Stratix IV GX 开发套件出厂恢复程序 actory_recovery: This directory contains the script which writes restore_0 and restore_1 factory flash files to the flash device on the board In the unlikely event that factory flash gets erased, please follow instructions as described in the User's Guide, chapter entitled: "Restoring the Flash Device with the Factory Settings" build_factory_source: For advanced users This directory contains a script which generates the restore_0 and restore_1 factory flash files from files created by various Altera tools. For more information refer to build_factory_readme.txt in the build_factory_source directory software_resources: For advanced users This directory contains an html web content directory and boot_code source directory for generating the software boot loader For more information refer to web_content_readme.txt in the software_resources directory
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- 【企业文化分析模型-1】克拉克洪—斯托特柏克构架.docx
- 【企业文化分析模型-7】郑伯埙的VOCS量表.docx
- 【企业文化分析模型-3】弗恩斯·特朗皮纳斯的组织文化模型.docx
- 【企业文化分析模型-2】霍夫斯泰德的组织文化模型.docx
- 【范文】企业文化管理制度2.docx
- 【学习】如何创建学习型组织2.ppt
- 《华为的企业文化》-27页.ppt
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- 【案例分析】沃尔玛的企业文化.ppt
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- 【培训课件】联想核心价值观培训(2006年)-75页.ppt
- 惠普-文化尽职调查研究-29页 英文版本.PPT
- 【培训课件】企業文化---培訓教材.ppt
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- 【培训课件】中兴通讯-企业文化建设方案-42页.ppt
- 《白沙企业文化大纲》-21页.doc