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一种用于无人车在越野环境下的负障碍检测方法A Feature Matching And Fusion Based Positive Obstacle Detection Algorithm For Field Autonomous Land Vehicles-发表版本
Research Article
A feature matching and fusion-based
positive obstacle detection algorithm
for field autonomous land vehicles
Tao Wu
, Huihai Cui
, Yan Li
, Wei Wang
, Daxue Lui
and Erke Shang
Positive obstacles will cause damage to field robotics during traveling in field. Field autonomous land vehicle is a typical
field robotic. This article presents a feature matching and fusion-based algorithm to detect obstacles using LiDARs for field
autonomous land vehicles. There are three main contributions: (1) A novel setup method of compact LiDAR is intro-
duced. This method improved the LiDAR data density and reduced the blind region of the LiDAR sensor. (2) A math-
ematical model is deduced under this new setup method. The ideal scan line is generated by using the deduced
mathematical model. (3) Based on the proposed mathematical model, a feature matching and fusion (FMAF)-based
algorithm is presented in this article, which is employed to detect obstacles. Experimental results show that the per-
formance of the proposed algorithm is robust and stable, and the computing time is reduced by an order of two mag-
nitudes by comparing with other exited algorithms. This algorithm has been perfectly applied to our autonomous land
vehicle, which has won the champion in the challenge of Chinese “Overcome Danger 2014” ground unmanned vehicle.
3-D LiDAR, field ALV, positive obstacle detection, FMF algorithm
Date received: 12 March 2016; accepted: 27 November 2016
Topic: Field Robotics
Topic Editor: Yangquan Chen
A field autonomous land vehicle (ALV) is a typical field
robot that drives off-road. In order to keep itself safe, the
vehicle needs to detect both positive and negative obstacles
by its own sensors.
In the past decades, many literatures
have emerged to address the problem of obstacle
But heretofore, ALVs still could not work well
in a field unknown scene. In urban or indoor scene, strong
assumptions such as the existence of flat ground surface are
employed. Thus, the rough road surface and lack of highly
structured components in field scene brought external
difficulties for obstacles.
Positive obstacle detection is widely researched and
many distinguis hed literatures have emerged recently.
In general, different kinds of sensors, such as thermal
infrared camera, color camera, stereo, 2-D or 3-D LiDAR,
or their combination, are employed to detect the obstacles.
The thermal infrared camera is typically us ed to detect
living organisms, such as animals at night.
Color camera
is also used to detect specific obstacles, such as vehicle
Unmanned System Institution, College of Mechatronics and Automation,
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, People’s Republic
of China
Autonomous Land Vehicle Research Center, Changsha, People’s
Republic of China
Corresponding author:
Erke Shang, Autonomous Land Vehicle Research Center, Deya Road,
Changsha 410073, People’s Republic of China.
Email: erke1984@qq.com
International Journa l of Advanced
Robotic Systems
March-April 2017: 1–20
ª The Author(s) 2017
DOI: 10.1177/1729881417692516
Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
(http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as s pecified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/
human detection,
or other special obstacle
In these approaches, the feature of the targets
is captured or learned beforehand, and then, small windows
are slipped around the whole image to find the potential
obstacle by comparing the targets’ features. In order to find
these obstacles more easily, some approaches are needed to
estimate the ground plane beforehand from single image
or stereo data.
Then, these obstacles under the estimated
ground plane can be found directly and easily. Unfortu-
nately, regular cameras cannot be used at night, and the
quality of stereo data is not always satisfactory. Moreover,
the camera also could be easily disturbed by various
Recently, LiDAR has been widely a pplied in obstacle
detection because it can accurately get the range of
A typical way for obstacle detection is
the ground segmentation method by using LiDAR
Larson et al.
first analyzed the off-road
terrain by using the point cloud to identify the p otential
hazards. A height–length–density terrain classifier was
proposed in the work of Morton and Olson ,
where some
prior methods were described to provide a unified
mechanism for obstacle detections. We also adopted some
similar works for obstacle detection as in the study of
Wang et al.
ground in a field envir onment, since bumpiness on the
ground of surface in those cases is very common.
In order to deal with the obstacle detection for field
ALVs, a novel feature matching and fusion (FMF)-based
algorithm is presented i n this arti cle. A n ew type of set up
method for LiDAR is introduced firstly: Two compact 3-
D LiDARs are mounted on two sides of the vehicle (as
shown in Figure 1). There are two advantages of this new
setup: (1) It greatly reduces the blind region around the
vehicle “viewed” by LiDARs. (2) It greatly improves the
density of data generated by LiDARs. Then, a mathemat-
ical model o f the point d istribution o f a single scan line is
deduced to simulate the real one. Based on the proposed
mathematical model, an FMF-based algorithm is pre-
sented. By matching the simulated scan line with the real
scan line, potential obstac les are detecte d in a 2-D para-
meter space. Experimental results show that the presented
algorithm is reliable and effective. The proposed algo-
rithm has been widely tested and finally applied to our
ALV, which has won t he champion of the Chinese chal-
lenge of Overcome Danger 2014 ground unmanned vehi-
cle (Figure 1).
The remainder of this article is organized as follows:
“Related works” section reviews some related works on
obstacle de tection. The details o f the presented nove l
compact LiDAR” section. “A mathematical model to
simulate the point distribution under the new setup” sec-
tion describes the details of deducing a mathematical
model of the point distribution for a single scan line,
which is employed to generate an ideal one. In “The
FMF-based a lgorithm for obstacle detection” section, the
details of the proposed FMF-based algorithm are pro-
vided. In “Performance evaluation” section, lots of experi-
ments are carried out in different scenes. The article
concludes in the last section.
Related works
Obstacle detection is an essential task for field ALVs.
Therefore, it has received lots of attentions in past years.
As described in last section, many literatures have
emerged to address this problem. As a common sensor,
camera has been widely used for vehicle detection and
human detection. For example, Dalal
presented a histo-
gram of oriented gradients (HOG)-based a lgorithm to
detect obstacles by a single camera. In the study of
many obstacles, such as human, bicycle, motor-
cycle, ca r, bus, and other kinds of obstacles, are used to
test his algori thm , and a good score has bee n achieved.
The main idea of that algorithm can be described a s fol-
lows: (1) The HOG feature is captured and trained both
from positive sample sets and negative sample sets; (2)
once a new scene (captured by a camera) comes, slip
window on different sizes would traverse the whole image
to find whether there exists a ma tched feature, which is the
potential target.
Most frequently, in order to detect obstacles, data are
projected into an assumed or estimated ground plane first.
Hoiem et al.
presented a pe rspective method to put
objects into a ground plane. The algorithm “r eflects the
cyclical nature of the problem by all owing probabilistic
object hypotheses to refine geometry.” Therefore, obstacles
on the ground can be detected.
Figure 1. The new setup of LiDARs on our ALV: two compact
LiDARs (labeled by a red circle) are mounted on the two sides of
the vehicle top with a same fixed angle. This ALV won the
champion of the challenge. An HDL-64 LiDAR (labeled by a blue
circle) is upright equipped on the middle of the vehicle top for
comparison. ALV: autonomous land vehicle.
2 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
Stereo camera is always employed to estimate the
ground plane before detecting potential obstacles.
In the
study of Santana et al.,
a stereo-based obstacle detection
approach is presented using visual saliency. In this
approach, saliency map is generated from a single image,
and a 3-D point cloud is generated from the stereo process-
ing. Then, a ground plane is estimated from both the sal-
iency map and the 3-D point cloud map. An identical idea is
also mentioned in the article.
Murarka et al.
an algorithm for detecting obstacles in an urban setting
using stereo vision and motion cues. A global color seg-
mentation stereo method is also introduced to compare its
performance in detecting hazards against traditional local
correlation stereo methods.
Since the camera could be disturbed by various illumi-
nations, LiDAR sensor is chosen instead of camera to
estimate the ground plane before obstacle detection in
the study of Puntambekar.
interpreted the
LiDAR data into the geometry of the terrain to build the
terrain model, and then, the data in each segment are ana-
lyzed to find whether there is an obstacle in this segment.
Moosmann et al.
used a graph-based approach to segment
ground and objects from 3-D LIDAR scans, using a novel
unified , generic criterion based on local convexity mea-
sures. Among these approaches, how to estimate the ground
is the key point to detect obstacles. Thus, segmentation of
3-D LIDAR point clouds is specially investigated, and a set
of segmentatio n methods for various types of 3-D point
clouds are presented in the study of Douillard et al.
In order to improve the performance of detection, many
algorithms are presented to fuse multi-cues from different
kinds of sensors. Manduchi et al.
proposed an obstacle
detection techniq ue for autonomous navigation in field
environments by using a single-line laser and a stereo cam-
era. At first, the slant of surface patches in front of the
vehicle is analyzed and estimated by using the stereo cam-
era. Then, LiDAR data are clustered into each distinct sur-
face segment, which is generated by the stereo s ystem
beforehand. The obstacles in each segment are detected
according to different slants. These mentioned approaches
may achieve ideal results in urban or indoor environment.
However, detecting obstacles in field environment (rough
road surface or even there is not a plane) is more difficult
than that in urban or indoor environment because there is
no flat ground surface assumption anymore. Therefore, the
ground plane-based algorithm for obstacle detection may
not give a good result in field environment.
In order to accurately estimate the rough terrain, an
algorithm that reconstructs a 3-D surface was introduced
by Hadsell et al.
The similar work was also carried out by
Lang et al.
and Vasudevan et al.
The main drawback of
these approaches is that its high computation burden cannot
meet the real-time requirement for ALVs.
Considering the problem of detection obstacle in field
environment, Kuthirummal et al.
presented a novel
approach that was applica ble for both structured and
unstructured environments. They explicitly detected scene
regions that were traversable instead of attempting to expli-
citly identify obstacles by using 2-D grid of cells. In their
approach, LiDAR and stereo data were considered as input
and were mapped into individual cells, and histograms of
elevations of the points in each cell were computed to find
potential obstacles. The similar procedure was mentioned
in the study of Larson et al.
A point cloud produced by a
3-D laser range finder was employed by Larson et al.
analyze the potential obstacles in the off-road terrain.
Nowadays, LiDAR becomes very popula r in obstacle
detections. Among these obstacle detection methods,
LiDAR data are first mapped onto a grid map, and the
position of maximal value, minimal value, and median
value is registered and marked in the whole grid map. Thus,
by comparing the registered value with adjacent grids, each
potential obstacle can be detected. However, the road sur-
face would be bumpy, and there would be swaying when
the vehicle is driven in field road. The height from the
ground ge ne rat ed by the ob sta cle would not b e distinct
enough, especially for these small obstacles. Theretofore,
these traditional grid map-based algorithms still underper-
form in the obstacle detection for field ALVs. To alleviate
this problem, several developed grid map-based algorithms
were proposed recently. For example, Montemerlo and
introduced a multi-grid representation approach
to improve the performance of obstacle detection in field
environment. Several maps with different kinds of resolu-
tions are used in the study of Montemerlo and Thrun.
During its detecting process, a high-resolution map is used
for detecting near obstacles, and a low-resolution map is
used for far obstacles. Another key point of this approach is
that it needs to build a whole information solution map
before its detection. As mentioned, this information solu-
tion map is built by a simultaneous localization and map-
ping (SLAM) algorithm beforehand. Nevertheless, SLAM
itself is a hard task that has not been resolved well, espe-
cially in field environment.
In order to deal with this problem, a novel idea is intro-
duced in this article: During the detecting process, only the
comparison between a djace nt two scan points collect ed
from the same scan line is used to analyze the potential
obstacles. Compared with the traditional grid map-based
algorithm, this idea has two merits: Firstly, the comparison
of result from two contiguous scan points would not be
seriouslyimpactedbytheroad’s bumpiness; secondly,
since only the relationship between two contiguous scan
points is considered, the computation efficiency would be
greatly improved and the computing time would be seri-
ously reduced. The main and only sensor for obstacle
detection in our proposed algorithm is a pair of HDL-32
compact LiDAR. Another HDL-64 LiDAR and a color
camera are employed as comparative experiment to show
the detection results more directly. Therefore, the 64-line
3-D LiDAR and the color camera do not join the process of
obstacle detection. In order to put forward the novel idea, a
Wu et al. 3
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