RichView 1.9.24
COMPATIBILITY ISSUES (upgrading from version 1.9 or older):
- HTML tag names, color constants, CSS names are saved in lower case
- SaveHTMLEx does not use the following attributes for cells and tables any more:
bordercolor, bordercolorlight, bordercolordark, background, bgcolor.
CSS style is used instead. These attributes are not standard.
- table layout algorithm: when there is not enough space for columns having
widths specified in pixels, they are decreased proportionally
(previously, only rightmost columns were decreased)
- table grid is not shown in readonly editors any more (it also affects TBDRichViewEdit
when its dataset is not in the edit mode)
- in editor, TAB key in the last table cell adds a new row; set the global
variable RichViewTableAutoAddRow to False to disable
- BeginUpdate and EndUpdate has new functionality
1.9.24 [2006-Mar-16]
new: rvsroFromStart option for TRichView.SearchText (not for TRichViewEdit).
If specified, search starts from the very beginning/end of the document
(depending on rvsroDown option). If not specified, starts from the selection
or the first visible item, as before.
fix: extra properties were not saved in RVF for "breaks" and "hotspots"
1.9.23 [2006-Mar-4]
impr: You can disallow resizing of any image item: starting from this update,
the rvbpResizable item property works not only for controls, but also for images.
Unlike controls, the default value of this property for images is 1 (i.e. True).
fixes [2006-Feb-25]
chg: meaning of TRichViewEdit's BeginUpdate and EndUpdate was changed.
Previously, they blocked generation of OnChange event (and were almost useless).
Now: BeginUpdate blocks redrawing until EndUpdate method is called.
BeginUpdate and EndUpdate prevent excessive redraws and speed processing time
when several editing operations are called one by one.
Calls may be nested. Each call of BeginUpdate must be followed by one call of EndUpdate.
impr: faster formatting of documents containing controls-items (thanks to Rob Schoenaker)
fix: critical fix related to undo of drag&drop in tables
1.9.22 [2006-Jan-21]
new: processing WM_UNICHAR
1.9.21 [2005-Dec-21]
new: compatibility with BDS 2006 (Delphi for Win32 and C++Builder)
new: rvprStyleSplitProtect option of text style Protection property. If included, ApplyTextStyle and
ApplyStyleConversion changes the style of the whole item, even if it is selected only partially.
Useful for implementing fields.
impr: assignment of table cells' string properties (Hint and BackgroundImageFileName) can be undone and redone by user.
To make assignment of these cells' properties undoable, use table.SetCellBackgroundImageFileName and table.SetCellHint
instead of direct assignment to these properties. Assignments to the similar table properties is undoable if made via
RichViewEdit.SetItemExtraStrPropertyEd or RichViewEdit.SetCurrentItemExtraStrProperty.
new: two new simple table properties: ColCount and RowCount.
fix: several important fixes
1.9.19 [2005-Oct-24]
impr: faster scrolling/resizing document containing inserted controls (thanks to Rob Schoenaker);
impr: faster loading RTF files with images (thanks to Rob Schoenaker);
fix: table selection, table HTML export, glitches on typing after non-text items. [2005-Oct-09]
fix: unexpected d&d may occur when clicking to the right of selection
1.9.18 [2005-Oct-08]
new: new styles for breaks (horizontal lines): dashed and dotted.
(Can be be exported in HTML with CSS)
fix: RTF loading, table selection in TRichView, printing table and cell background pictures. [2005-Sep-10]
impr: (in Unicode mode in WinNT/2000/XP) special support for typing in
Kazakh, Tatar, Mongolian, Azerbaijani (cyrillic&latin), Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Serbian.
1.9.17 [2005-Sep-10]
new: adding new row to tables when the user presses TAB in the last cell;
set the global variable RichViewTableAutoAddRow to False to disable.
impr: exporting tables must look better in Mozilla/Firefox
fix: XHTML export (missing ending slash in one tag)
1.9.16 [2005-Sep-05]
new: new types of vertical image aligns (in addition to rvvaBaseLine and rvvaMiddle):
* rvvaAbsTop - aligns the top of the image to the line top;
* rvvaAbsBottom - aligns the bottom of the image to the line bottom;
* rvvaAbsMiddle - aligns the middle of the image to the line center.
Note: non-standard values of HTML align attributes (abstop, absbottom, absmiddle) are used
for export. MS IE and Mozilla understand them, but not Opera.
new: TRichView.ResetAnimation - rewinds all inserted animated pictures to the first frame.
impr: Copying multicell selection as a table fragment; special pasting is not implemented yet.
fix: Drag&drop copying: it was impossible to insert a copy of selection to its beginning or end.
impr: some tweaks in HTML export
new: debug logging systems for undo operations, activated by a compiler define.
new: TRichView.RTFReadProperties.BasePathLinks: Boolean.
Default value is True. Set to False if you do not want to add the document path to relative
hyperlinks on RTF loading.
In RVHTMLImporter, this property corresponds to rvhtmloBasePathLinks in RVHTMLImporter.Options.
new: TRichView.MaxLength property. Set it to positive value to limit
a number of characters per line.
Non-text items are treated like one character.
fix: important fix in processing of bidirected text
new: ability to add your own rules for URL detection.
Assign your URL-detection procedure to variable
RVIsCustomURL: TCustomRVIsURLFunction; (RVFuncs.pas)
TCustomRVIsURLFunction = function (const Word: String): Boolean;
This function is used:
- to ignore URLs in live spelling,
- by URL detection in RichViewActions.
fix: minor fix
TRVCustomFormatEvent = procedure (Sender: TCustomRichView;
Stream: TStream; var DoDefault: Boolean) of object;
Event: TDBRichView.OnLoadCustomFormat, TDBRichViewEdit.OnLoadCustomFormat
allow loading data from db in your own format. Data should be loaded from
Stream to Sender. If they are loaded successfully, set DoDefault to False,
otherwise the component will attempt to load RVF/RTF/text.
Event: TDBRichViewEdit.OnSaveCustomFormat allows to save document to db
in your own format. If you saved it, set DoDefault to False,
otherwise the component will save it according to the FieldFormat property.
new: table.Rows[r].PageBreakBefore property allows to specify a page break
before the given row. Ignored for the 0th row, and for the heading rows.
Ignored, if the page break goes across the cell.
Excluding rvtoRowsSplit from table.PrintOptions does not affect processing
of this property.
impr: db controls can update standard db actions.
impr: possibility to subclass the live spelling thread.
fix: critical fix, related to undo of multicell operations.
impr: overriding RV_CreateGraphics is not necessary any more, even for old versions of Delphi
(thanks to Petr Semerad)
fix: wrong print preview for text having CharSpacing<>0
impr: in RTF import and HTML export
impr: TDBRichView and TDBRichViewEdit can be placed in TDBCtrlGrid
fix: display problem with rvoFastFormatting option.
Processing for WM_GETTEXT, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, WM_SETTEXT is disabled for Delphi 2005
(because it conflicted with D2005 VCL's processing of these messages)
1.9.10 BETA
impr: in loading indents of bullets&numbering from RTF saved by MS Word
fix: TDBRichView, HTML export, bidirected Unicode text, adding Unicode text
1.9.9 BETA
new: "smart popups" (analog of MS Office's "smart tags").
It's a small button appearing in the corner of the current ite
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