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**XLearning** is a convenient and efficient scheduling platform combined with the big data and artificial intelligence, support for a variety of machine learning, deep learning frameworks. XLearning is running on the Hadoop Yarn and has integrated deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, MXNet, Caffe, Theano, PyTorch, Keras, XGBoost. XLearning has the satisfactory scalability and compatibility.
## Architecture
There are three essential components in XLearning:
- **Client**: start and get the state of the application.
- **ApplicationMaster(AM)**: the role for the internal schedule and lifecycle manager, including the input data distribution and containers management.
- **Container**: the actual executor of the application to start the progress of Worker or PS(Parameter Server), monitor and report the status of the progress to AM, and save the output, especially start the TensorBoard service for TensorFlow application.
## Functions
### 1 Support Multiple Deep Learning Frameworks
Besides the distributed mode of TensorFlow and MXNet frameworks, XLearning supports the standalone mode of all deep learning frameworks such as Caffe, Theano, PyTorch. Moreover, XLearning allows the custom versions and multi-version of frameworks flexibly.
### 2 Unified Data Management Based On HDFS
XLearning is enable to specify the input strategy for the input data `--input` by setting the `--input-strategy` parameter or `xlearning.input.strategy` configuration. XLearning support three ways to read the HDFS input data:
- **Download**: AM traverses all files under the specified HDFS path and distributes data to workers in files. Each worker download files from the remote to local.
- **Placeholder**: The difference with Download mode is that AM send the related HDFS file list to workers. The process in worker read the data from HDFS directly.
- **InputFormat**: Integrated the InputFormat function of MapReduce, XLearning allows the user to specify any of the implementation of InputFormat for the input data. AM splits the input data and assigns fragments to the different workers. Each worker passes the assigned fragments through the pipeline to the execution progress.
Similar with the read strategy, XLearning allows to specify the output strategy for the output data `--output` by setting the `--output-strategy` parameter or `xlearning.output.strategy` configuration. There are two kinds of result output modes:
- **Upload**: After the program finished, each worker upload the local directory of the output to specified HDFS path directly. The button, "Saved Model", on the web interface allows user to upload the intermediate result to remote during the execution.
- **OutputFormat**: Integrated the OutputFormat function of MapReduce, XLearning allows the user to specify any of the implementation of OutputFormat for saving the result to HDFS.
More detail see [**data management**](./doc/datamanage_cn.md)
### 3 Visualization Display
The application interface can be divided into four parts:
- **All Containers**:display the container list and corresponding information, including the container host, container role, current state of container, start time, finish time, current progress.
- **View TensorBoard**:If set to start the service of TensorBoard when the type of application is TensorFlow, provide the link to enter the TensorBoard for real-time view.
- **Save Model**:If the application has the output, user can upload the intermediate output to specified HDFS path during the execution of the application through the button of "Save Model". After the upload finished, display the list of the intermediate saved path.
- **Worker Metrix**:display the resource usage information metrics of each worker.
As shown below:
### 4 Compatible With The Code At Native Frameworks
Except the automatic construction of the ClusterSpec at the distributed mode TensorFlow framework, the program at standalone mode TensorFlow and other deep learning frameworks can be executed at XLearning directly.
## Compilation & Deployment Instructions
### 1 Compilation Environment Requirements
- jdk >= 1.7
- Maven >= 3.3
### 2 Compilation Method
Run the following command in the root directory of the source code:
`mvn package`
After compiling, a distribution package named `xlearning-1.1-dist.tar.gz` will be generated under `target` in the root directory.
Unpacking the distribution package, the following subdirectories will be generated under the root directory:
- bin: scripts for application commit
- lib: jars for XLearning and dependencies
- conf: configuration files
- sbin: scripts for history service
- data: data and files for examples
- examples: XLearning examples
### 3 Deployment Environment Requirements
- CentOS 7.2
- Java >= 1.7
- Hadoop = 2.6, 2.7, 2.8
- [optional] Dependent environment for deep learning frameworks at the cluster nodes, such as TensorFlow, numpy, Caffe.
### 4 XLearning Client Deployment Guide
Under the "conf" directory of the unpacking distribution package "$XLEARNING_HOME", configure the related files:
- xlearning-env.sh: set the environment variables, such as:
- xlearning-site.xml: configure related properties. Note that the properties associated with the history service needs to be consistent with what has configured when the history service started.For more details, please see the [**Configuration**](./doc/configure.md) part。
- log4j.properties:configure the log level
### 5 Start Method of XLearning History Service [Optional]
- run `$XLEARNING_HOME/sbin/start-history-server.sh`.
## Quick Start
Use `$XLEARNING_HOME/bin/xl-submit` to submit the application to cluster in the XLearning client.
Here are the submit example for the TensorFlow application.
### 1 upload data to hdfs
upload the "data" directory under the root of unpacking distribution package to HDFS
hadoop fs -put data /tmp/
### 2 submit
cd $XLEARNING_HOME/examples/tensorflow
$XLEARNING_HOME/bin/xl-submit \
--app-type "tensorflow" \
--app-name "tf-demo" \
--input /tmp/data/tensorflow#data \
--output /tmp/tensorflow_model#model \
--files demo.py,dataDeal.py \
--launch-cmd "python demo.py --data_path=./data --save_path=./model --log_dir=./eventLog --training_epochs=10" \
--worker-memory 10G \
--worker-num 2 \
--worker-cores 3 \
--ps-memory 1G \
--ps-num 1 \
--ps-cores 2 \
--queue default \
The meaning of the parameters are as follows:
Property Name | Meaning
---------------- | ---------------
app-name | application name as "tf-demo"
app-type | application type as "tensorflow"
input | input file, HDFS path is "/tmp/data/tensorflow" related to local dir "./data"
output | output file,HDFS path is "/tmp/tensorflow_model" related to local dir "./model"
files | application program and required local files, including demo.py, dataDeal.py
launch-cmd | execute command
worker-memory | amount of memory to use for the worker process is 10GB
worker-num | number of worker containers to use for the application is 2
worker-cores | number of cores to use for the worker process is 3
ps-memory | amount of memory to use for the ps process is 1GB
ps-num | number of ps containers to use for the application is 1
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机器学习 (1)模拟人脑的机器学习 符号学习:模拟人脑的宏现心理级学习过程,以认知心理学原理为基础,以符号数据为输入,以符号运算为方法,用推理过程在图或状态空间中搜索,学习的目标为概念或规则等。符号学习的典型方法有记忆学习、示例学习、演绎学习.类比学习、解释学习等。 神经网络学习(或连接学习):模拟人脑的微观生理级学习过程,以脑和神经科学原理为基础,以人工神经网络为函数结构模型,以数值数据为输入,以数值运算为方法,用迭代过程在系数向量空间中搜索,学习的目标为函数。典型的连接学习有权值修正学习、拓扑结构学习。 (2)直接采用数学方法的机器学习 主要有统计机器学习。 [2] 统计机器学习是基于对数据的初步认识以及学习目的的分析,选择合适的数学模型,拟定超参数,并输入样本数据,依据一定的策略,运用合适的学习算法对模型进行训练,最后运用训练好的模型对数据进行分析预测。 统计机器学习三个要素: 模型(model):模型在未进行训练前,其可能的参数是多个甚至无穷的,故可能的模型也是多个甚至无穷的,这些模型构成的集合就是假设空间。 策略(strategy):即从假设空间中挑选出参数最优的模型的准则。
XLearning是一款支持多种机器学习、深度学习框架调度系统.zip (136个子文件)
demo.c 589B
train.conf 3KB
mushroom.yarn.conf 871B
iris_training.csv 2KB
iris_test.csv 573B
demo 9KB
nytimes.word_id.dict 2.19MB
file1 62.19MB
file2 62.19MB
train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz 9.45MB
t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz 1.57MB
train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz 28KB
t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz 4KB
ApplicationMaster.java 114KB
XLearningContainer.java 52KB
Client.java 42KB
ApplicationContainerListener.java 32KB
InfoBlock.java 22KB
HsJobBlock.java 21KB
ClientArguments.java 18KB
XLearningConfiguration.java 18KB
HistoryClientService.java 17KB
SingleInfoBlock.java 15KB
HsController.java 14KB
AppController.java 13KB
HsSingleJobBlock.java 13KB
JobHistoryServer.java 10KB
Heartbeat.java 9KB
ContainerReporter.java 9KB
Utilities.java 7KB
RMCallbackHandler.java 7KB
XLearningWebAppUtil.java 6KB
TextMultiOutputFormat.java 6KB
DockerContainer.java 5KB
ApplicationWebService.java 3KB
XLearningConstants.java 3KB
ApplicationMessageService.java 3KB
AMParams.java 3KB
HeartbeatRequest.java 3KB
ApplicationContext.java 2KB
UploadTask.java 2KB
HeartbeatResponse.java 2KB
NMCallbackHandler.java 2KB
HsJobPage.java 2KB
InfoPage.java 1KB
InputInfo.java 1KB
XLearningContainerId.java 1KB
ApplicationContainerProtocol.java 1KB
HsWebApp.java 1KB
HsLogsPage.java 1KB
OutputInfo.java 1KB
Message.java 1023B
YarnContainer.java 957B
ContainerRuntimeException.java 665B
XLearningExecException.java 649B
HeaderBlock.java 647B
HeaderBlock.java 607B
ApplicationMessageProtocol.java 490B
NavBlock.java 445B
ContainerListener.java 421B
App.java 322B
AMWebApp.java 284B
IContainerLaunch.java 275B
RequestOverLimitException.java 252B
XLearningContainerStatus.java 189B
JobPriority.java 147B
LogType.java 79B
logo.jpg 84KB
qq.jpg 32KB
highstock.js 256KB
jquery-3.1.1.min.js 85KB
exporting.js 9KB
faq_cn.md 10KB
faq.md 10KB
configure.md 10KB
configure_cn.md 9KB
datamanage_cn.md 6KB
submit.md 5KB
submit_cn.md 4KB
data.mdb 58.9MB
data.mdb 9.86MB
lock.mdb 8KB
lock.mdb 8KB
yarn1.png 112KB
xlearning.png 36KB
logo.png 11KB
log4j.properties 1KB
log4j.properties 1KB
lenet_train_test.prototxt 2KB
lenet_solver.prototxt 768B
demo.py 6KB
demo.py 5KB
demo.py 4KB
dataDeal.py 1KB
start-history-server.sh 2KB
xlearning-env.sh 1KB
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