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Introduction to Manifolds and Lie Groups; Review of Groups and Group Actions; Manifolds; Construction of Manifolds From Gluing Data; Lie Groups, Lie Algebra, Exponential Map; The Derivative of exp and Dynkin's Formula; Bundles, Riemannian Metrics, Homogeneous Spaces; Differential Forms; Integration on Manifolds; Distributions and the Frobenius Theorem; Connections and Curvature in Vector Bundles; Geodesics on Riemannian Manifolds; Curvature in Riemannian Manifolds; etc.
Notes on Differential Geometry and Lie Groups
Jean Gallier and Jocelyn Quaintance
Department of Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
e-mail: jean@cis.upenn.edu
Jean Gallier
Please, do not reproduce without permission of the authors
November 20, 2017
To my daughter Mia, my wife Anne,
my son Philippe, and my daughter Sylvie.
To my parents Howard and Jane.
The motivations for writing these notes arose while I was coteaching a seminar on Special
Topics in Machine Perception with Kostas Daniilidis in the Spring of 2004. In the Spring
of 2005, I gave a version of my course Advanced Geometric Methods in Computer Science
(CIS610), with the main goal of discussing statistics on diffusion tensors and shape statistics
in medical imaging. This is when I realized that it was necessary to cover some material
on Riemannian geometry but I ran out of time after presenting Lie groups and never got
around to doing it! Then, in the Fall of 2006 I went on a wonderful and very productive
sabbatical year in Nicholas Ayache’s group (ACSEPIOS) at INRIA Sophia Antipolis, where
I learned about the beautiful and exciting work of Vincent Arsigny, Olivier Clatz, Herv´e
Delingette, Pierre Fillard, Gr´egoire Malandin, Xavier Pennec, Maxime Sermesant, and, of
course, Nicholas Ayache, on statistics on manifolds and Lie groups applied to medical imag-
ing. This inspired me to write chapters on differential geometry, and after a few additions
made during Fall 2007 and Spring 2008, notably on left-invariant metrics on Lie groups, my
little set of notes from 2004 had grown into the manuscript found here.
Let me go back to the seminar on Special Topics in Machine Perception given in 2004.
The main theme of the seminar was group-theoretical methods in visual perception. In
particular, Kostas decided to present some exciting results from Christopher Geyer’s Ph.D.
thesis [79] on scene reconstruction using two parabolic catadioptric cameras (Chapters 4
and 5). Catadioptric cameras are devices which use both mirrors (catioptric elements) and
lenses (dioptric elements) to form images. Catadioptric cameras have been used in computer
vision and robotics to obtain a wide field of view, often greater than 180
, unobtainable
from perspective cameras. Applications of such devices include navigation, surveillance and
vizualization, among others. Technically, certain matrices called catadioptric fundamental
matrices come up. Geyer was able to give several equivalent characterizations of these
matrices (Geyer [79], see Chapter 5, Theorem 5.2). To my surprise, the Lorentz group O(3, 1)
(of the theory of special relativity) comes up naturally! The set of fundamental matrices
turns out to form a manifold F, and the question then arises: What is the dimension of this
manifold? Knowing the answer to this question is not only theoretically important but it is
also practically very significant, because it tells us what are the “degrees of freedom” of the
Chris Geyer found an elegant and beautiful answer using some rather sophisticated con-
cepts from the theory of group actions and Lie groups (Geyer [79], Theorem 5.10): The space
F is isomorphic to the quotient
O(3, 1) × O(3, 1)/H
where H
is the stabilizer of any element F in F. Now, it is easy to determine the dimension
of H
by determining the dimension of its Lie algebra, which is 3. As dim O(3, 1) = 6, we
find that dim F = 2 ·6 − 3 = 9.
Of course, a certain amount of machinery is needed in order to understand how the above
results are obtained: group actions, manifolds, Lie groups, homogenous spaces, Lorentz
groups, etc. As most computer science students, even those specialized in computer vision
or robotics, are not familiar with these concepts, we thought that it would be useful to give
a fairly detailed exposition of these theories.
During the seminar, I also used some material from my book, Gallier [76], especially from
Chapters 11, 12 and 14. Readers might find it useful to read some of this material before-
hand or in parallel with these notes, especially Chapter 14, which gives a more elementary
introduction to Lie groups and manifolds. For the reader’s convenience, I have incorporated
a slightly updated version of Chapter 14 from [76] as Chapters 1 and 4 of this manuscript. In
fact, during the seminar, I lectured on most of Chapter 5, but only on the “gentler” versions
of Chapters 7, 9, 16, as in [76], and not at all on Chapter 28, which was written after the
course had ended.
One feature worth pointing out is that we give a complete proof of the surjectivity of
the exponential map exp: so(1, 3) → SO
(1, 3), for the Lorentz group SO
(3, 1) (see Section
6.2, Theorem 6.17). Although we searched the literature quite thoroughly, we did not find
a proof of this specific fact (the physics books we looked at, even the most reputable ones,
seem to take this fact as obvious, and there are also wrong proofs; see the Remark following
Theorem 6.4).
We are aware of two proofs of the surjectivity of exp: so(1, n) → SO
(1, n) in the general
case where where n is arbitrary: One due to Nishikawa [141] (1983), and an earlier one
due to Marcel Riesz [149] (1957). In both cases, the proof is quite involved (40 pages or
so). In the case of SO
(1, 3), a much simpler argument can be made using the fact that
ϕ: SL(2, C) → SO
(1, 3) is surjective and that its kernel is {I, −I} (see Proposition 6.16).
Actually, a proof of this fact is not easy to find in the literature either (and, beware there are
wrong proofs, again see the Remark following Theorem 6.4). We have made sure to provide
all the steps of the proof of the surjectivity of exp : so(1, 3) → SO
(1, 3). For more on this
subject, see the discussion in Section 6.2, after Corollary 6.13.
One of the “revelations” I had while on sabbatical in Nicholas’ group was that many
of the data that radiologists deal with (for instance, “diffusion tensors”) do not live in
Euclidean spaces, which are flat, but instead in more complicated curved spaces (Riemannian
manifolds). As a consequence, even a notion as simple as the average of a set of data does
not make sense in such spaces. Similarly, it is not clear how to define the covariance matrix
of a random vector.
Pennec [143], among others, introduced a framework based on Riemannian Geometry for
defining some basic statistical notions on curved spaces and gave some algorithmic methods
to compute these basic notions. Based on work in Vincent Arsigny’s Ph.D. thesis, Arsigny,
Fillard, Pennec and Ayache [9] introduced a new Lie group structure on the space of symmet-
ric positive definite matrices, which allowed them to transfer strandard statistical concepts to
this space (abusively called “tensors.”) One of my goals in writing these notes is to provide
a rather thorough background in differential geometry so that one will then be well prepared
to read the above papers by Arsigny, Fillard, Pennec, Ayache and others, on statistics on
At first, when I was writing these notes, I felt that it was important to supply most proofs.
However, when I reached manifolds and differential geometry concepts, such as connections,
geodesics and curvature, I realized that how formidable a task it was! Since there are lots of
very good book on differential geometry, not without regrets, I decided that it was best to try
to “demystify” concepts rather than fill many pages with proofs. However, when omitting
a proof, I give precise pointers to the literature. In some cases where the proofs are really
beautiful, as in the Theorem of Hopf and Rinow, Myers’ Theorem or the Cartan-Hadamard
Theorem, I could not resist to supply complete proofs!
Experienced differential geometers may be surprised and perhaps even irritated by my
selection of topics. I beg their forgiveness! Primarily, I have included topics that I felt would
be useful for my purposes, and thus, I have omitted some topics found in all respectable
differential geomety book (such as spaces of constant curvature). On the other hand, I have
occasionally included topics because I found them particularly beautiful (such as character-
istic classes), even though they do not seem to be of any use in medical imaging or computer
In the past five years, I have also come to realize that Lie groups and homogeneous man-
ifolds, especially naturally reductive ones, are two of the most important topics for their
role in applications. It is remarkable that most familiar spaces, spheres, projective spaces,
Grassmannian and Stiefel manifolds, symmetric positive definite matrices, are naturally re-
ductive manifolds. Remarkably, they all arise from some suitable action of the rotation group
SO(n), a Lie group, who emerges as the master player. The machinery of naturally reductive
manifolds, and of symmetric spaces (which are even nicer!), makes it possible to compute
explicitly in terms of matrices all the notions from differential geometry (Riemannian met-
rics, geodesics, etc.) that are needed to generalize optimization methods to Riemannian
manifolds. The interplay between Lie groups, manifolds, and analysis, yields a particularly
effective tool. I tried to explain in some detail how these theories all come together to yield
such a beautiful and useful tool.
I also hope that readers with a more modest background will not be put off by the level
of abstraction in some of the chapters, and instead will be inspired to read more about these
concepts, including fibre bundles!
I have also included chapters that present material having significant practical applica-
tions. These include
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