* ImageInfo.java
* Version 1.9
* A Java class to determine image width, height and color depth for
* a number of image file formats.
* Written by Marco Schmidt
* Contributed to the Public Domain.
package com.shuogesha.common.image;
import java.io.DataInput;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Vector;
* Get file format, image resolution, number of bits per pixel and optionally
* number of images, comments and physical resolution from
* (or input streams).
* <p>
* Use the class like this:
* <pre>
* ImageInfo ii = new ImageInfo();
* ii.setInput(in); // in can be InputStream or RandomAccessFile
* ii.setDetermineImageNumber(true); // default is false
* ii.setCollectComments(true); // default is false
* if (!ii.check()) {
* System.err.println("Not a supported image file format.");
* return;
* }
* System.out.println(ii.getFormatName() + ", " + ii.getMimeType() +
* ", " + ii.getWidth() + " x " + ii.getHeight() + " pixels, " +
* ii.getBitsPerPixel() + " bits per pixel, " + ii.getNumberOfImages() +
* " image(s), " + ii.getNumberOfComments() + " comment(s).");
* // there are other properties, check out the API documentation
* </pre>
* You can also use this class as a command line program.
* Call it with a number of image file names and URLs as parameters:
* <pre>
* java ImageInfo *.jpg *.png *.gif http://somesite.tld/image.jpg
* </pre>
* or call it without parameters and pipe data to it:
* <pre>
* java ImageInfo < image.jpg
* </pre>
* <p>
* Known limitations:
* <ul>
* <li>When the determination of the number of images is turned off, GIF bits
* per pixel are only read from the global header.
* For some GIFs, local palettes change this to a typically larger
* value. To be certain to get the correct color depth, call
* setDetermineImageNumber(true) before calling check().
* The complete scan over the GIF file will take additional time.</li>
* <li>Transparency information is not included in the bits per pixel count.
* Actually, it was my decision not to include those bits, so it's a feature! ;-)</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Requirements:
* <ul>
* <li>Java 1.1 or higher</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* The latest version can be found at <a href="http://schmidt.devlib.org/image-info/">http://schmidt.devlib.org/image-info/</a>.
* <p>
* Written by Marco Schmidt.
* <p>
* This class is contributed to the Public Domain.
* Use it at your own risk.
* <p>
* <a name="history">History</a>:
* <ul>
* <li><strong>2001-08-24</strong> Initial version.</li>
* <li><strong>2001-10-13</strong> Added support for the file formats BMP and PCX.</li>
* <li><strong>2001-10-16</strong> Fixed bug in read(int[], int, int) that returned
* <li><strong>2002-01-22</strong> Added support for file formats Amiga IFF and Sun Raster (RAS).</li>
* <li><strong>2002-01-24</strong> Added support for file formats Portable Bitmap / Graymap / Pixmap (PBM, PGM, PPM) and Adobe Photoshop (PSD).
* Added new method getMimeType() to return the MIME type associated with a particular file format.</li>
* <li><strong>2002-03-15</strong> Added support to recognize number of images in file. Only works with GIF.
* Use {@link #setDetermineImageNumber} with <code>true</code> as argument to identify animated GIFs
* ({@link #getNumberOfImages()} will return a value larger than <code>1</code>).</li>
* <li><strong>2002-04-10</strong> Fixed a bug in the feature 'determine number of images in animated GIF' introduced with version 1.1.
* Thanks to Marcelo P. Lima for sending in the bug report.
* Released as 1.1.1.</li>
* <li><strong>2002-04-18</strong> Added {@link #setCollectComments(boolean)}.
* That new method lets the user specify whether textual comments are to be
* stored in an internal list when encountered in an input image file / stream.
* Added two methods to return the physical width and height of the image in dpi:
* {@link #getPhysicalWidthDpi()} and {@link #getPhysicalHeightDpi()}.
* If the physical resolution could not be retrieved, these methods return <code>-1</code>.
* </li>
* <li><strong>2002-04-23</strong> Added support for the new properties physical resolution and
* comments for some formats. Released as 1.2.</li>
* <li><strong>2002-06-17</strong> Added support for SWF, sent in by Michael Aird.
* Changed checkJpeg() so that other APP markers than APP0 will not lead to a failure anymore.
* Released as 1.3.</li>
* <li><strong>2003-07-28</strong> Bug fix - skip method now takes return values into consideration.
* Less bytes than necessary may have been skipped, leading to flaws in the retrieved information in some cases.
* Thanks to Bernard Bernstein for pointing that out.
* Released as 1.4.</li>
* <li><strong>2004-02-29</strong> Added support for recognizing progressive JPEG and
* interlaced PNG and GIF. A new method {@link #isProgressive()} returns whether ImageInfo
* has found that the storage type is progressive (or interlaced).
* Thanks to Joe Germuska for suggesting the feature.
* Bug fix: BMP physical resolution is now correctly determined.
* Released as 1.5.</li>
* <li><strong>2004-11-30</strong> Bug fix: recognizing progressive GIFs
* (interlaced in GIF terminology) did not work (thanks to Franz Jeitler for
* pointing this out). Now it should work, but only if the number of images is determined.
* This is because information on interlacing is stored in a local image header.
* In theory, different images could be stored interlaced and non-interlaced in one
* file. However, I think that's unlikely. Right now, the last image in the GIF file
* that is examined by ImageInfo is used for the "progressive" status.</li>
* <li><strong>2005-01-02</strong> Some code clean up (unused methods and variables
* commented out, missing javadoc comments, etc.). Thanks to George Sexton for a long list.
* Removed usage of Boolean.toString because
* it's a Java 1.4+ feature (thanks to Gregor Dupont).
* Changed delimiter character in compact output from semicolon to tabulator
* (for better integration with cut(1) and other Unix tools).
* Added some points to the <a href="http://schmidt.devlib.org/image-info/index.html#knownissues">'Known
* issues' section of the website</a>.
* Released as 1.6.</li>
* <li><strong>2005-07-26</strong> Removed code to identify Flash (SWF) files.
* Has repeatedly led to problems and support requests, and I don't know the
* format and don't have the time and interest to fix it myself.
* I repeatedly included fixes by others which didn't work for some people.
* I give up on SWF. Please do not contact me about it anymore.
* Set package of ImageInfo class to org.devlib.schmidt.imageinfo (a package
* was repeatedly requested by some users).
* Released as 1.7.</li>
* <li><strong>2006-02-23</strong> Removed Flash helper methods which weren't used elsewhere.
* Updated skip method which tries "read" whenever "skip(Bytes)" returns a result of 0.
* The old method didn't work with certain input stream types on truncated data streams.
* Thanks to Martin Leidig for reporting this and sending in code.
* Released as 1.8.</li>
* </li>
* <li><strong>2006-11-13</strong> Removed check that made ImageInfo report JPEG APPx
* markers smaller than 14 bytes as files in unknown format. Such JPEGs seem to be
* generated by Google's Picasa application. First reported with fix by
* Karl von Randow. Released as 1.9.</li>
* </ul>
* @author Marco Schmidt
public class ImageInfo {
* Return value of {@link #getFormat()} for JPEG streams.
* ImageInfo can extract physical resolution and comments
* from JPEGs (only from APP0 headers).
* Only one image can be stored in a file.
* It is det
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alipay-sdk-java20170511115337.jar 2.36MB
maven-wrapper.jar 50KB
ImageInfo.java 36KB
ApiOrderAct.java 17KB
RedisUtils.java 12KB
AliOSSUpload.java 11KB
RSA.java 11KB
Elasticsearch.java 10KB
AverageImageScale.java 10KB
Base64.java 10KB
QuartzManager.java 9KB
RequestUtils.java 9KB
AlipaySubmit.java 9KB
CountServiceImpl.java 9KB
ApiRegisterAct.java 8KB
YaoqingServiceImpl.java 8KB
Base64.java 8KB
HttpProtocolHandler.java 8KB
UnifiedUserServiceImpl.java 8KB
OrderAct.java 8KB
WxAct.java 7KB
AlipayAct.java 7KB
UnifiedUserTokenServiceImpl.java 7KB
KeyWordUtils.java 6KB
HB.java 6KB
RedisCacheAspect.java 6KB
ImageUploadAct.java 6KB
ApiUploadAct.java 6KB
WxSign.java 6KB
AuthenticationServiceImpl.java 6KB
WebSocketServer.java 6KB
MvcInterceptorConfig.java 6KB
AdminInterceptor.java 6KB
Order.java 5KB
DruidConnectionProvider.java 5KB
ApiCartAct.java 5KB
AlipayNotify.java 5KB
UploadUtils.java 5KB
EmailSendTool.java 5KB
MavenWrapperDownloader.java 5KB
LoginAct.java 5KB
RoleServiceImpl.java 5KB
AlipayUtils.java 5KB
ProductCatAct.java 4KB
ApiLoginAct.java 4KB
ProductServiceImpl.java 4KB
Oauth.java 4KB
ChannelAct.java 4KB
ApiFollowAct.java 4KB
UnifiedUserAct.java 4KB
PaybillServiceImpl.java 4KB
MQUtils.java 4KB
UtilDate.java 4KB
PermissionAspect.java 4KB
Validator.java 4KB
AlipayCore.java 4KB
MessageAct.java 4KB
Product.java 4KB
ScheduleJobServiceImpl.java 4KB
Site.java 4KB
RoleAct.java 4KB
UserServiceImpl.java 4KB
ContentAct.java 4KB
ProductAct.java 4KB
HttpSafetyRequestMappingHandlerMapping.java 4KB
SysLogAspect.java 4KB
OrderServiceImpl.java 3KB
HttpRequest.java 3KB
ApiCommentAct.java 3KB
Paybill.java 3KB
ContentServiceImpl.java 3KB
ImageUtils.java 3KB
UnifiedUser.java 3KB
Num62.java 3KB
DESUtil.java 3KB
UserAct.java 3KB
ApiProductAct.java 3KB
PaySign.java 3KB
ApiCollectAct.java 3KB
Md5PwdEncoder.java 3KB
CountCacheServiceImpl.java 3KB
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