/* wtx.c - WTX C library */
/* Copyright 1994-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
#include "copyright_wrs.h"
modification history
06k,08mar02,c_c Reworked license management.
06j,04mar02,fle SPR#73615 fix : wtxResultFree () may free already freed
06i,17dec01,c_c Fixed LM file descriptor leak problem.
06h,04dec01,sn Added wtxDefaultDemanglerStyle
06g,05dec01,fle added Object directory retirving to wtxCpuInfoGet ()
06f,18oct01,c_c Updated feature name in license check.
06e,11oct01,c_c Added license bypass.
06d,03oct01,c_c Added license check. Added wtxTargetToolNameGet API.
06c,28sep01,fle Fixed wtxResultFree () to not return WTX_ERROR
06b,15jun01,pch Add new WTX_TS_INFO_GET_V2 service to handle WTX_RT_INFO
change (from BOOL32 hasFpp to UINT32 hasCoprocessor) without
breaking existing clients.
06a,30may01,kab Fixed wtxTgtHasDsp comment
05z,09may01,dtr Changing wtxTgtHasFpp , altivec for new format introduced by
hasCoprocessor. Also adding in wtxTgtHasDsp.
05y,21mar01,dtr Updating comments in code.
05x,06feb01,dtr Adding check for altivec support.
05w,18jan01,dtr Adding altivec register support.
05v,24nov99,fle SPR#28684 fix : made wtxToolAttach() update the target server
key if the first adapter is not the good one
05u,22jun99,fle made wtx compile on target side
05t,02apr99,fle fixed a problem with wtxServiceAdd that was always allocating
wdb service description even if all the wdb parameters were
set to NULL SPR 67367
05s,31mar99,fle doc : specified that wtxFileOpen does not support RDONLY flag
under WIN32
05r,23feb99,c_c Implemented an API to get the target IP address (SPR #25044).
05q,11feb99,c_c Authorize accesses to target's address 0 (SPR #25049).
05p,18jan99,c_c documented WTX_CONSOLE_LINES setting (SPR 6209).
05o,08jan99,fle doc : added REGISTRY_NAME_CLASH to wtxRegister possible
05n,01dec98,pcn SPR #22867: complete the fix: in wtxObjModuleLoad(), copy the
address fields of the input parameter in the protocol input
05m,30nov98,pcn Moved a badly placed #ifdef HOST for the symbol table
synchronization (SPR #22867).
05l,05nov98,fle doc : made wtxLogging been linked correctly
05k,02nov98,c_c Modified WTX_ERR_SVR_EINVAL error explanation for Load
05j,16sep98,fle Modified wtxMemDisassemble doc since its new output format
05i,22sep98,l_k Removed wtxFindExecutable.
05h,22sep98,pcn Change the returned error in wtxObjModuleLoadProgressReport.
05g,18sep98,l_k Implement wtxFindExecutable.
05f,18sep98,pcn Implement wtxObjModuleInfoAndPathGet.
05e,18sep98,pcn Removed memory leak when asynchronous load is used.
05c,10sep98,pcn Remove wtxResultFree from wtxObjModuleLoadStart and
05b,18aug98,pcn Use WTX_MSG_EVTPT_LIST_2 and doc updated.
05a,20jul98,pcn wtxObjModuleLoadProgressReport doc updated.
04z,20jul98,pcn Added evtptNum and toolId in the wtxEventpointListGet return
04y,10jul98,fle removed wpwrLog calls in wtxCpuInfoGet function
04x,09jul98,fle re-added wtxCommandSend
04w,08jul98,pcn Added undefined symbols list in
wtxObjModuleLoadProgressReport result.
04v,06jul98,pcn Removed wtxObjModuleUndefSymAdd from API.
04u,02jul98,pcn Removed memory leak from wtxObjModuleLoadStart and
04t,19jun98,pcn Added wtxObjModuleLoadStart, wtxObjModuleLoadProgressReport,
04s,11jun98,pcn Added an input parameter at wtxEventListGet.
04r,09jun98,jmp added wtxAsyncResultFree to free memory used by a
wtxAsyncEventGet() call result, imported wtxAsyncEventGet()
from wtxAsync.c.
04q,03jun98,pcn Added 2 requests: wtxSymListByModuleNameGet and
04p,25may98,pcn Changed wtxTsLock in wtxTsTimedLock, wtxEventpointList_2 in
wtxEventpointListGet, wtxObjModuleUnload_2 in
04o,20may98,jmp modified wtxAsyncInitialize() call, now if no user defined
function is given then received events are just stored in the
asynchronous event list, those events can be get using
04n,19may98,rhp doc: corrected wtxLogging example (supplied missing .CE)
04m,07may98,pcn Re-added WTX_TS_KILLED.
04l,30apr98,dbt added wtxHwBreakpointAdd and wtxEventpointAdd.
04k,28apr98,pcn Removed wtxCommandSend from C API.
04j,24apr98,pcn Removed wtxEventGetThread.
04i,23apr98,fle added CPU name retrieving to wtxCpuInfoGet
04h,23apr98,fle added ifdef HOST around wtxCpuInfoGet
+ added warning for HOST defined functions
04g,08apr98,fle doc: updated and added examples to wtxMemDisassemble
+ added wtxCpuInfoGet function.
04f,02apr98,pcn WTX 2: added new error codes.
04e,31mar98,fle made wtxToolAttach() always call for wtxInfo()
+ made some history cleanup
04d,27mar98,pcn Moved #ifdef HOST after functions parameters in order to
generate manual.
04c,26mar98,pcn Changed strdup in strcpy.
04b,26mar98,pcn WTX 2: Added an event filter for WTX logging. Added new
behavior of wtxObjModuleLoad_2: a file can be opened locally
or by the target server.
04a,24mar98,dbt added wtxContextStatusGet.
03z,17mar98,pcn WTX 2: wtxObjModuleChecksum: set filename to
03y,09mar98,pcn WTX 2: added a test of <fileName> in wtxLogging.
03x,06mar98,pcn WTX 2: changed the width test in wtxMemWidthRead/Write.
03w,05mar98,fle got rid of wtxRegistryPing() routine
03v,03mar98,pcn WTX 2: added fcntl.h for file constants.
03u,03mar98,pcn Added #ifdef for HOST side.
03t,02mar98,pcn WTX 2: added wtxAsyncNotifyEnable, wtxCacheTextUpdate,
wtxEventListGet, wtxEventpointList_2, wtxLogging,
wtxMemWidthRead, wtxMemWidthWrite, wtxObjModuleChecksum,
wtxObjModuleLoad_2, wtxObjModuleUnload_2,
wtxUnregisterForEvent, wtxThreadSigHandle. Changed
wtxResultFree, wtxObjModuleUnload, wtxEventToStrType,
wtxTargetRtTypeGet, wtxTargetCpuTypeGet.
03s,29jan98,fle made wtxToolAttach return hWtx->errCode when unable to attch
tool (due to implementation of wtxregdSvrPing())
+ added wtxRegistryPing()
03r,28jan98,c_c Packed all wtxEvtxxxStringGet routines into one.
03q,29aug97,fle Adding the WTX_MEM_DISASSEMBLE service
+ Updating NOTE written after the "forward declarations"
+ made wtxSymListGet() usable by the WTX TCL API
+ moved tsSymListFree() from tgtsvr/server/tssymlk.c in
03p,06dec96,dgp doc: correct spelling
03o,21nov96,dgp doc: change Object-Module, correct italic and bold formatting
03n,20nov96,dgp doc: correct WTX_THROW() to WTX_THROW
03m,18nov96,dgp doc: final changes, wtxGopherEval, wtxErrExceptionFunc,
03l,12nov96,c_s remove use of strerror on sun4-sunos4
03k,11nov96,dgp doc: "final" formatting for API Guide
03j,30sep96,elp put in share, adapted to be compiled on target side
(added wtxSymAddWithGroup() and wtxObjModuleUndefSymAdd()).
03i,19sep96,p_m fixed syntax error in wtxMemAlign() introduced by last
doc modification
03h,17sep96,dgp doc: API Guide updates, particularly wtxGopherEval,
03g,05sep96,p_m Documented wtxToolIdGet() and wtxServiceAdd()
03f,05sep96,elp changed val in wtxMemSet() from UINT8 to UINT32 (SPR# 6894).
03e,02sep96,jmp added wtxToolIdGet(),
added WTX RPC service number argument to wtxServiceAdd().
03d,30aug96,elp Changed wpwrVersionGet() into wtxTsVersionGet().
03c,26jul96,pad Changed order of include files (AIX port).
03b,26jul96,dbt fixed a memory leak. Added serverDescFree to clean servor
03a,15jul96,dbt supressed call to wtxExchangeDelete() and
wtxExchangeTerminate() in exchange() in case of server
exchange handle (SPR #6862).
01a,24dec94,jcf written.
This module implements a C-language transport-neu