About this document
This document describes how to build VASP.6.X.
It is a rough summary of the information you will find at:
If you can access the aformentioned link we recommend
you do so right now and forget about this document
(since the information on our wiki is more complete
and up-to-date), if not, please continue reading.
# 1. Build system
The build system of this VASP distribution has the following structure:
vasp.X.X.X (root directory)
| | | | | |
arch bin build src testsuite tools
* `root/`
Holds the high-level makefile and several subdirectories.
* `root/src`
Holds the source files of VASP and a low-level makefile.
* `root/arch`
Holds a collection of `makefile.include.*` files.
* `root/build`
The different versions of VASP, i.e., the standard, gamma-only,
non-collinear, and CUDA-GPU versions will be build in separate
subdirectories of this directory.
* `root/bin`
Here make will store the binaries.
* `root/testsuite`
Holds a suite of correctness tests to check your build.
* `root/tools`
Holds several python scripts related to the (optional) use
of HDF5 input/output files.
# 2. How to make VASP
Copy one of the `makefile.include.*` files in `root/arch` to
Take one that most closely reflects your system (hopefully).
For instance, on a linux box with the Intel Composer suite:
cp arch/makefile.include.linux_intel ./makefile.include
In many cases these `makefile.include` files will have to be adapted
to the particulars of your system (see section 3).
When you've finished setting up makefile.include, build VASP:
make all
This will build the standard, gamma-only, and non-collinear version
of VASP one after the other.
Alternatively on may build these versions individually:
make std
make gam
make ncl
To compile the CUDA-GPU ports of VASP:
cp arch/makefile.include.linux_intel ./makefile.include
and adapt it to the particulars of your system (see section 3),
followed by:
make gpu
make gpu_ncl
to built the CUDA-GPU ports of the standard and non-collinear versions,
**N.B.**: Unfortunately we do not offer a CUDA GPU port of the
gamma-only version.
After building the `vasp_std`, `vasp_gam`, and `vasp_ncl`
executables (e.g. by means of `make all`), you can test your
build by means of:
make test
Running the validation testsuite is described in some detail
in `root/testsuite/README.md` and on our wiki:
# 3. Adapting makefile.include
## 3.1. Precompiler variables:
Specify the precompiler flags: `[-Dflag1 [-Dflag2] ... ]`
Take a lead from the `makefile.include.*` files in `/arch`
and consult the VASP manual.
**N.B.I**: `-DNGZhalf`, `-DwNGZhalf`, `-DNGXhalf`, and `-DwNGXhalf`
are deprecated options. Building the standard, gamma-only,
or non-collinear version of the code is specified through
an additional argument to the make command (see "make" section below).
**N.B.II**: `CPP_OPTIONS` is only used in the `makefile.include` file,
where it should be added to CPP (see below).
* `CPP`:
The command to invoke the precompiler you want to use, for instance:
Using Intel's Fortran precompiler:
CPP=fpp -f_com=no -free -w0 $*$(FUFFIX) $*$(SUFFIX) $(CPP_OPTIONS)
Using cpp:
CPP=/usr/bin/cpp -P -C -traditional $*$(FUFFIX) >$*$(SUFFIX) $(CPP_OPTIONS)
**N.B.**: This variable has to include `$(CPP_OPTIONS)`.
If it does not, `CPP_OPTIONS` will be ignored!
## 3.2. Compiler variables:
The Fortran compiler will be invoked as:
* `FC`:
The command to invoke your Fortran compiler
(e.g. gfortran, ifort, mpif90, mpiifort, ... ).
* `OFLAG`:
The general level of optimization (default: `OFLAG=-O2`).
Additional compiler flags.
(default: `-O2`) In the vast majority of makefiles this
variable is set:
* `DEBUG`:
The optimization level with which the main program (main.F)
will be compiled, usually:
* `INCS`:
Use this variable to specify objects to be included in the
sense of:
* `FREE`:
Specify the options that your Fortran compiler needs for it to
accept free-form source layout, without line-length limitation.
For instance:
Using Intel's Fortran compiler:
FREE=-free -names lowercase
Using gfortran:
FREE=-ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none
## 3.3. Libraries:
The linker will be invoked as:
$(FCL) -o vasp ..all-objects.. $(LLIBS)
* `FCL`:
The command that invokes the linker: in most cases identical to:
FCL=$(FC) [+ some options]
Using the Intel composer suite (Fortran compiler + MKL libraries),
FCL=$(FC) -mkl=sequential
* `LLIBS`:
Specify libraries and/or objects to be linked against,
in the usual ways:
LLIBS=[-Ldirectory -llibrary] [path/library.a] [path/object.o]
Usually one has to specify several numerical libraries
(BLAS, LAPACK or scaLAPACK, etc).
For instance using the Intel composer suite
(and compiling with `CPP_OPTIONS= .. -DscaLAPACK ..`):
MKL_PATH = $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64
BLACS = -lmkl_blacs_openmpi_lp64
SCALAPACK = $(MKL_PATH)/libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a $(BLACS)
For other configurations please take a lead from the
`makefile.include.*` files under `/arch`.
## 3.4. The list of objects:
The standard list of objects needed to compile VASP is given by the
variable `SOURCE` in the `root/src/.objects` file that is part of the
distribution (you should not need to edit this variable).
Objects to be added to this list can be specified in `makefile.include`
by means of:
OBJECTS= .. your list of objects ..
**N.B.**: Several objects *have* to be added in this manner (see the
following section on "Fast-Fourier-Transforms).
## 3.5. Fast-Fourier-Transforms:
Add the objects to be compiled (or linked againts) that provide
the FFTs (may include static libraries of objects .a).
* `INCS`:
In case one compiles using the fftw-library, i.e.,
OBJECTS= .. fftw3d.o fftmpiw.o ..
then `INCS` can be set to include the directory that holds "fftw3.f":
INCS += -I/path/to/directory-that-holds-fftw3f
(needed because fftw3d.F and fftmpiw.F include "fftw3.f").
**N.B.**: If in the aformentioned case `INCS` is not set,
then fftw3.f has to be present in `root/src`.
Common choices are:
* When building with the Intel Composer suite it is best
to link against the MKL fftw wrappers of Intel's FFTs:
FCL = $(FC) -mkl=sequential
OBJECTS = fftmpiw.o fftmpi_map.o fftw3d.o fft3dlib.o
INCS += -I$(MKLROOT)/include/fftw
* To explicitly link against an fftw library (in this case fftw-3.3.4):
OBJECTS = fftmpiw.o fftmpi_map.o fftw3d.o fft3dlib.o
FFTW ?= /path/to/my/fftw-3.3.4
LLIBS += -L$(FFTW)/lib -lfftw3
INCS += -I$(FFTW)/include
* Or use use Juergen Furtmueller's FFT implementation (deprecated):
OBJECTS= fftmpi.o fftmpi_map.o fft3dfurth.o fft3dlib.o
* For other configurations please take lead from the
`makefile.include.*` files under `/arch`.
## 3.6. Special rules for the optimization level of FFT related objects:
Based on past experience the optimization level for t