average relative error for random queries. However, some of
these methods take milliseconds to answer queries [15, 38,
30], which is about three orders of magnitude slower than
other methods. Some other methods answer queries in mi-
croseconds [29, 40], but it is reported that precision of these
methods for close pairs of vertices is not high [30, 4]. This
drawback might be critical for applications such as socially-
sensitive search or context-aware search since, in these ap-
plications, distance queries are employed to distinguish close
1.1 Our Contributions
To address these issues, in this paper, we present a new
method for answering distance queries in complex networks.
The proposed method is an exact method. That is, it always
answers exactly correct distance to queries. It has much bet-
ter scalability than previous exact methods and can handle
graphs with hundreds of millions of edges. Nevertheless,
the query time is very small and around ten microseconds.
Though our method can handle directed and/or weighted
graphs as we mention later, in the following, we assume
undirected, unweighted graphs for simplicity of exposition.
Our method is based on the notion of distance labeling
or distance-aware 2-hop cover. The idea of 2-hop cover is
as follows. For each vertex u, we pick up a set C(u) of
candidate vertices so that every pair of vertices (u, v) has
at least one vertex w ∈ C(u) ∩ C(v) on a shortest path
between the pair. For each vertex u and a vertex w ∈ C(u),
we precompute the distance d
(u, w) between them. We
say that the set L(u) = {(w, d
(u, w))}
is the label
of u. Using labels, it is clear that the distance d
(u, v)
between two vertices u and v can be computed as min{δ+δ
(w, δ) ∈ L(u), (w, δ
) ∈ L(v)}. The family of labels {L(u)}
is called a 2-hop cover. Distance labeling is also commonly
used in previous exact methods [13,12,2,17], but we propose
a totally new and different approach to compute the labels,
referred to as the pruned landmark labeling.
The idea of our method is simple and rather radical: from
every vertex, we conduct a breadth-first search and add the
distance information to labels of visited vertices. Of course,
if we naively implement this idea, we need O(nm) prepro-
cessing time and O(n
) space to store the index, which is
unacceptable. Here, n is the number of vertices and m is the
number of edges. Our key idea to make this method practi-
cal is pruning during the breadth-first searches. Let S be a
set of vertices and suppose that we already have labels that
can answer correct distance between two vertices if a shortest
path between them passes through a vertex in S. Suppose
we are conducting a BFS from v and visiting u. If there is
a vertex w ∈ S such that d
(v, u) = d
(v, w) + d
(w, u),
then we prune u. That is, we do not traverse any edges from
u. As we prove in Section 4.3, after this pruned BFS from
v, the labels can answer the distance between two vertices
if a shortest path between them passes through a vertex in
S ∪ {v}.
Interestingly, our method combines the advantages of three
different previous successful approaches: landmark-based
approximate methods [29, 38, 30], tree-decomposition-based
exact methods [41,4], and labeling-based exact methods [13,
12, 2]. Landmark-based approximate methods achieve re-
markable precision by leveraging the existence of highly cen-
tral vertices in complex networks [29]. This fact is also
the main reason of the power of our pruning: by conduct-
Table 1: Summary of experimental results of previous meth-
ods and the proposed method for exact distance queries.
Method Network |V | |E| Indexing Query
TEDI Computer 22 K 46 K 17 s 4.2 µs
[41] Social 0.6 M 0.6 M 2,226 s 55.0 µs
HCL Social 7.1 K 0.1 M 1,003 s 28.2 µs
[17] Citation 0.7 M 0.3 M 253,104 s 0.2 µs
TD Social 0.3 M 0.4 M 9 s 0.5 µs
[4] Social 2.4 M 4.7 M 2,473 s 0.8 µs
HHL Computer 0.2 M 1.2 M 7,399 s 3.1 µs
[2] Social 0.3 M 1.9 M 19,488 s 6.9 µs
Web 0.3 M 1.5 M 4 s 0.5 µs
PLL Social 2.4 M 4.7 M 61 s 0.6 µs
(this work) Social 1.1 M 114 M 15,164 s 15.6 µs
Web 7.4 M 194 M 6,068 s 4.1 µs
ing breadth-first searches from these central vertices first,
later we can drastically prune breadth-first searches. Tree-
decomposition-based metho ds exploit the core–fringe struc-
ture of networks [10, 27] by decomposing tree-like fringes
of low tree-width. Though our method do es not explicitly
use tree decompositions, we prove that our method can effi-
ciently process graphs of small tree-width. This process indi-
cates that our method also exploits the core–fringe structure.
As with other labeling-based methods, the data structure of
our index is simple and query processing is very quick be-
cause of the locality of memory access.
Though this pruned landmark labeling scheme is already
powerful by itself, we propose another labeling scheme with
a different kind of strength and combine them to further
improve the performance. That is, we show that labeling
by breadth-first search can be implemented in a bit-parallel
way, which exploits the property that the number of bits
b in a register word is typically 32 or 64 and we can per-
form bit manipulations on these b bits simultaneously. By
this technique, we can perform BFSs from b + 1 vertices
simultaneously in O(m) time. In the beginning, this bit-
parallel labeling (without pruning) works better than the
pruned landmark labeling since pruning does not happen
much. Note that we are not talking about thread-level par-
allelism, and our bit-parallelism actually decreases the com-
putational complexity by the factor of b + 1. We can also
use thread-level parallelism in addition to these two labeling
As we confirm in our experimental results, our metho d
outperforms other state-of-the-art methods for exact dis-
tance queries. In particular, it has significantly better scal-
ability than previous methods. It took only tens of seconds
for indexing networks with millions of edges. This indexing
time is two orders of magnitude faster than previous meth-
ods, which took at least thousands of seconds or even more
than one day. Moreover, our method successfully handled
networks with hundreds of millions of edges, which is again
two orders of magnitude larger than networks that have been
previously used in experiments of exact methods. The query
time is also better than previous methods for networks with
the same size, and we confirmed that the query time does
not increase rapidly against sizes of networks. We also con-
firm the size of an index of our method is comparable to
other methods.
In Table 1, we summarize our experimental results and
those of previous exact methods presented in these papers.
We listed the results for the largest two real-world complex