J. Cent. South Univ. (2019) 26: 3017−3033
high-security threats. The challenges in WCNs may
have the abilities to obtain the secret information
like the secret keys by performing eavesdropping
and the denial-of-services (DoS) attacks [7]. Node
capture is also the major issue in WCNs. In contrast
to conventional networks, the WCNs have
abandoned operations and revealed nature. Hence
the attackers can easily capture the sensor nodes in
WCNs. The node capture attack interrupts most of
the security services, such as key management,
access control, secure routing. Therefore, the
actions must be taken for providing the secure
communication in the WCNs [8]. DoS attacks are
the attacks that decrease the ability of the networks
to do its normal operations, and they are very
difficult to manage. There are several reasons to
DoS attacks, namely, hardware failures, exhaustion
of resources, errors in software. The DoS attacks on
Internet are totally different from those of the DoS
attacks in WCNs. Every layer of WCNs is affected
by the various DoS attacks, and the characteristics
and nature of each attack are distinct from the other.
There is no mechanism to find and eliminate all
types of DoS attacks [9].
Therefore, the alternative approach for
detecting and preventing the attacks is the IDS [10,
11]. The IDS [12, 13] is defined as the mechanism
for securing the network from the unauthorized
access, and it plays the significant role for
providing the secure networks [6]. There are two
types of IDSs. The first one is the anomaly-based
intrusion detection. The other name of anomaly-
based detection is the outlier detection, and it
depends on the modeling of the statistical behaviors
[14]. This method detects intruders immediately
when they are entering into the boundary region of
the surveillance areas while maintaining the entire
sensing power. The limitation of this method is that
it requires a high cost. The second type of intrusion
detection mechanism allows the intruders into the
certain range of the surveillance areas and then
detects the intruders. This method requires a low
cost. If the intruder can be identified immediately,
then the detection capacity of the WCNs is high
[15]. The capacity of the IDS is determined by how
quickly it detects an intruder in the WCNs. The
IDSs are situated within the sensors, and they detect
the intruders quickly when they are entering into
the field of Interest (FoI) [16]. Optimization
algorithms [17, 18] are used in IDS.
This paper proposes the fuzzy lion Bayes
system (FLBS) for intrusion detection in WCNs.
Here, the naive Bayes classifier is integrated with
the lion optimization algorithm for generating the
optimal probabilistic measures. Initially, the data
samples are grouped into clusters by the fuzzy
clustering algorithm. Then, the model for each data
group is created by calculating the mean and
variance of the attributes of data. Then, the lion
naive Bayes (LNB) model is applied to each cluster,
and the aggregated data are generated. After
generating the aggregated data, the LNB model is
applied to the aggregated data, and the abnormal
nodes are identified based on the posterior
probability function.
The major contributions of this paper are:
FLBS: The FLBS is proposed for intrusion
detection in WCN, which uses the fuzzy clustering
and LNB classifier.
LNB classifier: The LNB classifier is proposed
by integrating the lion optimization algorithm with
the naive Bayes classifier for optimally generating
the probability measures.
Fitness function: In LNB classifier, the new
fitness function is generated by calculating the
posterior probability of the data attributes of both
positive training data and the negative training data
on the normal class and the abnormal class.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 presents the motivation of the proposed
IDS; Section 3 presents the system model of the
WCN. Section 4 describes the proposed FLBS for
intrusion detection in WCNs. Results and
discussions are presented in Section 5, and Section
6 concludes the paper.
2 Motivation
A number of mechanisms have been developed
for intrusion detection in WCN over the past
decades. They detect only specific kinds of attacks,
and they have several limitations. In this section,
the various existing research works in intrusion
detection is discussed, and the advantages and
disadvantages of those methods are described. The
challenges of the IDSs are also described here.
2.1 Review of related works
Here, we present the existing research works
of IDS. MA et al [6] have proposed an IDS based