Prototype Cheat Sheet
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### Prototype Cheat Sheet
#### Event
- **`element(event)`**: Returns the target element of an event.
- **`extend(event)`**: Extends the functionality of an event object.
- **`findElement(event, tagName)`**: Finds the first element under the target of an event that matches the specified `tagName`.
- **`fire(element, eventName[, memo])`**: Programmatically triggers an event on the specified `element`.
- **`isLeftClick(event)`**: Determines if the event was triggered by a left mouse click.
- **`observe(element, eventName, handler)`**: Attaches an event handler to an element.
- **`pointerX(event)`**: Retrieves the horizontal position of the mouse relative to the document when the event occurred.
- **`pointerY(event)`**: Retrieves the vertical position of the mouse relative to the document when the event occurred.
- **`stop(event)`**: Stops the propagation of an event and prevents its default action.
- **`stopObserving(element[, eventName[, handler]])`**: Detaches an event handler from an element.
#### Form
- **`disable(formElement)`**: Disables all form elements within the specified form.
- **`enable(formElement)`**: Enables all form elements within the specified form.
- **`findFirstElement(formElement)`**: Finds the first child element of a form element.
- **`focusFirstElement(formElement)`**: Sets focus on the first interactive element in a form.
- **`getElements(formElement)`**: Retrieves all child elements of a form element.
- **`getInputs(formElement[, type[, name]])`**: Retrieves input elements based on optional type and name filters.
- **`request([options])`**: Sends an AJAX request using the specified options.
- **`reset(formElement)`**: Resets the specified form to its initial state.
- **`serialize(formElement[, getHash=false])`**: Serializes a form into a URL-encoded string for use in an AJAX request.
- **`serializeElements(elements[, getHash=false])`**: Serializes a collection of elements into a URL-encoded string.
#### Form.Element
- **`activate(element)`**: Activates an element, typically by setting focus or enabling it.
- **`clear(element)`**: Clears the value of an element.
- **`disable(element)`**: Disables an element, preventing user interaction.
- **`enable(element)`**: Enables an element, allowing user interaction.
- **`focus(element)`**: Sets focus on an element.
- **`getValue(element)`**: Retrieves the current value of an element.
- **`present(element)`**: Determines if an element is present in the document.
- **`select(element)`**: Selects an element, typically used for `<select>` elements.
- **`serialize(element)`**: Serializes an element into a URL-encoded string.
- **`setValue(element, value)`**: Sets the value of an element.
#### Element (Constructor)
- **`absolutize(element)`**: Converts the positioning of an element to absolute.
- **`addClassName(element, className)`**: Adds a CSS class to an element.
- **`addMethods([methods])`**: Adds methods to an element prototype.
- **`adjacent(element[, selectors])`**: Selects adjacent elements based on CSS selectors.
- **`ancestors(element)`**: Retrieves all ancestor elements of the specified element.
- **`childElements(element)`**: Retrieves all direct child elements of an element.
- **`classNames`**: Returns an array of all CSS classes applied to an element.
- **`cleanWhitespace(element)`**: Removes extra whitespace from an element’s content.
- **`clonePosition(element, source[, options])`**: Clones the positioning properties of one element to another.
- **`cumulativeOffset(element)`**: Computes the cumulative offset of an element from the top-left corner of the document.
- **`cumulativeScrollOffset(element)`**: Computes the cumulative scroll offset of an element.
- **`descendantOf(element, ancestor)`**: Determines if an element is a descendant of another element.
- **`descendants(element)`**: Retrieves all descendant elements of the specified element.
- **`down(element[, cssRule][, index=0])`**: Selects a child element based on a CSS selector and an optional index.
- **`empty(element)`**: Empties the contents of an element.
- **`extend(element)`**: Extends the functionality of an element.
- **`fire(eventName[, memo])`**: Triggers a custom event on the element.
- **`firstDescendant(element)`**: Retrieves the first descendant element.
- **`getDimensions(element)`**: Retrieves the dimensions of an element.
- **`getElementsByClassName`**: Retrieves elements by their class name.
- **`getElementsBySelector`**: Retrieves elements based on a CSS selector.
- **`getHeight(element)`**: Retrieves the height of an element.
- **`getOffsetParent(element)`**: Retrieves the offset parent of an element.
- **`getStyle(element, property)`**: Retrieves the computed style of an element for a specific property.
- **`getWidth(element)`**: Retrieves the width of an element.
- **`hasClassName(element, className)`**: Checks if an element has a specific CSS class.
- **`hide(element)`**: Hides an element.
- **`identify(element)`**: Assigns a unique identifier to an element.
- **`immediateDescendants`**: Retrieves immediate child elements.
- **`insert(element, {position: content})`**: Inserts content at a specified position relative to an element.
- **`inspect(element)`**: Returns a string representation of an element, useful for debugging.
- **`makeClipping(element)`**: Sets clipping on an element, allowing it to clip its content.
- **`makePositioned(element)`**: Ensures that an element has a position style set.
- **`match(element, selector)`**: Determines if an element matches a CSS selector.
- **`next(element[, cssRule][, index=0])`**: Selects the next sibling element based on a CSS selector and an optional index.
- **`nextSiblings(element)`**: Retrieves all next siblings of an element.
- **`observe(element, eventName, handler)`**: Attaches an event handler to an element.
- **`positionedOffset(element)`**: Computes the positioned offset of an element.
- **`previous(element[, cssRule][, index=0])`**: Selects the previous sibling element based on a CSS selector and an optional index.
- **`previousSiblings(element)`**: Retrieves all previous siblings of an element.
- **`readAttribute(element, attribute)`**: Reads the value of an attribute on an element.
- **`recursivelyCollect(element, property)`**: Recursively collects values of a property from an element and its descendants.
- **`relativize(element)`**: Converts the positioning of an element to relative.
- **`remove(element)`**: Removes an element from the document.
- **`removeClassName(element, className)`**: Removes a CSS class from an element.
- **`replace(element[, html])`**: Replaces an element with HTML content.
- **`scrollTo(element)`**: Scrolls the document so that an element is visible.
- **`select(element, selector)`**: Selects elements based on a CSS selector.
- **`setOpacity(element, opacity)`**: Sets the opacity of an element.