NetBeans™ IDE Field Guide: Developing Desktop, Web, Enterprise, ...

NetBeans™ IDE Field Guide: Developing Desktop, Web, Enterprise, and Mobile Applications, Second Edition 第一部分<br>The Only Complete Guide and Reference for NetBeans™ IDE 5.0<br><br>The award-winning NetBeans™ IDE eases all aspects of Java application development, incorporating a wide range of powerful features into one well-designed package. NetBeans IDE is consistently first in supporting the latest Java technologies for developing desktop, web, enterprise, and mobile applications.<br><br>NetBeans™ IDE Field Guide<br><br>provides an introduction to the IDE and an extensive range of topics to help you with both everyday and advanced programming tasks, including<br><br>Taking advantage of the Ant-based project system to create easily deployable projects<br><br>Developing web applications with the built-in Apache Tomcat web server<br><br>Constructing, assembling, and verifying large-scale Java EE applications<br><br>Managing the Sun Java System Application Server through NetBeans IDE<br><br>Developing mobile applications with the NetBeans Mobility Pack<br><br>In this expanded second edition, you can also learn how to<br><br>Build powerful and attractive desktop applications with the Matisse GUI Builder<br><br>Profile your applications for performance issues<br><br>Develop modules for NetBeans IDE and rich-client applications based on the NetBeans Platform<br><br>Chat and share code with other developers using the NetBeans Collaboration Modules<br>

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