# Mistune v3
A fast yet powerful Python Markdown parser with renderers and plugins.
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**NOTE: This is the re-designed v3 of mistune.**
Looking for old Mistune? Switch branch to:
- v1
- v2
## Paid plugins
You can ask me to create a custom mistune plugin or directive for your needs with GitHub sponsor
[one time tier (Mistune enhance)](https://github.com/sponsors/lepture/sponsorships?tier_id=220664)
## Sponsors
<td><img align="middle" width="64" src="https://typlog.com/android-chrome-512x512.png"></td>
<td>Mistune is sponsored by Typlog, a blogging and podcast hosting platform, simple yet powerful. <a href="https://typlog.com/?utm_source=mistune&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=readme">Write in Markdown</a>.
[**Support Me via GitHub Sponsors**](https://github.com/sponsors/lepture).
## Install
To install mistune:
$ pip install mistune
## Overview
Convert Markdown to HTML with ease:
import mistune
## Security Reporting
If you found security bugs, please do not send a public issue or patch.
You can send me email at <me@lepture.com>. Attachment with patch is welcome.
My PGP Key fingerprint is:
72F8 E895 A70C EBDF 4F2A DFE0 7E55 E3E0 118B 2B4C
Or, you can use the [Tidelift security contact](https://tidelift.com/security).
Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure.
## Benchmarks
Here is the benchmark score on my computer. Check the `benchmark/bench.py` script.
mistune (3.0.0) - atx: 13.901472091674805ms
mistune (slow) - atx: 13.122797012329102ms
mistune (fast) - atx: 13.248443603515625ms
mistune (full) - atx: 15.445232391357422ms
markdown (3.3.7) - atx: 48.41303825378418ms
markdown2 (2.4.3) - atx: 379.30870056152344ms
mistletoe (0.8.2) - atx: 25.46215057373047ms
markdown_it (2.1.0) - atx: 42.37723350524902ms
mistune (3.0.0) - setext: 8.43048095703125ms
mistune (slow) - setext: 8.97979736328125ms
mistune (fast) - setext: 8.122920989990234ms
mistune (full) - setext: 9.525299072265625ms
markdown (3.3.7) - setext: 30.74812889099121ms
markdown2 (2.4.3) - setext: 218.90878677368164ms
mistletoe (0.8.2) - setext: 20.46680450439453ms
markdown_it (2.1.0) - setext: 27.010202407836914ms
mistune (3.0.0) - normal_ul: 60.910940170288086ms
mistune (slow) - normal_ul: 59.69667434692383ms
mistune (fast) - normal_ul: 60.41216850280762ms
mistune (full) - normal_ul: 62.89219856262207ms
markdown (3.3.7) - normal_ul: 83.7857723236084ms
markdown2 (2.4.3) - normal_ul: 175.36139488220215ms
mistletoe (0.8.2) - normal_ul: 74.82385635375977ms
markdown_it (2.1.0) - normal_ul: 103.0113697052002ms
mistune (3.0.0) - insane_ul: 104.1865348815918ms
mistune (slow) - insane_ul: 105.83090782165527ms
mistune (fast) - insane_ul: 103.03664207458496ms
mistune (full) - insane_ul: 105.80086708068848ms
markdown (3.3.7) - insane_ul: 133.82673263549805ms
markdown2 (2.4.3) - insane_ul: 337.23902702331543ms
mistletoe (0.8.2) - insane_ul: 122.10249900817871ms
markdown_it (2.1.0) - insane_ul: 85.92629432678223ms
mistune (3.0.0) - normal_ol: 25.092601776123047ms
mistune (slow) - normal_ol: 25.321483612060547ms
mistune (fast) - normal_ol: 25.11453628540039ms
mistune (full) - normal_ol: 25.945663452148438ms
markdown (3.3.7) - normal_ol: 43.30158233642578ms
markdown2 (2.4.3) - normal_ol: 75.87885856628418ms
mistletoe (0.8.2) - normal_ol: 33.63537788391113ms
markdown_it (2.1.0) - normal_ol: 40.307044982910156ms
mistune (3.0.0) - insane_ol: 46.201229095458984ms
mistune (slow) - insane_ol: 49.14569854736328ms
mistune (fast) - insane_ol: 45.96853256225586ms
mistune (full) - insane_ol: 47.544002532958984ms
markdown (3.3.7) - insane_ol: 50.154924392700195ms
markdown2 (2.4.3) - insane_ol: 210.48712730407715ms
mistletoe (0.8.2) - insane_ol: 84.07974243164062ms
markdown_it (2.1.0) - insane_ol: 83.61554145812988ms
mistune (3.0.0) - blockquote: 15.484809875488281ms
mistune (slow) - blockquote: 16.12544059753418ms
mistune (fast) - blockquote: 15.350818634033203ms
mistune (full) - blockquote: 16.104936599731445ms
markdown (3.3.7) - blockquote: 63.04144859313965ms
markdown2 (2.4.3) - blockquote: 702.4445533752441ms
mistletoe (0.8.2) - blockquote: 28.56159210205078ms
markdown_it (2.1.0) - blockquote: 37.35041618347168ms
mistune (3.0.0) - blockhtml: 7.898569107055664ms
mistune (slow) - blockhtml: 7.080316543579102ms
mistune (fast) - blockhtml: 7.414340972900391ms
mistune (full) - blockhtml: 8.559703826904297ms
markdown (3.3.7) - blockhtml: 46.65660858154297ms
markdown2 (2.4.3) - blockhtml: 122.09773063659668ms
mistletoe (0.8.2) - blockhtml: 12.23611831665039ms
markdown_it (2.1.0) - blockhtml: 26.836156845092773ms
mistune (3.0.0) - fenced: 4.281282424926758ms
mistune (slow) - fenced: 4.092931747436523ms
mistune (fast) - fenced: 4.024267196655273ms
mistune (full) - fenced: 4.453897476196289ms
markdown (3.3.7) - fenced: 33.83779525756836ms
markdown2 (2.4.3) - fenced: 92.49091148376465ms
mistletoe (0.8.2) - fenced: 9.19342041015625ms
markdown_it (2.1.0) - fenced: 12.503623962402344ms
mistune (3.0.0) - paragraph: 95.94106674194336ms
mistune (slow) - paragraph: 561.2788200378418ms
mistune (fast) - paragraph: 93.597412109375ms
mistune (full) - paragraph: 110.09836196899414ms
markdown (3.3.7) - paragraph: 304.1346073150635ms
markdown2 (2.4.3) - paragraph: 267.84825325012207ms
mistletoe (0.8.2) - paragraph: 779.3235778808594ms
markdown_it (2.1.0) - paragraph: 825.5178928375244ms
mistune (3.0.0) - emphasis: 23.591041564941406ms
mistune (slow) - emphasis: 16.934871673583984ms
mistune (fast) - emphasis: 23.232460021972656ms
mistune (full) - emphasis: 25.2840518951416ms
markdown (3.3.7) - emphasis: 76.50399208068848ms
markdown2 (2.4.3) - emphasis: 9.393930435180664ms
mistletoe (0.8.2) - emphasis: 33.68663787841797ms
markdown_it (2.1.0) - emphasis: 60.90521812438965ms
mistune (3.0.0) - auto_links: 3.7980079650878906ms
mistune (slow) - auto_links: 3.3910274505615234ms
mistune (fast) - auto_links: 3.6630630493164062ms
mistune (full) - auto_links: 3.9186477661132812ms
markdown (3.3.7) - auto_links: 23.04673194885254ms
markdown2 (2.4.3) - auto_links: 6.537914276123047ms
mistletoe (0.8.2) - auto_links: 8.360624313354492ms
markdown_it (2.1.0) - auto_links: 19.732236862182617ms
mistune (3.0.0) - std_links: 21.920442581176758ms
mistune (slow) - std_links: 17.487764358520508ms
mistune (fast) - std_links: 19.87743377685547ms
mistune (full) - std_links: 24.514198303222656ms
markdown (3.3.7) - std_links: 39.1237735748291ms
markdown2 (2.4.3) - std_links: 14.519691467285156ms
mistletoe (0.8.2) - std_links: 22.84979820251465ms
markdown_it (2.1.0) - std_links: 32.60660171508789ms
mistune (3.0.0) - ref_links: 47.673940658569336ms
mistune (slow) - ref_links: 39.449214935302734ms
mistune (fast) - ref_links: 44.81911659240723ms
mistune (full) - ref_links: 52.37579345703125ms
markdown (3.3.7) - ref_links: 87.65625953674316ms
markdown2 (2.4.3) - ref_links: 23.118972778320312ms
mistletoe (0.8.2) - ref_links: 59.136390686035156ms
markdown_it (2.1.0) - ref_links: 80.44648170471191ms
mistune (3.0.0) - readme: 56.607723236083984ms
mistune (slow) - readme: 68.8173770904541ms
mistune (fast) - readme: 53.86018753051758ms
mistune (full) - readme: 61.25998497009277ms
markdown (3.3.7) - readme: 211.02523803710938ms
markdown2 (2.4.3) - readme: 533.4112644195557ms
mistletoe (0.8.2) - readme: 110.12959480285645ms
markdown_it (2.1.0) - readme: 247.9879856109619ms
## License
Mistune is licensed under BSD. Please see LICENSE for licensing details.
- 粉丝: 2w+
- 资源: 208
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