ADODB Library for PHP5
(c) 2000-2014 John Lim (
Released under both BSD and GNU Lesser GPL library license.
This means you can use it in proprietary products.
Home page:
PHP's database access functions are not standardized. This creates a
need for a database class library to hide the differences between the
different databases (encapsulate the differences) so we can easily
switch databases.
The library currently supports MySQL, Interbase, Sybase, PostgreSQL, Oracle,
Microsoft SQL server, Foxpro ODBC, Access ODBC, Informix, DB2,
Sybase SQL Anywhere, generic ODBC and Microsoft's ADO.
We hope more people will contribute drivers to support other databases.
Unpack all the files into a directory accessible by your web server.
To test, try modifying some of the tutorial examples.
Make sure you customize the connection settings correctly.
You can debug using:
``` php
$db = ADONewConnection($driver); # eg. 'mysql' or 'oci8'
$db->debug = true;
$db->Connect($server, $user, $password, $database);
$rs = $db->Execute('select * from some_small_table');
print "<pre>";
print "</pre>";
Documentation and Examples
Refer to the `docs` directory for library documentation and examples.
- Main documentation: `docs-adodb.htm`.
Query, update and insert records using a portable API.
- Data dictionary docs: `docs-datadict.htm`.
Describes how to create database tables and indexes in a portable manner.
- Database performance monitoring docs: `docs-perf.htm`.
Allows you to perform health checks, tune and monitor your database.
- Database-backed session docs: `docs-session.htm`.
There is also a tutorial `tute.htm` that contrasts ADOdb code with
mysql code.
- `` is the library's main file. You only need to include this file.
- `adodb-*.inc.php` are the database specific driver code.
- `adodb-session.php` is the PHP4 session handling code.
- `test.php` contains a list of test commands to exercise the class library.
- `` contains the list of databases to apply the tests on.
- `Benchmark.php` is a simple benchmark to test the throughput of a SELECT
statement for databases described in The benchmark
tables are created in test.php.
Feature Requests and Bug Reports
Please report bugs, issues and feature requests on Github:
You may also find legacy issues in
- the old [ADOdb forums]( on
- the [SourceForge tickets section](
However, please note that they are not actively monitored and should
only be used as reference.
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