import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.externals import joblib
class ETL(object):
"""Extract Transform Load class for all data operations pre model inputs. Data is read in generative way to allow
for large datafiles and low memory utilisation"""
def generate_clean_data(self, filename, size, batch_size=1000, start_index=0):
# TODO check the size/batch_size is int?
self.scalar = joblib.load('model/scalar.pkl')
with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as hf:
i = start_index
while True:
if i % size < (i + batch_size) % size:
data_x = hf['x'][i % size: (i + batch_size) % size]
data_y = hf['y'][i % size: (i + batch_size) % size]
data_x = hf['x'][i % size: size]
data_y = hf['y'][i % size: size]
i += batch_size
yield (data_x, data_y)
def create_clean_datafile(self, filename_in, filename_out, batch_size=1000, x_window_size=100, y_window_size=1,
y_col=0, filter_cols=None, normalise=False):
"""Incrementally save a datafile of clean data ready for loading straight into model"""
print('> Creating x & y data files...')
data_gen = self.clean_data(
i = 0
with h5py.File(filename_out, 'w') as hf:
x1, y1 = next(data_gen)
# Initialise hdf5 x, y datasets with first chunk of data
rcount_x = x1.shape[0]
dset_x = hf.create_dataset('x', shape=x1.shape, maxshape=(None, x1.shape[1], x1.shape[2]), chunks=True)
dset_x[:] = x1
rcount_y = y1.shape[0]
dset_y = hf.create_dataset('y', shape=y1.shape, maxshape=(None,), chunks=True)
dset_y[:] = y1
for x_batch, y_batch in data_gen:
# Append batches to x, y hdf5 datasets
print('> Creating x & y data files | Batch:', i, end='\r')
dset_x.resize(rcount_x + x_batch.shape[0], axis=0)
dset_x[rcount_x:] = x_batch
rcount_x += x_batch.shape[0]
dset_y.resize(rcount_y + y_batch.shape[0], axis=0)
dset_y[rcount_y:] = y_batch
rcount_y += y_batch.shape[0]
i += 1
print('> Clean datasets created in file `' + filename_out + '.h5`')
def clean_data(self, filepath, batch_size, x_window_size, y_window_size, y_col, filter_cols, normalise):
"""Cleans and Normalises the data in batches `batch_size` at a time"""
raw_data = pd.read_hdf(filepath)
# codes = set(raw_data['INNER_CODE'].tolist())
if filter_cols:
# Remove any columns from data that we don't need by getting the difference between cols and filter list
rm_cols = set(raw_data.columns) - set(filter_cols)
for col in rm_cols:
del raw_data[col]
# Convert y-predict column name to numerical index
x_data = []
y_data = []
j = 0 # The number of sample
scalar = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
self.scalar =['fwd_rtn'].reshape(-1, 1)) # TODO future function
joblib.dump(self.scalar, 'model/scalar.pkl')
raw_data['fwd_rtn'] = self.scalar.transform(raw_data['fwd_rtn'].reshape(-1, 1))
# Each stock feature is scrolled as sample data
for code in set(raw_data['INNER_CODE']):
data = raw_data[raw_data['INNER_CODE'] == code]
data['rtn'] = data['fwd_rtn'].shift() # Shift 1 period
data.drop("fwd_rtn", axis=1, inplace=True)
data.drop("INNER_CODE", axis=1, inplace=True)
num_rows = len(data)
y_col = list(data.columns).index('rtn')
print('> Creating x & y data files | Code:', code)
i = 0
while (i + x_window_size + y_window_size) <= num_rows:
x_window_data = data[i:(i + x_window_size)]
y_window_data = data[(i + x_window_size):(i + x_window_size + y_window_size)]
# Remove any windows that contain NaN
if x_window_data.isnull().values.any() or y_window_data.isnull().values.any():
i += 1
if normalise:
abs_base, x_window_data = self.zero_base_standardise(x_window_data)
_, y_window_data = self.zero_base_standardise(y_window_data, abs_base=abs_base)
# Average of the desired predicter y column
y_average = np.average(y_window_data.values[:, y_col])
i += 1
j += 1
# Restrict yielding until we have enough in our batch. Then clear x, y data for next batch
if j % batch_size == 0:
# Convert from list to 3 dimensional numpy array [windows, window_val, val_dimension]
x_np_arr = np.array(x_data)
y_np_arr = np.array(y_data)
x_data = []
y_data = []
yield (x_np_arr, y_np_arr)
def zero_base_standardise(self, data, abs_base=pd.DataFrame()):
"""Standardise dataframe to be zero based percentage returns from i=0"""
if abs_base.empty:
abs_base = data.iloc[0]
data_standardised = (data / abs_base) - 1
return abs_base, data_standardised
def min_max_normalise(self, data, data_min=pd.DataFrame(), data_max=pd.DataFrame()):
"""Normalise a Pandas dataframe using column-wise min-max normalisation (can use custom min, max if desired)"""
if data_min.empty:
data_min = data.min()
if data_max.empty:
data_max = data.max()
data_normalised = (data - data_min) / (data_max - data_min)
return data_min, data_max, data_normalised
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