management will drive data security
investment decisions to facilitate desired business outcomes. This is accomplished using
the transformational and high-impact concepts of data security governance, data risk
assessment, FinDRA and privacy impact assessment.
SRM leaders that identify data security outcomes using these concepts will have a more
accurate understanding of the overall business needs and strategies. They will be better
prepared to select the best-suited consolidated platform of data security capabilities,
whether a data security posture management, data security platform, security service
edge or privacy management tool.
Furthermore, with the looming threat of weakened asymmetric cryptography methods
from quantum computing, SRM leaders should pay close attention to crypto-agility and
postquantum cryptography. That includes moving to quantum-safe algorithms, as the
urgency to update weak crypto will only increase as we get closer to the expected
widespread adoption of quantum computing at the turn of the decade.
Timing for adopting these innovations depends on many factors, including the
organization’s risk appetite and business objectives. Use the Priority Matrix to help
prioritize and strategize investment in data security innovations.
This research note is restricted to the personal use of liuyang17@qianxin.com.
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Table 1: Priority Matrix for Data Security, 2024
(Enlarged table in Appendix)
Off the Hype Cycle
Augmented data catalog/metadata management has been renamed to “metadata
management solutions.”
Digital communications governance has been renamed to “digital communications
governance and archiving.”
Machine identity management no longer appears on the Hype Cycle because the
data security aspects of machine identity management have been combined with
enterprise key management, which does appear on this Hype Cycle.
Secure multiparty computation no longer appears on the Hype Cycle because it has
become obsolete before reaching the Plateau of Productivity.
This research note is restricted to the personal use of liuyang17@qianxin.com.
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On the Rise
Endpoint Access Isolation
Analysis By: Chris Silva, Stuart Downes
Benefit Rating: Moderate
Market Penetration: 1% to 5% of target audience
Maturity: Adolescent
Endpoint access isolation (EAI) consists of client-side applications that provide an
isolation layer between an unmanaged device and organizational data. The technology
can be deployed as a remote access agent, managed browser or secure browser
extension. It extends access where client management or security software can’t be
reliably installed.
Why This Is Important
EAI improves remote access by offering lightweight and easy-to-deploy client software to
consistently isolate internal apps, data and environments from the unmanaged local
device used for access. EAI tools rely on a client-side agent, application or extension to
prove continually authenticated and monitored access to the resource. EAI tools may not
include network ingress or virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) or desktop-as-a-service
(DaaS) capabilities natively.
Business Impact
Traditional remote access tools like classic VPN can profile a device but can’t actively
neutralize local threats. As organizations rethink allowing access to SaaS and web apps
via any browser, from any device, this technology can offer a more secure way to reach
these apps. EAI technology lets organizations offer secure access based on tools that
offer proactive security. EAI represents an improved experience and device footprint for
users, compared to less flexible, traditional secure access technology like VPN. This is
particularly important as hybrid working remains a day-to-day reality for most
Organizations are using lightweight, client-side tools to access SaaS applications to
replace costly and complex virtualization and hardware-based (PC) initiatives.
This research note is restricted to the personal use of liuyang17@qianxin.com.
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