header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
//$spellercss = '/speller/spellerStyle.css'; // by FredCK
$spellercss = '../spellerStyle.css'; // by FredCK
//$word_win_src = '/speller/wordWindow.js'; // by FredCK
$word_win_src = '../wordWindow.js'; // by FredCK
$textinputs = $_POST['textinputs']; # array
//$aspell_prog = 'aspell'; // by FredCK (for Linux)
$aspell_prog = '"C:\Program Files\Aspell\bin\aspell.exe"'; // by FredCK (for Windows)
$lang = 'en_US';
//$aspell_opts = "-a --lang=$lang --encoding=utf-8"; // by FredCK
$aspell_opts = "-a --lang=$lang --encoding=utf-8 -H"; // by FredCK
$tempfiledir = "./";
$input_separator = "A";
# set the JavaScript variable to the submitted text.
# textinputs is an array, each element corresponding to the (url-encoded)
# value of the text control submitted for spell-checking
function print_textinputs_var() {
global $textinputs;
foreach( $textinputs as $key=>$val ) {
# $val = str_replace( "'", "%27", $val );
echo "textinputs[$key] = decodeURIComponent(\"" . $val . "\");\n";
# make declarations for the text input index
function print_textindex_decl( $text_input_idx ) {
echo "words[$text_input_idx] = [];\n";
echo "suggs[$text_input_idx] = [];\n";
# set an element of the JavaScript 'words' array to a misspelled word
function print_words_elem( $word, $index, $text_input_idx ) {
echo "words[$text_input_idx][$index] = '" . escape_quote( $word ) . "';\n";
# set an element of the JavaScript 'suggs' array to a list of suggestions
function print_suggs_elem( $suggs, $index, $text_input_idx ) {
echo "suggs[$text_input_idx][$index] = [";
foreach( $suggs as $key=>$val ) {
if( $val ) {
echo "'" . escape_quote( $val ) . "'";
if ( $key+1 < count( $suggs )) {
echo ", ";
echo "];\n";
# escape single quote
function escape_quote( $str ) {
return preg_replace ( "/'/", "\\'", $str );
# handle a server-side error.
function error_handler( $err ) {
echo "error = '" . escape_quote( $err ) . "';\n";
## get the list of misspelled words. Put the results in the javascript words array
## for each misspelled word, get suggestions and put in the javascript suggs array
function print_checker_results() {
global $aspell_prog;
global $aspell_opts;
global $tempfiledir;
global $textinputs;
global $input_separator;
$aspell_err = "";
# create temp file
$tempfile = tempnam( $tempfiledir, 'aspell_data_' );
# open temp file, add the submitted text.
if( $fh = fopen( $tempfile, 'w' )) {
for( $i = 0; $i < count( $textinputs ); $i++ ) {
$text = urldecode( $textinputs[$i] );
$lines = explode( "\n", $text );
fwrite ( $fh, "%\n" ); # exit terse mode
fwrite ( $fh, "^$input_separator\n" );
fwrite ( $fh, "!\n" ); # enter terse mode
foreach( $lines as $key=>$value ) {
# use carat on each line to escape possible aspell commands
fwrite( $fh, "^$value\n" );
fclose( $fh );
# exec aspell command - redirect STDERR to STDOUT
$cmd = "$aspell_prog $aspell_opts < $tempfile 2>&1";
if( $aspellret = shell_exec( $cmd )) {
$linesout = explode( "\n", $aspellret );
$index = 0;
$text_input_index = -1;
# parse each line of aspell return
foreach( $linesout as $key=>$val ) {
$chardesc = substr( $val, 0, 1 );
# if '&', then not in dictionary but has suggestions
# if '#', then not in dictionary and no suggestions
# if '*', then it is a delimiter between text inputs
# if '@' then version info
if( $chardesc == '&' || $chardesc == '#' ) {
$line = explode( " ", $val, 5 );
print_words_elem( $line[1], $index, $text_input_index );
if( isset( $line[4] )) {
$suggs = explode( ", ", $line[4] );
} else {
$suggs = array();
print_suggs_elem( $suggs, $index, $text_input_index );
} elseif( $chardesc == '*' ) {
print_textindex_decl( $text_input_index );
$index = 0;
} elseif( $chardesc != '@' && $chardesc != "" ) {
# assume this is error output
$aspell_err .= $val;
if( $aspell_err ) {
$aspell_err = "Error executing `$cmd`\\n$aspell_err";
error_handler( $aspell_err );
} else {
error_handler( "System error: Aspell program execution failed (`$cmd`)" );
} else {
error_handler( "System error: Could not open file '$tempfile' for writing" );
# close temp file, delete file
unlink( $tempfile );
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $spellercss ?>" />
<script language="javascript" src="<?php echo $word_win_src ?>"></script>
<script language="javascript">
var suggs = new Array();
var words = new Array();
var textinputs = new Array();
var error;
var wordWindowObj = new wordWindow();
wordWindowObj.originalSpellings = words;
wordWindowObj.suggestions = suggs;
wordWindowObj.textInputs = textinputs;
function init_spell() {
// check if any error occured during server-side processing
if( error ) {
alert( error );
} else {
// call the init_spell() function in the parent frameset
if (parent.frames.length) {
parent.init_spell( wordWindowObj );
} else {
alert('This page was loaded outside of a frameset. It might not display properly');
<!-- <body onLoad="init_spell();"> by FredCK -->
<body onLoad="init_spell();" bgcolor="#ffffff">
<script type="text/javascript">
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