CONFIDENTIAL. NOT FOR REDISTRIBUTION. PG 3Q3 2024 Carbon & Emissions Tech Report
Vertical update
VC investment in carbon & emissions technologies fell to $2.3 billion in Q3 2024, slightly below
the previous quarter’s $2.5 billion and significantly below the high-water mark from Q3 2023
of $8.8 billion. Multiple factors have contributed to this slowing of VC deal activity. In the US,
as the presidential election nears, the parties’ differing views on climate change mitigation are
causing uncertainty for startups, many of which either are or will be reliant on high-level support,
particularly companies that are currently prerevenue. Different areas within carbon & emissions
tech will be affected differently. Though incentives for point-source carbon capture have been
increased by recent government action, the sector is not as reliant on this support as the currently
less mature direct air capture (DAC) sector. Industrial and oil & gas companies have generally
embraced point-source carbon-capture technology as a drop-in solution to decarbonize their
substantial high-carbon physical assets, allowing decarbonization without costly replacement or
conversion of hardware.
Many DAC companies are currently planning and constructing smaller-scale demonstration
facilities, with a few somewhat more established companies such as Climeworks and Carbon
Engineering developing their first larger-scale facilities. Road maps for DAC facilities tend to
be very aggressive though, often featuring a sequence of facilities that increase capacity by an
order of magnitude with each new facility, ultimately targeting gigaton or multi-gigaton carbon
removal by the 2030s. These road maps could prove challenging to meet and will require
substantial additional funding for construction and development. Already we have seen DAC
companies forced to reevaluate large projects—Q3 saw open-architecture DAC hardware
developer CarbonCapture pause and relocate the development of its planned “Project Bison”
Source: PitchBook • Geography: Global • As of September 30, 2024
Carbon & emissions tech VC deal activity by quarter
Q1 Q3 Q1 Q3 Q1 Q3 Q1 Q3 Q1 Q3 Q1 Q3 Q1 Q3
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Deal value ($B) Deal count