================= SOFT COMPUTING TOOLBOX =================
This is a package of MATLAB programs that complement the text:
"Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing,"
by Jyh-Shing Roger Jang, Chuen-Tsai Sun, and Eiji Mizutani
Prentice Hall, 1997
Some of these files require the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox by The MathWorks; these
files are labeled with * in Appendix C of the text.
The email address to request this toolbox is "info@mathworks.com".
The toolbox is available via ftp at:
(You need to set binary transfer mode for some of the data files.)
The most recent version of the toolbox is available from the textbook's
homepage at
(It's possible to get the whole directory as a .gz, .zip or .exe file from the
above homepage.)
This toolbox is written to be used with MATLAB 4.2c.
Suggestions for the toolbox can be directed to:
J.-S. Roger Jang: jang@cs.nthu.edu.tw
Eiji Mizutani: eiji@biosys2.me.berkeley.edu
To use the toolbox more easily, you should copy all the files to your hard disk.
To do so, type the following commands under DOS prompt:
mkdir c:\soft
copy a:\soft\*.* c:\soft
If you want to use the toolbox from anywhere, you should add c:\soft to MATLAB's
search path. To do so, type the following commands under MATLAB prompt:
path('c:\soft', path);
Now you can execute any command of the toolbox from anywhere.
For MATLAB itself, all questions should be directed to "support@mathworks.com".
For the Student Version, Prentice-Hall gives support via "matlab@prenhall.com".
These M-files are User Contributed Routines which are being redistributed by
The MathWorks, upon request, on an "as is" basis. A User Contributed Routine
is not a product of The MathWorks, Inc. and The MathWorks assumes no
responsibility for any errors that may exist in these routines."
================= SOFT COMPUTING TOOLBOX =================