# Codestar Framework
A Lightweight and easy-to-use WordPress Options Framework. It is a free framework for building theme options. Save your time!
## Screenshot
[![Codestar Framework Screenshot](http://codestarframework.com/assets/images/framework/screenshot.png)](http://codestarframework.com/assets/images/framework/screenshot-1.png)
## [Documentation](http://codestarframework.com/documentation/)
Read the documentation for details [documentation](http://codestarframework.com/documentation/)
## Installation
##### A) Usage as Theme
* Download zip file from github repository
* Extract download zip on `themename/cs-framework` folder under your theme directory
* Add framework include code on your theme `themename/functions.php` file
require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) .'/cs-framework/cs-framework.php';
// -(or)-
require_once get_template_directory() .'/cs-framework/cs-framework.php';
* Yay! Right now you are ready to configure framework, metaboxes, taxonomies, wp customize, shortcoder
* Take a look for config files from `themename/cs-framework/config` folder
* Read for more from [documentation](http://codestarframework.com/documentation/)
##### B) Usage as Plugin
* Download zip file from github repository
* **Way1** Extract download zip on `wp-content/plugins/cs-framework` folder under your plugin directory
* **Way2** Upload zip file from `wordpess plugins panel -> add new -> upload plugin`
* Active Codestar Framework plugin from wordpress plugins panel
* Yay! Right now you are ready to configure framework, metaboxes, taxonomies, wp customize, shortcoder
* Take a look for config files from `wp-content/plugins/cs-framework/config` folder also you can manage config files from theme directory. see overriding files method.
* Read for more from [documentation](http://codestarframework.com/documentation/)
## Enable - Disable Mods
Add define code on your `themename/functions.php` directly.
define( 'CS_ACTIVE_FRAMEWORK', true ); // default true
define( 'CS_ACTIVE_METABOX', false ); // default true
define( 'CS_ACTIVE_TAXONOMY', false ); // default true
define( 'CS_ACTIVE_SHORTCODE', false ); // default true
define( 'CS_ACTIVE_CUSTOMIZE', false ); // default true
or take a look for change define base code from `/cs-framework/cs-framework.php` directly.
## Overriding Files
You can override an existing file without change `themename/cs-framework` folder. just create one `themename/cs-framework-override` folder on your theme directory. for eg:
## Features
- Options Framework
- Metabox Framework
- Taxonomy Framework
- WP Customize Framework
- Shortcode Generator
- Supports Child Themes
- Validate Fields
- Sanitize Fields
- Localization
- Fields Dependencies
- Supports Multilangual Fields
- Reset/Restore/Export/Import Options
- and so much more...
## Options Fields
- Text
- Textarea
- Checkbox
- Radio
- Select
- Number
- Icons
- Group
- Image
- Upload
- Gallery
- Sorter
- Wysiwyg
- Switcher
- Background
- Color Picker
- Multi Checkbox
- Checkbox Image Select
- Radio Image Select
- Typography
- Backup
- Heading
- Sub Heading
- Fieldset
- Notice
- and **extendable** fields
## Donate to the Development
You Guys! If you want to see more functions and features for this framework, you can buy me a coffee. I need a lot of it when I am creating new stuff for you. Thank you in advance.
## License
Codestar Framework is **free** to use both personal and commercial. If you used commercial, **please credit**.
Read more about GNU [license.txt](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt)
## Credits
Thanks for guys! Please read [credits](http://codestarframework.com/credits/). If you would like to contribute please fork the project and [report bugs](https://github.com/Codestar/codestar-framework/issues) or submit [pull requests](https://github.com/Codestar/codestar-framework/pulls)</a>.
## The Latest Updates
#### 1.0.1
- Added: Taxonomy options framework
- Added: Taxonomy css styles and rtl support
- Added: Framework title option in framework config file
- Added: Show/Hide option for `Reset All Options` button in framework config file
- Added: Helper function for get $_POST/$_GET variables
- Added: Metaboxes array support for post_type. see [#99](https://github.com/Codestar/codestar-framework/issues/99)
- Added: Fieldset new feature `un_array` option for children element getting by unique id. see [#235](https://github.com/Codestar/codestar-framework/issues/235)
- Added: An action `cs_validate_save` for save framework options fields
- Added: Background size option for background field
- Added: Debug light option for showing element id
- Added: Fallback file for avoid missing core functions
- Fixed: Background field custom titles (button, dialog etc) issue
- Updated: Framework documentation for taxonomy framework and fields
- Updated: Font Awesome 4.5.0 icons package
- Changed: Menu type names in framework config file. for eg. from `add_menu_page` to `menu`
- Improved: Theme Check plugin compatibility
- Improved: Dependency script for multiple checkboxes values
See [changelog](CHANGELOG.md)
##### Using Codestar Framework Themes
[![Route Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme](http://s3.codestarlive.com/route/userbox/route-preview-promo.png)](http://themeforest.net/item/route-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/8815770?ref=Codestar)
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
Wordpress黑格网址导航主题blackgrid.zip (187个子文件)
.babelrc 40B
style.css 182KB
cs-framework.css 41KB
cs-framework.min.css 34KB
font-awesome.css 32KB
font-awesome.min.css 27KB
style.css 19KB
caomei.css 19KB
caomei.css 19KB
cs-framework-rtl.css 4KB
cs-framework-rtl.min.css 3KB
.editorconfig 198B
StrawberryIcon-pro.eot 75KB
StrawberryIcon-pro.eot 75KB
fontawesome-webfont.eot 69KB
table.min.js 132KB
cs-plugins.js 80KB
chosen.jquery.js 43KB
cs-framework.js 40KB
cs-plugins.min.js 40KB
jquery.tooltip.js 17KB
jquery.interdependencies.js 17KB
cs-framework.min.js 17KB
app.min.js 16KB
cherry.min.js 5KB
jquery.actual.js 3KB
gulpfile.babel.js 990B
google-fonts.json 298KB
caomei.json 6KB
package.json 648B
bn_BD.mo 4KB
fa_IR.mo 4KB
ar.mo 3KB
ro_RO.mo 3KB
pt_BR.mo 3KB
tr_TR.mo 3KB
FontAwesome.otf 107KB
framework.class.php 14KB
video.php 13KB
cs-framework-path.php 10KB
options.class.php 9KB
framework.config.php 9KB
customize.config.php 8KB
metabox.class.php 7KB
taxonomy.class.php 6KB
content.php 6KB
helpers.php 6KB
shortcode.class.php 5KB
functions.php 5KB
user.php 5KB
follower.php 5KB
background.php 5KB
auth.php 4KB
ajax-user.php 4KB
customize.class.php 4KB
navbar.php 4KB
typography.php 4KB
bookmark.php 4KB
cs-framework.php 4KB
group.php 3KB
sidenav.php 3KB
cleanup.php 3KB
weibo.php 3KB
github.php 3KB
write.php 3KB
login.php 3KB
wechat.php 3KB
smiley.php 3KB
sanitize.php 2KB
card.php 2KB
actions.php 2KB
index.php 2KB
sorter.php 2KB
fallback.php 2KB
ajax-post.php 2KB
gallery.php 2KB
setting.php 2KB
enqueue.php 1KB
backup.php 1KB
ajax.php 1KB
rewrite.php 1KB
select.php 1KB
checkbox.php 1KB
radio.php 1KB
upload.php 1KB
user.php 1KB
image.php 1KB
image_select.php 1KB
validate.php 1KB
wpie.php 1KB
footer.php 1KB
thumbnail.php 1KB
color_picker.php 1KB
icon.php 1KB
helper.php 1KB
header.php 1KB
comment.php 1KB
single.php 1KB
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