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<member name="T:XPTable.Editors.CellEditor">
Base class for Cell editors
<member name="T:XPTable.Editors.ICellEditor">
Exposes common methods provided by Cell editors
<member name="M:XPTable.Editors.ICellEditor.PrepareForEditing(XPTable.Models.Cell,XPTable.Models.Table,XPTable.Models.CellPos,System.Drawing.Rectangle,System.Boolean)">
Prepares the ICellEditor to edit the specified Cell
<param name="cell">The Cell to be edited</param>
<param name="table">The Table that contains the Cell</param>
<param name="cellPos">A CellPos representing the position of the Cell</param>
<param name="cellRect">The Rectangle that represents the Cells location and size</param>
<param name="userSetEditorValues">Specifies whether the ICellEditors
starting value has already been set by the user</param>
<returns>true if the ICellEditor can continue editing the Cell, false otherwise</returns>
<member name="M:XPTable.Editors.ICellEditor.StartEditing">
Starts editing the Cell
<member name="M:XPTable.Editors.ICellEditor.StopEditing">
Stops editing the Cell and commits any changes
<member name="M:XPTable.Editors.ICellEditor.CancelEditing">
Stops editing the Cell and ignores any changes
<member name="T:XPTable.Editors.IMouseMessageFilterClient">
Indicates that an object is interested in receiving mouse messages
before they are sent to their destination
<member name="M:XPTable.Editors.IMouseMessageFilterClient.ProcessMouseMessage(System.Windows.Forms.Control,XPTable.Win32.WindowMessage,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Filters out a mouse message before it is dispatched
<param name="target">The Control that will receive the message</param>
<param name="msg">A WindowMessage that represents the message to process</param>
<param name="wParam">Specifies the WParam field of the message</param>
<param name="lParam">Specifies the LParam field of the message</param>
<returns>true to filter the message and prevent it from being dispatched;
false to allow the message to continue to the next filter or control</returns>
<member name="T:XPTable.Editors.IKeyMessageFilterClient">
Indicates that an object is interested in receiving key messages
before they are sent to their destination
<member name="M:XPTable.Editors.IKeyMessageFilterClient.ProcessKeyMessage(System.Windows.Forms.Control,XPTable.Win32.WindowMessage,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Filters out a key message before it is dispatched
<param name="target">The Control that will receive the message</param>
<param name="msg">A WindowMessage that represents the message to process</param>
<param name="wParam">Specifies the WParam field of the message</param>
<param name="lParam">Specifies the LParam field of the message</param>
<returns>true to filter the message and prevent it from being dispatched;
false to allow the message to continue to the next filter or control</returns>
<member name="F:XPTable.Editors.CellEditor.control">
The Control that is performing the editing
<member name="F:XPTable.Editors.CellEditor.cell">
The Cell that is being edited
<member name="F:XPTable.Editors.CellEditor.table">
The Table that contains the Cell being edited
<member name="F:XPTable.Editors.CellEditor.cellPos">
A CellPos that represents the position of the Cell being edited
<member name="F:XPTable.Editors.CellEditor.cellRect">
The Rectangle that represents the Cells location and size
<member name="F:XPTable.Editors.CellEditor.mouseMessageFilter">
A MouseMessageFilter that receives mouse messages before they
are dispatched to their destination
<member name="F:XPTable.Editors.CellEditor.keyMessageFilter">
A KeyMessageFilter that receives key messages before they
are dispatched to their destination
<member name="M:XPTable.Editors.CellEditor.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the CellEditor class with default settings
<member name="M:XPTable.Editors.CellEditor.PrepareForEditing(XPTable.Models.Cell,XPTable.Models.Table,XPTable.Models.CellPos,System.Drawing.Rectangle,System.Boolean)">
Prepares the CellEditor to edit the specified Cell
<param name="cell">The Cell to be edited</param>
<param name="table">The Table that contains the Cell</param>
<param name="cellPos">A CellPos representing the position of the Cell</param>
<param name="cellRect">The Rectangle that represents the Cells location and size</param>
<param name="userSetEditorValues">Specifies whether the ICellEditors
starting value has already been set by the user</param>
<returns>true if the ICellEditor can continue editing the Cell, false otherwise</returns>
<member name="M:XPTable.Editors.CellEditor.SetEditLocation(System.Drawing.Rectangle)">
Sets the location and size of the CellEditor
<param name="cellRect">A Rectangle that represents the size and location
of the Cell being edited</param>
<member name="M:XPTable.Editors.CellEditor.SetEditValue">
Sets the initial value of the editor based on the contents of
the Cell being edited
<member name="M:XPTable.Editors.CellEditor.SetCellValue">
Sets the contents of the Cell being edited based on the value
in the editor
<member name="M:XPTable.Editors.CellEditor.ShowEditControl">
Displays the editor to the user and adds it to the Table's Control
<member name="M:XPTable.Editors.CellEditor.HideEditControl">
Conceals the editor from the user, but does not remove it from the
Table's Control collection