/* Copyright 1996, Viewpoint Datalabs Int'l, www.viewpoint.com, 1-800-DATASET */
# Usage Rights: You (the user) may use this model to help build cool personal
# vrml worlds, but please give us credit when you do ("3D model provided by
# Viewpoint Datalabs, www,viewpoint.com"). Please don't sell it or use it to
# make money indirectly. Don't redistribute it or put it on a web site except
# as a part of your personal, non-commerical vrml world. If you want to do a
# commercial project, give us a call at 1-800-DATASET or visit www.viewpoint.com
# and we'll help you obtain the rights to do so.
* Note that this data was put directly into the program
* to provide a demo program on the net that people could
* just run without having to fetch datafiles.
* i.e. more convienent for the user this way
#include "rabdata.h"
#pragma warning(disable : 4305)
#pragma warning(disable : 4136)
float rabbit_vertices[RABBIT_VERTEX_NUM][3]={
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