Shiva Jahangiri, Michael J. Carey, and Johann-Christoph Freytag
been implemented in the Apache AsterixDB system and evaluated
on dierent storage types, including HDD, SSD, and Amazon EBS.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2
provides background information on Apache AsterixDB and the
workow of the HHJ and Dynamic HHJ operators. Section 3 dis-
cusses previous work related to this study. In Section 4, we discuss
the lower bound on and the suggested default number of partitions
to use in practice. Section 5 introduces and evaluates dierent parti-
tion insertion algorithms. In Section 6, two policies for the growth
of spilled partitions are discussed and evaluated. Section 7 discusses
and evaluates various destaging partition selection policies. In Sec-
tion 8, some optimization techniques in AsterixDB are discussed
before Section 9 concludes the paper.
2.1 Hybrid Hash Join
Like other hash-based join algorithms, HHJ uses hashing to stage
large inputs to reduce record comparisons during the join. HHJ has
been shown to outperform other join types in computing equijoins
of two datasets. It was designed as a hybrid version of the Grace
Hash Join and Simple Hash Join algorithms [
]. All three men-
tioned hash join algorithms consist of two phases, namely "build"
and "probe". During the build phase, they partition the smaller input,
which we refer to as "build input", into disjoint subsets. Similarly,
the probe phase divides the larger input, which we refer to as "probe
input", into the same number of partitions as the build input. While
all three algorithms share a similar high-level design, they dier in
their details, making each of them suitable for a specic scenario.
Grace Hash Join partitions the build and probe inputs consec-
utively, writing each partition back to disk in a separate le. This
partitioning process continues for each partition until they t into
memory. A hash table is created to process the join once a parti-
tion is small enough to t in memory. Grace Hash Join performs
best when the smaller dataset is signicantly larger than the main
In Simple Hash Join, records are hashed into two partitions: a
memory-resident and a disk (spilled) partition. A portion of memory
is used for a hash table to hold the memory-resident partition’s
records. Simple Hash Join performs well when memory is large
enough to hold most of the smaller dataset. In Grace Hash Join, the
idea is to use memory to divide a large amount of data into smaller
partitions that t into memory, while Simple Hash Join focuses on
the idea of keeping some portion of data in memory to reduce the
total amount of I/O, considering that a large amount of memory
is available. Next, we discuss the details of the HHJ operator and
compare its design with its parent algorithms.
Like Grace Hash Join, HHJ uses hash partitioning to group each
input’s records into "join-able" partitions to avoid unnecessary
record comparisons. Like Simple Hash Join, HHJ uses a portion of
memory to keep one of the partitions and its hash table in memory,
while the rest write to disk. Keeping data in memory reduces the
total amount of I/O, and utilizing a hash table lowers the number
of record comparisons. The overall of Hybrid Hash Join is shown
in Figure 1.
As mentioned earlier, the HHJ operator consists of two consecu-
tive phases of build and probe. During the build phase, the records
of the smaller input are scanned and hash-partitioned based on
the values of the join attributes. We call the hash function used for
partitioning a "split function." The records mapped to the memory-
resident partition remain in memory, while the rest of the partitions
are written (frame by frame) to disk. Pointers to the records of the
memory-resident partition are inserted into a hash table at the end
of the build phase.
After the build phase ends, the probe phase starts by scanning
and hash-partitioning the records of the larger input. The same
split function used during the build phase is used for this step. The
records that map to the memory-resident partition are hashed using
the same hash function used in the build phase to probe the hash
table. All other records belong to spilled partitions and are written
(frame by frame) to that partition’s probe le on disk.
After all records of the probe input have been processed, the
pairs of spilled partitions from the build phase and probe phase are
processed as inputs to the next rounds of HHJ.
2.2 Apache AsterixDB
Apache AsterixDB [
] is an open-source, parallel, shared-
nothing big data management system (BDMS) built to support
the storage, indexing, modifying, analyzing, and querying of large
volumes of semi-structured data.
The unit of data that is transferred within AsterixDB, as well
as between AsterixDB and disk is called a "frame". A frame is a
xed-size and congurable set of contiguous bytes. AsterixDB uses
Dynamic HHJ, whose design and optimization is the main topic
of this paper. AsterixDB supports dierent join algorithms such
as Block Nested Loop Join, Dynamic HHJ, Broadcast Join, and
Indexed Nested Loop Join. However, Dynamic HHJ is the default
and primary join type in AsterixDB for processing equi-joins due
to its superior performance.
AsterixDB currently does not support statistics, so users may
provide hints to guide AsterixDB at execution time by selecting
an alternative type of join operator or by providing dataset size
information. For example, a user may use the Indexed Nested Loop
Join hint to request this join algorithm instead of a Dynamic HHJ.
AsterixDB follows this hint whenever possible; otherwise, it utilizes
Dynamic HHJ (by default). In addition, a hint to use a Broadcast Join
might be advantageous when the build dataset is small enough to
be sent to all nodes instead of using hash partitioning. The current
release of AsterixDB follows the join order in a query’s FROM
clause for determining the build and probe inputs. The rst input
in the FROM clause will serve as the probe relation; the rest will be
build inputs.
We chose Apache AsterixDB as our primary platform for im-
plementing and evaluating our proposed techniques for several
reasons. First, it is an open-source platform that allows us to share
our techniques and their evaluations with the community. More
importantly, AsterixDB is a parallel big data management system
for managing and processing large amounts of semi-structured
data with a declarative language. Finally, its similarity in structure
and design to other NoSQL and NewSQL database systems and
query engines makes our results and techniques applicable to other
systems as well.