#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
Created on 18/09/17 17:22:49
@author: Changzhi Sun
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Union
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
DEFAULT_NON_PADDED_NAMESPACES = ("*tags", "*labels")
def namespace_match(pattern: str, namespace: str):
if pattern[0] == "*" and namespace.endswith(pattern[1:]):
return True
elif pattern == namespace:
return True
return False
class _NamespaceDependentDefaultDict(defaultdict):
This is a `defaultdict
<https://docs.python.org/2/library/collections.html#collections.defaultdict>`_ where the
default value is dependent on the key that is passed.
We use "namespaces" in the :class:`Vocabulary` object to keep track of several different
mappings from strings to integers, so that we have a consistent API for mapping words, tags,
labels, characters, or whatever else you want, into integers. The issue is that some of those
namespaces (words and characters) should have integers reserved for padding and
out-of-vocabulary tokens, while others (labels and tags) shouldn't. This class allows you to
specify filters on the namespace (the key used in the ``defaultdict``), and use different
default values depending on whether the namespace passes the filter.
To do filtering, we take a set of ``non_padded_namespaces``. This is a set of strings
that are either matched exactly against the keys, or treated as suffixes, if the
string starts with ``*``. In other words, if ``*tags`` is in ``non_padded_namespaces`` then
``passage_tags``, ``question_tags``, etc. (anything that ends with ``tags``) will have the
``non_padded`` default value.
non_padded_namespaces : ``Iterable[str]``
A set / list / tuple of strings describing which namespaces are not padded. If a namespace
(key) is missing from this dictionary, we will use :func:`namespace_match` to see whether
the namespace should be padded. If the given namespace matches any of the strings in this
list, we will use ``non_padded_function`` to initialize the value for that namespace, and
we will use ``padded_function`` otherwise.
padded_function : ``Callable[[], Any]``
A zero-argument function to call to initialize a value for a namespace that `should` be
non_padded_function : ``Callable[[], Any]``
A zero-argument function to call to initialize a value for a namespace that should `not` be
def __init__(self,
non_padded_namespaces: Iterable[str],
padded_function: Callable[[], Any],
non_padded_function: Callable[[], Any]) -> None:
self._non_padded_namespaces = set(non_padded_namespaces)
self._padded_function = padded_function
self._non_padded_function = non_padded_function
super(_NamespaceDependentDefaultDict, self).__init__()
def __missing__(self, key: str):
if any(namespace_match(pattern, key) for pattern in self._non_padded_namespaces):
value = self._non_padded_function()
value = self._padded_function()
dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
return value
def add_non_padded_namespaces(self, non_padded_namespaces: Set[str]):
# add non_padded_namespaces which weren't already present
class _TokenToIndexDefaultDict(_NamespaceDependentDefaultDict):
def __init__(self, non_padded_namespaces: Set[str], padding_token: str, oov_token: str) -> None:
super(_TokenToIndexDefaultDict, self).__init__(non_padded_namespaces,
lambda: {padding_token: 0, oov_token: 1},
lambda: {})
class _IndexToTokenDefaultDict(_NamespaceDependentDefaultDict):
def __init__(self, non_padded_namespaces: Set[str], padding_token: str, oov_token: str) -> None:
super(_IndexToTokenDefaultDict, self).__init__(non_padded_namespaces,
lambda: {0: padding_token, 1: oov_token},
lambda: {})
class Vocabulary:
A Vocabulary maps strings to integers, allowing for strings to be mapped to an
out-of-vocabulary token.
Vocabularies are fit to a particular dataset, which we use to decide which tokens are
Vocabularies also allow for several different namespaces, so you can have separate indices for
'a' as a word, and 'a' as a character, for instance, and so we can use this object to also map
tag and label strings to indices, for a unified :class:`~.fields.field.Field` API. Most of the
methods on this class allow you to pass in a namespace; by default we use the 'tokens'
namespace, and you can omit the namespace argument everywhere and just use the default.
counter : ``Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]``, optional (default=``None``)
A collection of counts from which to initialize this vocabulary. We will examine the
counts and, together with the other parameters to this class, use them to decide which
words are in-vocabulary. If this is ``None``, we just won't initialize the vocabulary with
min_count : ``Dict[str, int]``, optional (default=None)
When initializing the vocab from a counter, you can specify a minimum count, and every
token with a count less than this will not be added to the dictionary. These minimum
counts are `namespace-specific`, so you can specify different minimums for labels versus
words tokens, for example. If a namespace does not have a key in the given dictionary, we
will add all seen tokens to that namespace.
max_vocab_size : ``Union[int, Dict[str, int]]``, optional (default=``None``)
If you want to cap the number of tokens in your vocabulary, you can do so with this
parameter. If you specify a single integer, every namespace will have its vocabulary fixed
to be no larger than this. If you specify a dictionary, then each namespace in the
``counter`` can have a separate maximum vocabulary size. Any missing key will have a value
of ``None``, which means no cap on the vocabulary size.
non_padded_namespaces : ``Iterable[str]``, optional
By default, we assume you are mapping word / character tokens to integers, and so you want
to reserve word indices for padding and out-of-vocabulary tokens. However, if you are
mapping NER or SRL tags, or class labels, to integers, you probably do not want to reserve
indices for padding and out-of-vocabulary tokens. Use this field to specify which
namespaces should `not` have padding and OOV tokens added.
The format of each element of this is either a string, which must match field names
exactly, or ``*`` followed by a string, which we match as a suffix against field names.
We try to make the default here reasonable, so that you don't have to think about this.
The default is ``("*tags", "*labels")``, so as long as your namespace ends in "tags" or
"labels" (which is true by default for all tag and label fields in this code), you don't
have to specify anything here.
pretrained_files : ``Dict[str, str]``, optional
If provided, this map specifies the path to optional pretrained embedding files for each
namespace. This can be used to either restrict the vocabulary to only words which appear
in this file, or to ensure that any words