Example 3.2 Rating a multistream shell-and-tube heat
exchanger (MatLab code)
% Example 3.2 Rating a multistream shell-and-tube heat exchanger
% This example is taken from Luo et al. (2002). A three-stream
% shell-and-tube heat exchanger is used to heat two cold streams with one
% hot stream. The exchanger structure is shown in Fig. 3.17. The design
% parameters are presented in Table 3.1. Calculate the outlet temperatures
% of the fluid streams.
T_in = [420; 300; 280]; % K
C_H1 = -8; % kW/K
C_C1 = 4; % kW/K
C_C2 = 5; % kW/K
k = 1.1; % kW
x1 = 0.28;% m
x2 = 0.55;% m
L=1; %m
470 Appendix