transferred sentence can be aligned with those in
the source sentence. As shown in Fig 1(b), we can
align “Not” with “Not”, “terrible” with “perfect”,
and leave only a few words unaligned. It shows
that humans regard the alignments between words
as a key aspect of content preservation, but they are
not explicitly modeled by cycle-loss-based models
, existing models use the cycle loss to
align sentences in two stylistic text spaces, which
lacks control at the word level. For example, in
sentiment transfer, “tasty” should be mapped to
“awful” (because they both depict food tastes) but
not “expensive”. We utilize a non-autoregressive
generator to model the word-level transfer, where
the transferred words are predicted based on con-
textual representations of the aligned source words.
In this paper, we propose a Non-Autoregressive
generator for unsupervised Style Transfer (NAST),
which explicitly models word alignment for better
content preservation. Specifically, our generation
process is decomposed into two steps: first pre-
dicting word alignments conditioned on the source
sentence, and then generating the transferred sen-
tence with a non-autoregressive (NAR) decoder.
Modeling word alignments directly suppresses the
generation of irrelevant words, and the NAR de-
coder exploits the word-level transfer. NAST can
be used to replace the autoregressive generators
of existing cycle-loss-based models. In the exper-
iments, we integrate NAST into two base mod-
els: StyTrans (Dai et al., 2019) and LatentSeq (He
et al., 2020). Results on two benchmark datasets
show that NAST steadily improves the overall per-
formance. Compared with autoregressive models,
NAST greatly accelerates training and inference
and provides better optimization of the cycle loss.
Moreover, we observe that NAST learns explain-
able word alignments. Our contributions are:
We propose NAST, a Non-Autoregressive gen-
erator for unsupervised text Style Transfer. By
explicitly modeling word alignments, NAST sup-
presses irrelevant words and improves content
preservation for the cycle-loss-based models. To
the best of our knowledge, we are the first to
introduce a non-autoregressive generator to an
unsupervised generation task.
Experiments show that incorporating NAST in
cycle-loss-based models significantly improves
the overall performance and the speed of training
and inference. In further analysis, we find that
NAST provides better optimization of the cycle
loss and learns explainable word alignments.
2 Related Work
Unsupervised Text Style Transfer
We categorize style transfer models into three
types. The first type (Shen et al., 2017; Zhao et al.,
2018; Yang et al., 2018; John et al., 2019) disen-
tangles the style and content representations, and
then combines the content representations with the
target style to generate the transferred sentence.
However, the disentangled representations are lim-
ited in capacity and thus hardly scalable for long
sentences (Dai et al., 2019). The second type is
the editing-based method (Li et al., 2018; Wu et al.,
2019a,b), which edits the source sentence with sev-
eral discrete operations. The operations are usually
trained separately and then constitute a pipeline.
These methods are highly explainable, but they
usually need to locate and replace the stylist words,
which hardly applies to complex tasks that require
changes in sentence structures. Although our two-
step generation seems similar to a pipeline, NAST
is trained in an end-to-end fashion with the cycle
loss. All transferred words in NAST are gener-
ated, not copied, which is essentially different from
these methods. The third type is based on the cy-
cle loss. Zhang et al. (2018); Lample et al. (2019)
introduce the back translation method into style
transfer, where the model is directly trained with
the cycle loss after a proper initialization. The fol-
lowing works (Dai et al., 2019; Luo et al., 2019;
He et al., 2020; Yi et al., 2020) further adopt a style
loss to improve the style control.
A recent study (Zhou et al., 2020) explores the
word-level information for style transfer, which is
related to our motivation. However, they focus on
word-level style relevance in designing novel objec-
tives, while we focus on modeling word alignments
and the non-autoregressive architecture.
Non-Autoregressive Generation
Non-AutoRegressive (NAR) generation is first
introduced in machine translation for parallel de-
coding with low latency (Gu et al., 2018). The
NAR generator assumes that each token is gener-
ated independently of each other conditioned on
the input sentence, which sacrifices the generation
quality in exchange for the inference speed.
Most works on NAR generation focus on im-
proving the generation quality while preserving the
speed acceleration in machine translation. Gu et al.
(2018) find the decoder input is critical to the gener-