# [MyCAT](http://mycat.io/)
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MyCAT is an Open-Source software, “a large database cluster” oriented to enterprises. MyCAT is an enforced database which is a replacement for MySQL and supports transaction and ACID. Regarded as MySQL cluster of enterprise database, MyCAT can take the place of expensive Oracle cluster. MyCAT is also a new type of database, which seems like a SQL Server integrated with the memory cache technology, NoSQL technology and HDFS big data. And as a new modern enterprise database product, MyCAT is combined with the traditional database and new distributed data warehouse. In a word, MyCAT is a fresh new middleware of database.
Mycat’s target is to smoothly migrate the current stand-alone database and applications to cloud side with low cost and to solve the bottleneck problem caused by the rapid growth of data storage and business scale.
* [Getting Started](https://github.com/MyCATApache/Mycat-doc/tree/master/en)
* [尝试 MyCAT](https://github.com/MyCATApache/Mycat-doc/blob/master/MyCat_In_Action_%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E7%89%88.doc)
## Features
* Supports SQL 92 standard
* Supports MySQL cluster, used as a Proxy
* Supports JDBC connection with ORACLE, DB2, SQL Server, simulated as normal MySQL Server connection
* Supports MySQL cluster, percona cluster or mariadb cluster, providing high availability of data fragmentation clusters
* Supports automatic failover and high availability
* Supports separation of read and write, dual-master with multi-slave, single-master with multi-master of MySQL model
* Supports global table, automatically fragment data into multiple nodes for efficient relational query
* Supports the unique fragmentation strategy based on ER-relation for efficient relational query
* Supports multiple platforms, easy deployment and implementation
## Advantage
* Based on Alibaba's open-source project [Cobar](https://github.com/alibaba/cobar), whose stability, reliability, excellent architecture and performance, as well as many mature use-cases make MyCAT have a good starting. Standing on the shoulders of giants, MyCAT feels confident enough to go farther.
* Extensively drawing on the best open-source projects and innovative ideas, which are integrated into the Mycat’s gene, make MyCAT be ahead of the other current similar open-source projects, even beyond some commercial products.
* MyCAT behind a strong technical team whose participants are experienced more than five years including some senior software engineer, architect, DBA, etc. Excellent technical team to ensure the product quality of Mycat.
* MyCAT does not rely on any commercial company. It’s unlike some open-source projects whose important features is enclosed in its commercial products and making open-source projects like a decoration.
## Roadmap
* On the basis of MySQL’s support, MyCAT add more support of commercial open-source database, including native support of PostgreSQL, FireBird and other open-source databases, as well as indirect support via JDBC of other non-open-source databases such as Oracle, DB2, SQL Server etc.
* More intelligent self-regulating properties, such as automatic statistical analysis of SQL, automatic creating and adjusting indexes. Based on the frequency of read and write, MyCAT automatically optimizes caching and backup strategies
* Achieve a more comprehensive monitoring and management
* Integrated with HDFS, provide SQL commands, load databases into HDFS for rapid analysis
* Integrated excellent open-source reporting tools to make MyCAT have data analysis capability
## Download
There are some compiled binary installation packages in Mycat-download project on github at [Mycat-download](https://github.com/MyCATApache/Mycat-download).
## Document
There are some documents in Mycat-doc project on github at [Mycat-doc](https://github.com/MyCATApache/Mycat-doc).
Mycat 简单demo,具体参考Mycat权威指南
官网 : mycat.io
wiki:<a href="https://github.com/MyCATApache/Mycat-Server/wiki"> wiki</a>
# Mycat前世今生
2013年阿里的Cobar在社区使用过程中发现存在一些比较严重的问题,及其使用限制,经过Mycat发起人第一次改良,第一代改良版——Mycat诞生。 Mycat开源以后,一些Cobar的用户参与了Mycat的开发,最终Mycat发展成为一个由众多软件公司的实力派架构师和资深开发人员维护的社区型开源软件。
Mycat是基于开源cobar演变而来,我们对cobar的代码进行了彻底的重构,使用NIO重构了网络模块,并且优化了Buffer内核,增强了聚合,Join等基本特性,同时兼容绝大多数数据库成为通用的数据库中间件。1.4 版本以后 完全的脱离基本cobar内核,结合Mycat集群管理、自动扩容、智能优化,成为高性能的中间件。我们致力于开发高性能数据库中间而努力。永不收费,永不闭源,持续推动开源社区的发展。
# 关键特性
基于心跳的自动故障切换,支持读写分离,支持MySQL主从,以及galera cluster集群。
支持Galera for MySQL集群,Percona Cluster或者MariaDB cluster
支持前端作为mysq通用代理,后端JDBC方式支持Oracle、DB2、SQL Server 、 mongodb 、巨杉。
# Mycat安装与使用
## 下载: