DELPHI Rijndael algorithm implementation~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The implementation is based on an original code.The CBC-mode bug fixed.As the example of API usage is complemented by simple functions:{encode string} function EnCryptString(const sMessage: string; sKeyMaterial: string): string;{decode string} function DeCryptString(const sMessage: string; sKeyMaterial: string): string;{expand KeyMaterial up to iLength digits} function ExpandKey(sKey: string; iLength: integer): string;{randomize KeyMaterial - do not use it :)} function RandomKeyMaterial: string;{encrypt string} function StoreCryptString(const sMessage: string; sKeyMaterial: string): string;{decrypt string} function ReadCryptString(const sMessage: string; sKeyMaterial: string): string;---------------------------------------------Sergey Kirichenko e-mail: Home Page:
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- 「已注销」2015-08-02可以学习,不过最后找到了dcp控件。
- omagic2013-04-05也算有点用吧,不过最后找到合适的版本了。
- h36586862012-11-25可选参数太少,不是很实用
- chenDaivin2012-06-28不错,很好的Rijndeal资料。
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