package sc.util;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Locale;
* 类型转换辅助工具
* @version:1.0
public class TypeCaseHelper {
* 转换核心实现方法
* @param obj
* @param type
* @param format
* @return Object
* @throws TypeCastException
public static Object convert(Object obj, String type, String format) throws TypeCastException {
Locale locale = new Locale("zh", "CN", "");
if (obj == null)
return null;
if (obj.getClass().getName().equals(type))
return obj;
if ("Object".equals(type) || "java.lang.Object".equals(type))
return obj;
String fromType = null;
if (obj instanceof String) {
fromType = "String";
String str = (String) obj;
if ("String".equals(type) || "java.lang.String".equals(type))
return obj;
if (str.length() == 0)
return null;
if ("Boolean".equals(type) || "java.lang.Boolean".equals(type)) {
Boolean value = null;
if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE"))
value = new Boolean(true);
value = new Boolean(false);
return value;
if ("Double".equals(type) || "java.lang.Double".equals(type))
try {
Number tempNum = getNf(locale).parse(str);
return new Double(tempNum.doubleValue());
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new TypeCastException("Could not convert " + str + " to " + type + ": ", e);
if ("BigDecimal".equals(type) || "java.math.BigDecimal".equals(type))
try {
BigDecimal retBig = new BigDecimal(str);
int iscale = str.indexOf(".");
int keylen = str.length();
if (iscale > -1) {
iscale = keylen - (iscale + 1);
return retBig.setScale(iscale, 5);
} else {
return retBig.setScale(0, 5);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new TypeCastException("Could not convert " + str + " to " + type + ": ", e);
if ("Float".equals(type) || "java.lang.Float".equals(type))
try {
Number tempNum = getNf(locale).parse(str);
return new Float(tempNum.floatValue());
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new TypeCastException("Could not convert " + str + " to " + type + ": ", e);
if ("Long".equals(type) || "java.lang.Long".equals(type))
try {
NumberFormat nf = getNf(locale);
Number tempNum = nf.parse(str);
return new Long(tempNum.longValue());
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new TypeCastException("Could not convert " + str + " to " + type + ": ", e);
if ("Integer".equals(type) || "java.lang.Integer".equals(type))
try {
NumberFormat nf = getNf(locale);
Number tempNum = nf.parse(str);
return new Integer(tempNum.intValue());
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new TypeCastException("Could not convert " + str + " to " + type + ": ", e);
if ("Date".equals(type) || "java.sql.Date".equals(type)) {
if (format == null || format.length() == 0)
try {
return Date.valueOf(str);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
DateFormat df = null;
if (locale != null)
df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(3, locale);
df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(3);
java.util.Date fieldDate = df.parse(str);
return new Date(fieldDate.getTime());
} catch (ParseException e1) {
throw new TypeCastException("Could not convert " + str + " to " + type + ": ", e);
try {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
java.util.Date fieldDate = sdf.parse(str);
return new Date(fieldDate.getTime());
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new TypeCastException("Could not convert " + str + " to " + type + ": ", e);
if ("Timestamp".equals(type) || "java.sql.Timestamp".equals(type)) {
if (str.length() == 10)
str = str + " 00:00:00";
if (format == null || format.length() == 0)
try {
return Timestamp.valueOf(str);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
DateFormat df = null;
if (locale != null)
df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(3, 3, locale);
df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(3, 3);
java.util.Date fieldDate = df.parse(str);
return new Timestamp(fieldDate.getTime());
} catch (ParseException e1) {
throw new TypeCastException("Could not convert " + str + " to " + type + ": ", e);
try {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
java.util.Date fieldDate = sdf.parse(str);
return new Timestamp(fieldDate.getTime());
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new TypeCastException("Could not convert " + str + " to " + type + ": ", e);
} else {
throw new TypeCastException("Conversion from " + fromType + " to " + type + " not currently supported");
if (obj instanceof BigDecimal) {
fromType = "BigDecimal";
BigDecimal bigD = (BigDecimal) obj;
if ("String".equals(type))
return getNf(locale).format(bigD.doubleValue());
if ("BigDecimal".equals(type) || "java.math.BigDecimal".equals(type))
return obj;
if ("Double".equals(type))
return new Double(bigD.doubleValue());
if ("Float".equals(type))
return new Float(bigD.floatValue());
if ("Long".equals(type))
return new Long(Math.round(bigD.doubleValue()));
if ("Integer".equals(type))
return new Integer((int) Math.round(bigD.doubleValue()));
throw new TypeCastException("Conversion from " + fromType + " to " + type + " not currently supported");
if (obj instanceof Double) {
fromType = "Double";
Double dbl = (Double) obj;
if ("String".equals(type) || "java.lang.String".equals(type))
return getNf(locale).format(dbl.doubleValue());
if ("Double".equals(type) || "java.lang.Double".equals(type))
return obj;
if ("Float".equals(type) || "java.lang.Float".equals(type))
return new Float(dbl.floatValue());
if ("Long".equals(type) || "java.lang.Long".equals(type))
return new Long(Math.round(dbl.doubleValue()));
if ("Integer".equals(type) || "java.lang.Integer".equals(type))
return new Integer((int) Math.round(dbl.doubleValue()));
if ("BigDecimal".equals(type) || "java.math.BigDecimal".equals(type))
return new BigDecimal(dbl.toString());
throw new TypeCastException("Conversion from " + fromType + " to " + type + " not currently supported");
if (obj instanceof Float) {
fromType = "Float";
Float flt = (Float) obj;
if ("String".equals(type))
return getNf(locale).format(flt.doubleValue());
if ("BigDecimal".equals(type) || "java.math.BigDecimal".equals(type))
return new BigDecimal(flt.doubleValue());
if ("Double".equals(type))
return new Double(flt.doubleValue());
if ("Float".equals(type))
return obj;
if ("Long".equals(type))
return new Long(Math.round(flt.doubleValue()));
if ("Integer".equals(type))
return new Integer((int) Math.round(flt.doubleValue()));
throw new TypeCastException("Conversion from " + fromType + " to " + type + " not currently supported");
if (obj instanceof Long) {
fromType = "Long";
Long lng = (Long) obj;
if ("String".equals(type) || "java.lang.String".equals(type))
return getNf(locale).format(lng.longValue());
if ("Double".equals(type) || "java.lang.Double".equals(type))
return new Double(lng.doubleValue());
if ("Float".equals(type) || "java.lang.Float".equals(type))
return new Float(lng.floatValue());
if ("BigDecimal".equals(type) || "java.math.BigDecimal".equals(type))
return new BigDecimal(lng.toString());
if ("Long".equals(type) || "java.lang.Long".equals(type))
return obj;
if ("Integer".equals(type) || "java.lang.Integer".equals(type))
return new Int
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爬虫项目实例源码资源分享 (344个子文件)
TypeCaseHelper.class 10KB
MovieIndex.class 10KB
AdminMovieController.class 7KB
IdCardUtil.class 7KB
AQYSpider.class 7KB
TXSpider.class 7KB
MovieController.class 6KB
ExportExcelUtil.class 4KB
ImportExcelUtil.class 4KB
AQYSpider$1.class 4KB
TXSpider$1.class 4KB
Movie.class 4KB
SessionTimeoutInterceptor.class 3KB
UserController.class 3KB
StringUtil.class 3KB
SystemAdminController.class 2KB
MyRealm.class 2KB
PageUtilMoblile.class 2KB
TypeCastException.class 2KB
PageUtil.class 2KB
MovieServiceImpl.class 2KB
InitComponent.class 2KB
DateUtil.class 1KB
PropertiesUtil.class 1KB
DateJsonValueProcessor.class 1KB
CryptographyUtil.class 1KB
Pair.class 1005B
UserServiceImpl.class 987B
User.class 958B
ResponseUtil.class 931B
PageBeanForOrcle.class 916B
PageBeanForMySql.class 827B
InitPairServiceImpl.class 752B
MovieDao.class 646B
MovieService.class 599B
UserService.class 267B
UserDao.class 255B
InitPairService.class 223B
InitPairDao.class 211B
.classpath 884B
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org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.superType.container 49B
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aspectjweaver-1.8.6.jar 1.78MB
lucene-analyzers-common-5.3.1.jar 1.49MB
ojdbc14.jar 1.48MB
mybatis-3.3.0.jar 1.35MB
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spring-beans-4.1.7.RELEASE.jar 696KB
commons-collections-3.2.1.jar 562KB
log4j-1.2.17.jar 478KB
spring-jdbc-4.1.7.RELEASE.jar 417KB
jstl-1.2.jar 405KB
jconsole-1.8.0.jar 394KB
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commons-lang-2.6.jar 278KB
lucene-sandbox-5.3.1.jar 260KB
commons-codec-1.9.jar 258KB
共 344 条
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