# CopyQ
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CopyQ is advanced clipboard manager with editing and scripting features.
- [Downloads](https://github.com/hluk/CopyQ/releases)
- [Web Site](https://hluk.github.io/CopyQ/)
- [Documentation](https://copyq.readthedocs.io)
- [Mailing List](https://groups.google.com/group/copyq)
- [Bug Reports](https://github.com/hluk/CopyQ/issues)
- [Donate](https://liberapay.com/CopyQ/)
- [Scripting API](https://copyq.readthedocs.io/en/latest/scripting-api.html)
## Overview
CopyQ monitors system clipboard and saves its content in customized tabs.
Saved clipboard can be later copied and pasted directly into any application.
## Features
* Support for Linux, Windows and [OS X 10.15+](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/macos.html#supported-versions)
* Store text, HTML, images or any other custom formats
* Quickly browse and filter items in clipboard history
* Sort, create, edit, remove, copy/paste, drag'n'drop items in tabs
* Add notes or tags to items
* System-wide shortcuts with customizable commands
* Paste items with shortcut or from tray or main window
* Fully customizable appearance
* Advanced command-line interface and scripting
* Ignore clipboard copied from some windows or containing some text
* Support for simple Vim-like editor and shortcuts
* Many more features
## Install
<a href="https://repology.org/metapackage/copyq">
<img src="https://repology.org/badge/vertical-allrepos/copyq.svg" alt="Packaging status" align="right">
To install CopyQ, use the binary package or installer provided for your system.
For unlisted systems, please follow the instructions in
[Build from Source Code](https://copyq.readthedocs.io/en/latest/build-source-code.html).
### Windows
[![Chocolatey package](https://repology.org/badge/version-for-repo/chocolatey/copyq.svg)](https://repology.org/metapackage/copyq)
On Windows you can use one of the following options to install the app:
* [The Installer (setup.exe)](https://github.com/hluk/CopyQ/releases)
* [Portable zip package](https://github.com/hluk/CopyQ/releases)
* [Scoop package](https://scoop.sh/) from the [extras bucket](https://github.com/lukesampson/scoop-extras).
* [Chocolatey package](https://chocolatey.org/packages/copyq)
Using Scoop:
scoop install copyq
Using Chocolatey:
choco install copyq
### OS X
[![Homebrew package](https://repology.org/badge/version-for-repo/homebrew_casks/copyq.svg)](https://repology.org/metapackage/copyq)
On OS X you can use [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/) to install the app.
brew install --cask copyq
### Debian 10+, Ubuntu 18.04+, and their derivatives
Install `copyq` package.
`copyq-plugins` is highly recommended. `copyq-doc` available.
#### Ubuntu PPA
Install and keep CopyQ always up to date by running the following three commands from the terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hluk/copyq
sudo apt update
sudo apt install copyq
### Fedora
Install `copyq` package.
### Arch Linux
Install `copyq` package.
### Other Linux Distributions
Install [Flatpak](https://www.flatpak.org/) and `com.github.hluk.copyq` from
flatpak install flathub com.github.hluk.copyq
Start the application from menu or with following command:
flatpak run com.github.hluk.copyq
## Using the App
To start the application double-click the program icon or run `copyq`.
The list with clipboard history is accessible by clicking on system tray icon
or running `copyq toggle`.
Copying text or image to clipboard will create new item in the list.
Selected items can be:
* edited (`F2`)
* removed (`Delete`)
* sorted (`Ctrl+Shift+S`, `Ctrl+Shift+R`)
* moved around (with mouse or `Ctrl+Up/Down`)
* copied back to clipboard (`Ctrl+C`)
* pasted to previously active window (`Enter`)
All items will be restored when application is started next time.
To exit the application select Exit from tray menu or press `Ctrl-Q` keys in the
application window.
Read more:
- [Basic Usage](https://copyq.readthedocs.io/en/latest/basic-usage.html)
- [Keyboard](https://copyq.readthedocs.io/en/latest/keyboard.html)
### Adding Functionality
To create custom action that can be executed
from menu, with shortcut or when clipboard changes:
- go to Command dialog (`F6` shortcut),
- click Add button and select predefined command or create new one,
- optionally change the command details (shortcut, name),
- click OK to save the command.
One of very useful predefined commands there is "Show/hide main window".
Read more:
- [Writing Commands](https://copyq.readthedocs.io/en/latest/writing-commands-and-adding-functionality.html)
- [CopyQ Commands Repository](https://github.com/hluk/copyq-commands)
### Command Line
CopyQ has powerful command line and scripting interface.
Note: The main application must be running to be able to issue commands using
command line.
Print help for some useful command line arguments:
copyq --help
copyq --help add
Insert some texts to the history:
copyq add -- 'first item' 'second item' 'third item'
Omitting double-dash (`--`) in the command above would mean that slash
(`\`) in arguments will be treated as special character so that `\n` is new
line character, `\t` is tab, `\\` is slash, `\x` is `x` etc.
Create single item containing two lines:
copyq add 'first line\nsecond line'
Print content of the first three items:
copyq read 0 1 2
copyq separator "," read 0 1 2
Show current clipboard content:
copyq clipboard
copyq clipboard text/html
copyq clipboard \? # lists formats in clipboard
Copy text to the clipboard:
copyq copy "Some Text"
Load file content into clipboard:
copyq copy - < file.txt
copyq copy text/html < index.html
copyq copy image/jpeg - < image.jpg
Create image items:
copyq write image/gif - < image.gif
copyq write image/svg - < image.svg
Read more:
- [Scripting](https://copyq.readthedocs.io/en/latest/scripting.html)
- [Scripting API](https://copyq.readthedocs.io/en/latest/scripting-api.html)
## Build from Source Code
To build the application from source code, first install the required dependencies:
- [Git](https://git-scm.com/)
- [CMake](https://cmake.org/download/)
- [Qt](https://download.qt.io/archive/qt/)
- optional on Linux/X11: development files and libraries for [Xtst](https://t2-project.org/packages/libxtst.html) and [Xfixes](https://www.x.org/archive/X11R7.5/doc/man/man3/Xfixes.3.html)
### Install Dependencies
#### Ubuntu
sudo apt install \
cmake \
extra-cmake-modules \
git \
libqt5svg5 \
libqt5svg5-dev \
libqt5waylandclient5-dev \
libqt5x11extras5-dev \
libwayland-dev \
libxfixes-dev \
libxtst-dev \
qtbase5-private-dev \
qtdeclarative5-dev \
qttools5-dev \
qttools5-dev-tools \
qtwayland5 \
#### RHEL / CentOS / Oracle Linux
sudo yum install \
cmake \
extra-cmake-modules \
gcc-c++ \
git \
libXfixes-devel \
libXtst-devel \
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
CopyQ 6.1.0 Win中文版 (剪贴板管理工具).rar
需积分: 45 8 下载量 118 浏览量
收藏 28.11MB RAR 举报
CopyQ是一个剪贴板增强软件,剪贴板增强软件可以大大提高你处理文本和表格内容时的效率,尤其时你需要经常进行复制粘贴操作时,提高效率的效果尤为明显。经常接触文本和表格的话,赶快使用CopyQ吧。 CopyQ的体积只有14M左右,由于官方提供了绿色版,所以解压即可运行,官方默认就提供了简体中文界面,所以使用起来不会有语言上的阻碍。CopyQ是一个跨平台的软件,你不仅可以在所有常见的windows系统上运行它,在使用mac、linux系统时依然可以使用,只需要下载对应的安装包即可。 当你经常进行文本的复制粘贴操作时,你会不停的切换窗口(文本从一个界面复制到另一个界面时),至少也会不停的复制-定位-粘贴然后不断的重复这些操作。如此周而复始,你会发现非常的没有效率,并且会很累,如何才能解决这个问题呢?当然是通过减少切换窗口次数,把复制-定位-粘贴这种操作步骤改成复制-复制-复制-定位-粘贴-粘贴-粘贴即可。这样一来windows自带的剪贴板功能就显的不够用了,CopyQ则是带有增强型的剪贴板,并且和windows自带的无缝集成。
CopyQ 6.1.0 Win中文版 (剪贴板管理工具).rar (115个子文件)
items.css 1KB
main_window.css 1KB
menu.css 966B
notification.css 411B
tooltip.css 239B
main_window_simple.css 84B
Qt5Gui.dll 6.68MB
Qt5Core.dll 5.74MB
Qt5Widgets.dll 5.24MB
Qt5Qml.dll 3.43MB
libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll 3.26MB
qwindows.dll 1.41MB
Qt5Network.dll 1.28MB
libssl-1_1-x64.dll 668KB
msvcp140.dll 553KB
qwebp.dll 498KB
KF5CoreAddons.dll 477KB
itemsync.dll 455KB
qjpeg.dll 411KB
itemfakevim.dll 400KB
qtiff.dll 381KB
KF5ConfigCore.dll 356KB
itemtags.dll 338KB
Qt5Svg.dll 323KB
concrt140.dll 310KB
Qt5Test.dll 239KB
KF5Notifications.dll 199KB
msvcp140_2.dll 182KB
itemencrypted.dll 166KB
qwindowsvistastyle.dll 141KB
KF5WindowSystem.dll 119KB
itemimage.dll 110KB
itempinned.dll 106KB
vcruntime140.dll 96KB
itemtext.dll 69KB
itemnotes.dll 68KB
msvcp140_atomic_wait.dll 56KB
qgenericbearer.dll 52KB
Qt5TextToSpeech.dll 48KB
qicns.dll 44KB
qtexttospeech_sapi.dll 43KB
qsvgicon.dll 41KB
qgif.dll 38KB
qico.dll 37KB
vcruntime140_1.dll 36KB
qsvg.dll 31KB
qtga.dll 31KB
qwbmp.dll 29KB
msvcp140_1.dll 23KB
msvcp140_codecvt_ids.dll 21KB
CopyQ v6.1.0.exe 14.54MB
copyq.exe 3.54MB
snoretoast.exe 554KB
light.ini 2KB
forest.ini 951B
simple.ini 909B
paper.ini 785B
wine.ini 780B
dark.ini 516B
solarized-dark.ini 477B
solarized-light.ini 473B
qt_de.qm 288KB
qt_ru.qm 265KB
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qt_ca.qm 205KB
qt_lv.qm 203KB
qt_ko.qm 202KB
qt_gd.qm 185KB
qt_ja.qm 171KB
qt_cs.qm 171KB
qt_sk.qm 170KB
qt_it.qm 157KB
qt_ar.qm 156KB
qt_he.qm 135KB
qt_zh_TW.qm 125KB
copyq_el.qm 91KB
copyq_fr.qm 88KB
copyq_de.qm 86KB
copyq_es.qm 86KB
copyq_pt_BR.qm 86KB
copyq_ru.qm 86KB
copyq_it.qm 86KB
copyq_nl.qm 86KB
copyq_hr.qm 84KB
copyq_pt_PT.qm 84KB
copyq_uk.qm 83KB
copyq_nb.qm 82KB
copyq_tr.qm 81KB
copyq_cs.qm 80KB
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