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在欧盟委员会和欧盟网络安全局 ENISA 的支持下,欧盟成员国近日发布了一份报告,详细介绍了欧洲通信基础设施和网络的网络安全和弹性。 该报告概述了对欧盟具有战略意义的十种风险情景。 1、 擦除器/勒索软件攻击 2、 供应链攻击 3、 攻击托管服务、托管服务提供商和其他第三方服务商 4、 网络入侵 5、 DDOS攻击 6、 物理攻击/破坏 7、 民政国家对供应商的干预 8、 攻击运营商之间的互联 9、 影响通信网络和基础设施的停电 10、内部威胁

Cybersecurity and resiliency of Europe’s
communications infrastructures
and networks
Follow-up to the Nevers Call of 9 March 2022
21 February 2024

Table of contents
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1. Policy context .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.2. Objectives and scope .............................................................................................................. 3
1.3. Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.4. Existing and upcoming frameworks and measures ................................................................ 5
2. Threats and vulnerabilities ............................................................................................................ 8
2.1. Threat actors ........................................................................................................................... 8
2.2. Threats .................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3. Vulnerabilities ....................................................................................................................... 11
2.4. Spill-over effects ................................................................................................................... 13
3. Risk scenarios ........................................................................................................................ 14
4. Recommendations ................................................................................................................ 17
4.1. Strategic recommendations .................................................................................................. 18
4.2. Technical recommendations ................................................................................................. 20
5. Conclusions and next steps .................................................................................................... 23
6. Annexes ................................................................................................................................ 25
Annex 1. Threats ............................................................................................................................... 25
Annex 2. Telecom security threat landscape .................................................................................... 25
Annex 3. Vulnerabilities .................................................................................................................... 26
Annex 4. Risk scenarios .................................................................................................................... 26
Annex 5. Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 27

1. Introduction
1.1. Policy context
The informal Council meeting of Telecom Ministers, which took place in Nevers on 9 March 2022,
resulted in a joint call to reinforce the EU’s cybersecurity capabilities
. It recognised that “critical
infrastructure such as telecommunications networks and digital services are of utmost importance to
many critical functions in our societies and are therefore a prime target for cyberattacks”. The threats
to critical infrastructure, exacerbated by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, and the risk of
critical dependencies in the digital sector, in particular on high-risk suppliers, are of major concerns
for the EU. Ensuring the cybersecurity and resilience of those critical infrastructures is a main priority,
all the more in the current geopolitical landscape.
The introductory text of the joint call explains that the Ministers, “due to the current geopolitical
landscape”, want “to undertake immediate cybersecurity reinforcement actions”. The joint call covers
several points, including the resilience of communications networks, the need to strengthen the
market via public-private collaboration, the rapid adoption of the Directive on measures for a high
common level of cybersecurity across the Union (the NIS2 Directive
), the operationalisation of the EU
Cybersecurity Competence Centre, the further strengthening of the EU-CyCLONe and the EU cyber
crisis management network (CSIRTs Network), the need to build an ecosystem of trusted cybersecurity
service providers and the Emergency Response Fund for Cybersecurity.
Point 4 of the Nevers Call asks relevant authorities, such as the Body of European Regulators for
Electronic Communications (BEREC), the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), and the NIS
Cooperation Group to make recommendations to EU Member States and the Commission based on a
risk assessment in order to reinforce the resilience of the EU’s communications infrastructures and
networks. This call has been reiterated in the conclusions adopted by the Council on 23 May 2022 on
the EU’s cyber posture
To follow up on this call, the NIS Cooperation Group, with the support of the Commission and ENISA
and in consultation with BEREC, conducted a high-level risk assessment on communications
infrastructures and networks. This report contains the main threats and vulnerabilities identified in
this risk assessment, develops a set of risk scenarios and makes a number of strategic and technical
1.2. Objectives and scope
The objective of this report is to follow-up on point 4 of the Nevers Call by assessing risks and
formulate recommendations, which, depending on Member States’ contexts, could be implemented
in the short-term, based on a high-level risk assessment, to address potential gaps in the protection
of EU’s communications networks and infrastructures. Recommendations also include areas which
require further detailed assessment.
The scope of the risk assessment, in terms of threats and scenarios, has been agreed among Member
States as follows: the risk assessment and gap analysis focus on the risks of cyber-attacks on the EU’s
https://presse.economie.gouv.fr/download?id=92155&pn=2131 - Joint call to reinforce the EUs cybersecurity
Directive (EU) 2022/2555 of 14 December 2022 on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across
the Union.
Council conclusions on the development of the European Union's cyber posture, 9364/22, 23 May 2022.

communications networks and infrastructures (including physical attacks on the networks and
information systems, in line with the all-hazard approach of the NIS2 Directive), by a hostile third
country, i.e. nation state actors, but also organised crime groups and hacktivists acting in support of
nation states.
In this context, the full range of cybersecurity incidents against which the operators need to protect,
is not considered, leaving out of scope, for instance, incidents caused by natural phenomena, climate
change, human errors, involuntary bugs, misfunctions and misconfigurations, cyber-attacks with a
purely financial aim, such as scams and fraud, etc.
These other incidents and attacks must however
still be considered by the operators when securing their systems and networks. Annex 2 contains a
longer list of threats relevant for telecom operators.
The networks and information systems assets in scope of this risk assessment are:
• Public electronic communications networks:
o Mobile networks, including the signalling networks;
o Fixed networks;
o Satellite networks;
• Core Internet infrastructure:
o Routing of Internet traffic;
o Submarine and underground cables;
o Internet exchange points (IXPs) and data centres;
o Networks and systems used for the provision of Top-level domain registries (TLDs)
and Domain Name System (DNS) services.
Out of scope are web certificates and qualified trust service providers, the (so-called over-the-top)
number-independent interpersonal communications services, as well as cloud services, unless
operators use them to deliver the above-mentioned networks or infrastructures. Also out of scope are
the end-user devices, such as smartphones, personal computers (PCs), home routers, and targeted
threats on such devices such as smartphone spyware, because they are not an integral part of the
networks or infrastructures and generally speaking not under the control of the operators. However,
scenarios where such devices are used to attack the networks and infrastructures are considered.
Regarding issues related to 5G networks, the findings of the EU Coordinated risk assessment of the
cybersecurity of 5G networks
published in October 2019 and the mitigating measures of the EU
Toolbox on 5G Cybersecurity (EU Toolbox)
of January 2020 remain valid and relevant for the purpose
of the present risk assessment.
1.3. Methodology
This report is based on the results of a risk assessment performed by Member States in the NIS
Cooperation Group, with support from the Commission and ENISA and in consultation with BEREC,
between April 2022 and December 2023. The assessment was conducted building on the methodology
of the EU Coordinated risk assessment for 5G networks and the cybersecurity analysis of Open Radio
ENISA, Telecom Security Incidents 2021, 27 July 2022, https://www.enisa.europa.eu/publications/telecom-
NIS Cooperation Group, EU-wide coordinated risk assessment of 5G networks security, 9 October 2019,
NIS Cooperation Group, Cybersecurity of 5G networks - EU Toolbox of risk mitigating measures, 29 January

Access Networks
. The data was gathered through a questionnaire and further discussions with
Member States within the NIS Cooperation Group. In the first stage of this process, Member States
evaluated the main threats and vulnerabilities linked to the public electronic communications
networks and the core Internet infrastructure, and the spill-over effects between these sectors and
other critical sectors. Based on these findings, Member States developed a list of risk scenarios. In a
second stage, Member States discussed and agreed on a common set of recommendations. This
report summarises the outcome of this process.
This risk assessment is complementary to the general, more technical work done by the ECASEC group
of EU telecom security authorities, who developed and maintain a framework of technical security
measures under the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC), and the work done by the NIS
Cooperation Group in the framework of the EU Toolbox. In addition, this report also provides
information to the ongoing cross-sector cyber risk evaluation requested by the Council conclusions on
the EU’s cyber posture
1.4. Existing and upcoming frameworks and measures
There are several policy frameworks and rules in place or in preparation in the EU to protect electronic
communications networks
1.4.1. European Electronic Communications Code (EECC)
The European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) is the main EU policy framework for the
telecom sector
. Adopted in 2018, these rules apply to all electronic communications services and
networks in the EU. Currently, the EECC has been transposed by most EU countries, with the
Commission supporting Member States in the implementation process. Security requirements for the
telecom sector are contained in Article 40 of the EECC (which replaces Article 13a of the Framework
• Article 40 asks Member States to ensure that operators take “appropriate” cybersecurity
measures, and report significant incidents to the national authorities;
• Article 41 asks Member States to ensure that the national competent authority, for instance
a telecom national regulatory agency (NRA) or a cybersecurity agency, depending on the
national setting, has the powers to audit telecom operators and to enforce measures in case
of cybersecurity deficiencies.
In terms of supervision of these security requirements, Member States have taken diverse
approaches. For instance, where binding rules apply to mobile network operators, they may cover
different types of technical and organisational measures. In Member States where security measures
are further clarified in more technical and practical detail (often via secondary legislation), they often
refer to the ENISA framework of detailed technical telecom security measures
, which was developed
with all Member States to implement the EECC and contains a detailed list of relevant telecom security
NIS Cooperation, Report on the Cybersecurity of Open Radio Access Networks, 10 May 2022, https://digital-
Council conclusions on the development of the European Union's cyber posture, 9364/22, 23 May 2022.
Directive (EU) 2018/1972 of the European Parliament and the Council establishing the European Electronic
Communications Code.
ENISA Guideline on Security Measures Under the EECC, last update on 7 July 2021,

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